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Example sentences for "ideograms"

Lexicographically close words:
identifying; identities; identity; ideo; ideogram; ideograph; ideographic; ideographs; ideological; ideologically
  1. Ideographic records Ideograms are the mnemonic stage of image writing.

  2. All hieroglyphic and alphabetic writing is, therefore, in a way ideographic, but we are accustomed to distinguish phonetic writing and to leave for ideograms proper only those pictures which appeal to eye rather than ear.

  3. There are no texts extant in which images are exclusively used,[44] but we can point to a few where the ideograms have preserved their primitive forms sufficiently to enable us to recognize their origin with certainty.

  4. In the very oldest documents there are certain ideograms that, when we are warned, remind us of the natural objects from which their forms have been taken, but the connection is slight and difficult of apprehension.

  5. It consists of simple syllables made up of a vowel by itself or a vowel and a consonant, ideograms or signs which express an entire word, and closed syllables such as bit or bal.

  6. Again, many of the signs have more than one syllabic value, and they may be used as ideograms as well as phonetically.

  7. The names of the gods are found written with the same ideograms although they were doubtless pronounced differently.

  8. For example, there are several cases where a common set of ideograms appears to have been used as a means of communication between people whose spoken language was mutually unintelligible.

  9. The Chinese and Japanese script, for example, are to this day combinations of ideograms and phonograms.

  10. The hieroglyphic signs are either ideograms or phonograms.

  11. On the flags of the Japanese piratical ships were inscribed the ideograms Hachiman-gu (Hachiman, the God of War).

  12. The first syllabary ever used in Japan had been the manyo-gana, in which the Chinese ideograms were used phonetically with little attention to their original meaning.

  13. Two of the four characters forming this phrase happened to be the ideograms spelling the name of Iyeyasu.

  14. We do not know how these words GAN, SAR, GIN, ŠE were read; they may be ideograms or Sumerian words.

  15. Some by the fact that the signs, printed here in capitals, are ideograms whose meaning is not yet clear.

  16. Education) Defn: A method of teaching reading in which words are first taken as single ideograms and later analyzed into their phonetic and alphabetic elements; -- contrasted with the alphabet and sentence methods.

  17. Ideograms may be defined to be pictures intended to represent either things or thoughts.

  18. You might even have a history without language written or spoken, by means of ideograms and gesture.

  19. There are comparatively few obviously pictorial characters and ideograms to be found even in the script of two thousand years ago; but investigations carried on for many years by Mr. L.

  20. He enjoyed the usufruct of it during his life, and not unfrequently it was employed not only to furnish the house of the newly married couple, but also to start them in business.

  21. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ideograms" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.