Toward the end of the lobe, melting and evaporation increase rapidly because the planetary westerly winds are more likely to overcome the glacial winds and sweep across a long, narrow lobe than across a broad one.
Lows which cross a lobe do not yield so much snow to the tip as do those which follow the margin.
Again, where the topography or the location of oceans or dry areas causes the glacial lobes to be long and narrow, the elongation of the lobe is apparently checked in several ways.
When the posterior lobe is well developed, a third prolongation of the ventricular cavity extends into it, and is called the "posterior cornu.
Any one who cannot see the posterior lobe in an ape's brain is not likely to give a very valuable opinion respecting the posterior cornu or the hippocampus minor.
It was clear, therefore, that I had not erred in my interpretation, and that the posterior lobeof the brain of the Neanderthal man must have been as much flattened as I suspected it to be.
That the third lobe is neither peculiar to, nor characteristic of, man seeing that it exists in all the higher quadrumana.
I know a case of a woman who has the lobe of one of her ears a little flattened.
Greg is a short man, but his brain is large, the anterior lobe very fine, and a moral region to correspond.
It is probably a lobe of the Taylor Bay or Brady Glacier.
One lobe of the kernel is therefore full-meated while the other half or lobe is very undernourished or it may be a thin wisp of a kernel as is the appearance of the Weschcke variety in similar circumstances.
In addition to this umbrella-like ornament on its head, it has what may be called a pelerine suspended from the neck, formed by a thick fan of glossy steel-blue feathers which grow on a long fleshy lobe or excrescence.
In their head there is a special lobe of the brain, similar to those of the triglas, which sends large nerves to that part of the gills protecting the young, thus connecting the care of the offspring with the organ of intelligence.
This lobeis connected with an unusual development of the trachea and vocal organs, undoubtedly assisting the bird to utter its strange note.
On one wing this lobe has a sharp raised margin, on the other the strong membrane which traverses it on the under side is crossed by a number of fine and sharp furrows like those of a file.
The cephaliclobe becomes located in the dorsal valve of the shell, and the mouth is formed near the apex of the cephalic lobe immediately ventral to the eye-spots, by an epiblastic invagination.
The post-anal lobe forms the somewhat rounded apex of the body.
Another pair of contractile bands passes from the same region of the prae-oral lobe to the oesophagus.
A prae-oral lobe is well developed, as in Bipinnaria, but there is no post-anal lobe.
At the apex of the prae-oral lobe is placed a bunch of long cilia, and a patch of cilia also marks out the anal area.
It is covered with cilia and divided into a prae-oral lobe and post-oral region of nearly equal dimensions.
It first becomes five-lobed, each lobe forming a rudimentary tube foot, and on each side of the middle lobe two fresh ones next spring out, and so on in succession.
Other really similar forms at first sight appear very different, but this is mainly owing to the fact that their prae-oral lobe never attains a considerable development.
The attachment of the larva by the prae-oral lobe is not more extraordinary than the attachment of a Barnacle by its head, and after such a mode of attachment the atrophy of the supra-oesophageal ganglion would be only natural.
The terminal median lobe forms the tentacle at the end of the arm, and the eye is developed at its base.
Soon however it becomes distinguished by the growth of a post-anal lobe and the absence of a prae-oral lobe (fig.
The persistence of the prae-oral lobeas the proboscis is interesting, as tending to shew that Balanoglossus is the surviving representative of a primitive group.
Five pairs of long provisional setae are present, of which all but the hindermost are seated on the ventral lobe of the mantle.
Each procephalic lobe is now marked by a deep semicircular groove.
In the middle of this arch there hangs from its free edge a little lobe called the uvula.
The cerebellum, or lesser brain, lies in the back of the cranium, and is covered over in man by the posterior lobe of the cerebrum.
Neither of us thought anything of it at the time, but now I recall that I did see Kennedy once or twice press the lobe of his ear as though something had hurt it.
A moment later, I recall now, it seemed to me as though some one had stuck a pin into the lobe of my ear.
Liver adherent by its right lobe to the ribs; this lobe was of a greenish leaden colour.
He kissed her, first on her mouth and then on thelobe of the ear that was next to him.
Nayland Smith was pacing the floor with increasing rapidity; he was tugging at the lobe of his left ear and his pipe had long since gone out.
In the dim light from the broken window I could see Smith tugging reflectively at the lobeof his left ear.
Smith, permitting his pipe to go out, sat staring straightly before him, and tugging at the lobe of his left ear.
My last sight of Smith showed him standing looking after me, tugging at the lobe of his ear and clicking his teeth together with suppressed irritability.
He stood there in the grey light of the hall-way tugging at the lobe of his left ear.
He was twitching at the lobe of his left ear, and his face was a study in perplexity.
Whatever it had been he was disappointed, and he turned to me again, frowning perplexedly, and tugging at the lobe of his left ear, an old trick which reminded me of gruesome things we had lived through in the past.
Smith began to tug at the lobe of his left ear, reflectively, as I saw out of the corner of my eye.
The ears of men of the better classes were much elongated artificially by the constant wearing of heavy earrings, which sometimes even tore the lobe of the ear.
Men wear, passed through the lobe of the ear, an earring with malachite ornamentations, and often with an additional long pendant.
Abscesses, too, of the middle lobe of the cerebrum, or in the cerebellum, are sometimes evacuated through the meatus auditorius.
Along with thickening of the bladder, and disease of its mucous coat, there was found a large abscess of the cellular tissue, communicating with an abscess in the third lobe of the prostate gland, and that with the cavity of the bladder.
One lobe is usually in a state of greater advancement than the other.
Of or pertaining to the middle gastric lobe of the carapace of a crab.
Of or pertaining to the lobe of the carapace of crabs covering the posterior branchiæ.
This arum, for example, grows first from a small hard seed with a single lobe or seed-leaf.
All the accumulated nasal experiences of his ancestors have made that lobe enormously developed.
Epicranial lobe: in caterpillars, the lateral, superior convex lobe of the head.
Claspette: in genitalia of male culicids, the inner basal lobe of side piece; q.
Glossa: the inner lobe of second maxilla, corresponding to the lacing of first maxilla: loosely used as a synonym for tongue: especially applied to the coiled structure of the Lepidoptera; see also ligula.
Ear-lobe size is moderate in more than half the series, pronounced in 22 per cent, and submedium in 22 per cent.
This distinctiveness is more marked among the interior groups where the soldered type of lobeincreases to 31 percent.
The ear lobe is somewhat distinctive with a 65 per cent incidence of the attached condition and 10 per cent soldered.
As the ice retreated, sand and gravel in the form of terraces accumulated along the margin of the Umpog valley, where the drainage was concentrated in the spaces left by the melting of the ice lobe from the hillside.
It is possible that an ice lobe extended down the old Rocky River valley, perhaps occupying much of the country between Beaver Brook Mountain and the high ridge west of the valley.
A lobe of fine till extends into the valley from the northeast and narrows the outlet.
That part of the drainage coming down the valley opposite Beaver Brook met the drainage from Still River ice lobe in the valley north of Shelter Rock, and as a result heavy deposits of stratified drift were laid down.
The caudal fin embraces occasionally in its upper lobe the end of the vertebral column, which may be prolonged to the end of the upper lobe.
The mode of development of the pectoral lobe (very large in this species) furnishes another resemblance.
The swordfish swims near the surface, allowing its dorsal fin to appear, as also the upper lobe of the caudal.
In the malformed flowers no pollen is formed, at least in the more complete states of the malformation, but the walls of the anther lobe become preternaturally enlarged, and petaloid in texture and appearance.
Delavaud[497] puts on record a case of hypertrophy in the leaves of the common elm, resulting in the formation of an additional lobe and a return to the tricostate type.
In other cases, in the same plant, the anther appeared as if formed by two collateral leaves, the faces looking towards the circumference of the flower, and their margins so folded together as to represent an open anther lobe (fig.
Signs indicative of injury to the olfactory lobe were occasionally observed.
At the anterior border of the right lobe of the liver an abscess cavity existed in connection with the wound of the liver, and this was continuous with the aperture of exit, although not discharging.
When the symptom was the accompaniment of a fracture of the roof of the orbit, the possibility of concussion of the olfactory lobe was manifest.
A pulmonary abscess cavity the size of a hen's egg occupied the upper part of the lower lobe of the left lung.
A rugged furrow was found on the under surface of the left lobe of the liver; the stomach was contracted and firmly adherent by recent lymph to the under surface of the liver and the diaphragm.
In 68 the lesion was probably confined to the left lobe, but it is impossible to exclude slight injury to the right lobe also.
Such a loss agrees with a lesion involving the upper part of the cuneate lobeabove the calcarine fissure.
The former patient died; the latter exhibited symptoms indicative of injury to the occipital lobe (No.
The track through the brain no doubt involved a considerable extent of the outer aspect of the right occipital lobe and the cuneate lobule.
The dura-mater was lacerated and brain matter from the frontal lobe escaped freely.
The gutter was 1-1/2 inch in length and finely comminuted, the dura wounded, and the left occipital lobe pulped.
The lesion is one of the left occipital cortex in the cuneate lobe and the neighbourhood of the calcarine fissure.
The only exception to this rule was offered by instances in which the bullet passed from the orbit into the cranium; in these primary removal of fragments projecting into the frontal lobe was preferable.
In 65 the injury was definitely unilateral, and at the time of the operation I decided that at least an inch and a half of the posterior extremity of the left occipital lobe was totally destroyed.
On introducing the finger, about 1-1/2 square inches of the occipital lobe were found to be pulped, and the finger could be swept across the tentorium.
Further investigation, however, showed that there was practically no sexual difference in the frontal lobe of the brain, or, if there was a difference, it was probably in favor of woman.
Some years ago it was positively asserted that the development of the frontal lobe exhibited a pronounced difference in the two sexes.