Though Arsenic be volatile, yet it requires a pretty strong fire to separate it from the minerals containing it, especially in close vessels; because it adheres very close to earthy and vitrifiable matters.
To convert Lead into Litharge, which is the metal in a manner half vitrified, you need only keep it melted by a pretty strong fire; for then as its surface gradually calcines, it tends more and more to fusion and vitrification.
The heat should be at first moderate; but towards the end of the operation it must be pretty strong to bring into complete fusion the silver and the scoriae, and to effect their complete separation.
The crews were provided with muskets, pistols, and cutlasses; and all formed a pretty strong body, against which the Arabs were not likely to make any effectual stand.
It is a pretty strong place, fortified by stockades, with heavy batteries of guns.
As we advanced, we could plainly perceive the enemy in front, skirmishing with our grenadiers, and we also saw that they possessed a pretty strong body of cavalry--a species of troops we had not encountered on the 2d.
The enemy sent a pretty strong corps of light troops across, which got engaged with our people; but we soon drove down through the wood again towards the bridge.
Martin said what he thought of that part of the country, in pretty strong terms.
Mrs Hominy was a philosopher and an authoress, and consequently had a pretty strong digestion; but this coarse, this indecorous phrase, was almost too much for her.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pretty strong" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.