Nothing that you can ask me need be prefaced by an apology.
Nothing that I know of," said Percy, "unless I go to the theater.
I saw many pictures that pleased me; nothing that impressed me very strongly.
But however they may be established, there isnothing that we look for with more certainty than this general principle, that Christianity is part of the law of the land.
There is nothing that is equal to their greatness.
Nothing that can be, can come betweene me, and the full prospect of my hopes.
There was nothing in his son that he could be ashamed of, nothing that he could meet with anger, nothing that he could not love; but how should he answer him?
Nothing that any of them can say shall drive me from my purpose; will you say as much?
I can donothing that I would choose to do; be nothing that I would wish to be!
There is nothing that cannot be confirmed, and falsity is confirmed more readily than truth.
Nothing that a person only thinks, not even what he thinks to will, is appropriated to him unless he also wills it so that he does it when opportunity offers.
Touching the first, that there is nothing that cannot be confirmed, and that falsity is confirmed more readily than truth.
There is nothing that [has] more startled our English Audience, than the Italian Recitativo at its first Entrance upon the Stage.
Nothing that is not a real Crime makes a Man appear so contemptible and little in the Eyes of the World as Inconstancy, especially when it regards Religion or Party.
Only the inhabitants of cities are specified,--"of the cities of these people thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth.
If now I could find him, there’s nothing that I should be in fear of.
I am a man,[23] {and} nothing that concerns a man do I deem a matter of indifference to me.
There is nothing that I would like better than for all that family to be thrown in my way, that I might give vent to all {my} wrath upon them while this wound is still fresh.
In a word, nothing that we do will be approved of God if we are not thoroughly persuaded that it is for Him and His cause we suffer persecution, and the world is our enemy.
Nothing that I had ever seen had affected me so strangely as this unfamiliar and unaccountable phenomenon, yet I am unable to recall any sense of fear.
For I believe that just as there is nothing in the world which so injures one's body as fear, so there is nothing that so much shuts up the soul.
There is no ambition in it, no tears or taxes, no men and women pretending, nothing that is not happy.
There is nothing thatgives a greater sense of comfort than the purring of a cat.
Nothing that happens in the world happens by chance.
Nothing that it contains is worth the life and consecration of an immortal soul.
There is nothing that requires so much to be kept in its place as religion, and its place is what?
Nothing that he had heard, nothing that he had read in the papers and the monthly reviews had brought home to him the spirit of the age and the fact that Things were not as they used to be so clearly as this one remark of Jack Bruce's.
Nothing that he had ever experienced with the gloves on approached this.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "nothing that" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.