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Example sentences for "gangland"

Lexicographically close words:
gane; gang; ganger; gangers; ganging; ganglia; gangling; ganglion; ganglionic; ganglions
  1. It stopped pursuit; but Gangland has ever held that the shot was an error.

  2. To Butch, as to Gangland in general, morality was as so much lost motion.

  3. The glance of Gangland turned towards the Five Points.

  4. What the puissant Twist proposed was a commonest step in Gangland commerce--Gangland, where the Scotch proverb of "Take what you may; keep what you can!

  5. Gangland was quick to see the humorous side; and since humanity is prone to decide as it laughs, Gangland overwhelmingly declared in favor of Butch.

  6. At rout and racket, he, Spanish, would lead the hard walk with her, and she should shine out upon Gangland fashion like a fire in a forest.

  7. Casey, who hadn't been born and brought up in Mulberry Bend to become a leading light of Gangland for nothing, took his gun and issued forth on the trail of McTaffe.

  8. The police did not get Spanish; but in Gangland the incident did him little good.

  9. The rule in Gangland is to let every man kill his own snakes.

  10. On no milder terms could Harry sustain himself in Gangland first circles.

  11. The dancing floor of the New Brighton was crowded with Gangland chivalry and fashion.

  12. It is feared that Foster may have been the victim of a gangland murder.

  13. Gangland differences were forgotten in the larger issue of the common weal.

  14. Stace Morse--known in gangland as a man with every crime in the calendar to his credit, and prominent because of it!

  15. For gangland hates nothing so much as a "snitch.

  16. Of course we can't connect Dopey Jack with his death, but--then we know as well as we know anything in gangland that he was responsible.

  17. But it would be an end that gangland would long remember, and an end that the Wolf would share!

  18. Everybody that was anybody in gangland knew this.

  19. Then from the blasphemous mouth of the king of gangland there came a shriek of awful fear.

  20. Fingers of steel had gripped his wrist and the king of gangland rolled over on him, twisting the gun from his hand.

  21. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gangland" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    mob; rackets; syndicate; underworld