He thus becomesinterested once more in life; and joins in the chorus of Liberty singing in every grove.
The one is a love which is self-centered, self-devoted, self-interested .
Another book that interested Shelley very much was the "Memoires relatives a la Revolution Francaise" of Louvet.
Here he became interested in physical experiments and carried them on at unseasonable hours.
Here too he became greatly interested in chemistry and astronomy.
I cannot too often remember that to be deeply interested and to be highly satisfied are not always commensurate.
He is still interestedin the human race, and the promise, as Peter put it, is "to all that are afar off.
How interested the King became as he heard of the rich man's greed and the poor man's loss, until he was so stirred that he threatened the death of the tyrant!
And shall not we be as interested as we see men and women contend successfully for "the prize?
It so happens," said Sir Thomas Armitage, "that I'm interested in the same subject.
He interested himself in the straw-hatted peasants at work in the tea-gardens and the ricefields.
The reader will be interestedby the singular analogies with the beneficial and feudal system of Europe in a remote part of the world, indicated by Col.
The Roman world was deeply interested in the education of its master.
Many of those temples were the most splendid and beautiful monuments of Grecian architecture; and the emperor himself was interested not to deface the splendor of his own cities, or to diminish the value of his own possessions.
Their active and interested hatred laboriously accomplished the disgrace and ruin of the great Stilicho.
But the hopes of peace were disappointed by the weak obstinacy, or interested views, of the minister Olympius.
Charges like these may seem to deserve some degree of credit, as they are not repugnant to the crafty and interested spirit of superstition.
The next morning, Janet felt herself in duty bound to make inquiry concerning those interested in Miss Galbraith.
Nothing interested him; he never looked at the papers, never cared to hear a word of news.
They were all much interested in his strange early history, and as it suited Ellen's turn of mind she allowed her lover to engross her affections.
Heyward lent his attention for a single moment to his companion, but without replying, he again turned toward those who just then interested him more.
King Henry VI During the rapid movement from the blockhouse, and until the party was deeply buried in the forest, each individual was too much interested in the escape to hazard a word even in whispers.
During the foregoing address the progress of the speaker was too plainly read by those most interested in his success through the medium of the countenances of the men he addressed.
During one of these conferences Heyward observed that Uncas stood a patient and silent, though, as he imagined, an interested listener.
Of these several moments Heyward was a deeply interested and wondering observer.
Neither spoke for a few moments, each regarding the other with curious and interested eyes.
The country interested him, but does not seem to have deeply or permanently engaged his attention.
His [Mr. Moore's] book is one that cannot fail to be much talked about; and everyone who is interested in modern painting will do well to make acquaintance with its views.
It is impossible for any student of literature, for any interested reader, not to indulge in some forecast as to what rank in the poetic hierarchy Robert Browning will ultimately occupy.
But he was always interested in what the boy was doing, and the books exerted a peculiar magic effect upon him.
Pelle at any rate saw a little of Christmas as it passed, and was as interested in it as if it concerned himself; and he gave Lasse no rest from his questions that day.
Indeed, it was soon afterwards ascertained, by those chiefly interested in the matter, that he was equally ignorant on the point as themselves.
We are investigating the theory, not the history, of taste, and are more interested in the present developed aesthetic consciousness than in its rudimentary forms.
While intended primarily for students, the book will appeal generally, I hope, to people who are interested in the intelligent appreciation of art.
He could not have imagined her so cordial, so youthful, so interested in everything that met her gaze.
She stitched quickly and roughly, not as one interested in needlework or careful for its own sake of the regularity of the stitch.
And so, entirely aside from Warden Desmas's recommendation, which was given in a very quiet, noncommittal way, Bonhag was interested to see what he could do for Cowperwood for a price.
He conveyed much of his own optimism to all those who knew him and were interested in his welfare, but of course there were many who were not.
The city treasurer became interested in it, and the State treasurer.
Young Cowperwood had been greatlyinterested from the start.
I know you are naturally interested in the outcome of the fall election.
And here it was, during the first year of the new life in this house, that Frank met a certain Mrs. Semple, who interested him greatly.
Many of the leading financiers and financier-politicians were interestedin that.
Mollenhauer, Butler, and Simpson were interested in street-railways separately on their own account.
It was only two weeks later that Frank took his departure from Waterman & Company, interested and yet in no way flustered by his new prospects.
A particularly old priest, a French father, who came to hear their confessions at school, interested her as being kind and sweet.
Henry Cowperwood was exceedingly interested in and pleased at the arrival of this rather prosperous relative; for twelve years before, when he was married, Seneca Davis had not taken much notice of him.
His own family was closely interested by ties of affection and mutual prosperity, but, better than this, he was drawing to himself some really significant personalities.
So Sister Sempronia had sought to find what Aileen was most interested in, and bribe her therewith.
Railway transportation, as a whole, interested him, anyway, but this particular phase was most fascinating.
The answer was that Felix was genuinelyinterested in Lilian.
She stared at him for a moment with the casually interested stare of non-recognition, perfectly executed.
She was sointerested and absorbed that she now and then neglected to feel unhappy and persecuted.
And he had not been sufficiently interested to swerve by a hair's breadth from his finished and nonchalant formal politeness.
This quality was so conspicuous that it interested me.
He knew Francis William there, who had repute for great attainments, retirement of manner, and high character; but had never heard there was a third brother, and was much interestedin what I had to tell him.
Afterwards I returned to the House of Commons with him, he being interested in an expected division.
But, strange to say, the same paper issued under the title of Work became successful Everybody was interested in work but not in being workmen.
Historic questions which interested those who lived through them, are made clear, by facts unknown or unregarded then.
The reader will be interestedin seeing it Here it is:-- To the Worthy and Independent Electors of the Borough of Newark.
He would see any one, at any hour, interested in the progress of the people.
All manner of groups of special students, interested in some particular side of human history, come now-a-days to the anthropologist, asking leave to borrow from his stock of facts the kind that they happen to want.
But I couldn't wait until then to show it to you, my dear friends, because you were all interested in it last year.
Boys of every age under sixty will be interested in these fascinating volumes.
He is not only thoroughly interested but he keeps guard out here in case any one should try to break in.
Anne, eager to learn for Grace's sake, became interested on her own account, and soon mastered the main points of the game.
Now that the San Diego Exposition is over my master, I expect, will take me all over the country, so that more people may see me and become interested in my education.
I was much interested in them, and always seemed to have fair success in their management.
No one will ever know how much I was interested at this first performance of hers.
The bird was taken to the stable, and Captain became much interestedin her.
All that she saw and heard about her interested her.
More than ever, in the church, had her face, with its strength and sadness, interested him.
Mademoiselle Felicie, who is very amiable, appeared much interestedin a visit which the bishop is to pay them on Monday.
He was much more interested in the others with their evident impending trouble, even in Mlle.
She thought it was some one interested in an orphan, for whom she had come to plead the cause; but the visitors who had this end in view generally belonged to a different class.
He took no fees, being at heart a genuine philanthropist, yet at the same time did no harm to his fellow-practitioners, because he only accepted unremunerative cases, and cases that interested him for some very special reason.
Stoffles trotted lightly after, obviouslyinterested in its method of locomotion.
One never knows what women think, especially the women who write, while a Cat, victim of English perfidy, is interested to say more than she thinks, and her profuseness may serve to compensate for what these ladies do not say.
Tightly clasped between its minute teeth was found (what interested me more) a few long hairs, late the property of Stoffles.
Writing always interested him, and, until he understood it, he wanted to hold the pen.
It was then Owen's turn to run to the window to see what it was that had so much interested his master.
Gaston, somewhat interested in the adventurous life of the pretended captain.
You have good friends,' said Herment; 'friends in good places, who are greatly interestedfor you.
By granting me the request I came to make, for my visit is an interested one.
Monsieur de Laval appeared to have some important news to communicate, and kept looking at Gaston as though he were interested in it.
I do not know; perhaps I also have to reassure some pretty creature who is interested in me; but, at any rate, at the appointed hour you will find your yesterday's guide with the same carriage and the same coachman.
Capital was interested in many sections, and extensive estates, orange groves covering hundreds and even thousands of acres, were planted near Bahia Honda, fifty miles west of Havana.
The establishment of receiving agents, perhaps, under the control of men who were financially interested with the growers themselves, might remedy this difficulty.
It was in this year that Luciano Diaz, formerly Secretary of Public Works, became interested in the district known as Matahambre.
The prestige and financial standing of the officers and directors of and of the capitalists interested in the Punta Alegre Sugar Company and the Atkins Properties is sufficient to guarantee the successful operation of these properties.
During the second year of American intervention, Mr. Frye interested Harvard University in the subject of Cuban education.
Few men interested in the sugar business in Cuba have had a broader, more varied or more useful experience; and there are none whose judgment as to the value of cane lands and sugar properties is more to be relied upon.
Many private individuals who had always been interested in the cattle industry imported thoroughbred bulls from the United States.
I shall try to answer some questions which I imagine might be put by different classes of men who are interested in this part of the west.
The town is not in the hands of capitalists, though moneyed men are interested in it.
This, of course, impeded our progress; but we got over in a few minutes; and I felt so much interested in this new kind of navigation, that I would have been glad to try the voyage over again.
Why should those interested in it be subject to special disabilities of competing occupancy?
But to proceed with my own story; I now ceased all at once to take much pleasure in the pursuits which formerly interested me, I yawned over Ab Gwilym, even as I now in my mind's eye perceive the reader yawning over the present pages.