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Example sentences for "pretty strong"

  • Though Arsenic be volatile, yet it requires a pretty strong fire to separate it from the minerals containing it, especially in close vessels; because it adheres very close to earthy and vitrifiable matters.

  • To convert Lead into Litharge, which is the metal in a manner half vitrified, you need only keep it melted by a pretty strong fire; for then as its surface gradually calcines, it tends more and more to fusion and vitrification.

  • The heat should be at first moderate; but towards the end of the operation it must be pretty strong to bring into complete fusion the silver and the scoriae, and to effect their complete separation.

  • The crews were provided with muskets, pistols, and cutlasses; and all formed a pretty strong body, against which the Arabs were not likely to make any effectual stand.

  • It is a pretty strong place, fortified by stockades, with heavy batteries of guns.

  • As we advanced, we could plainly perceive the enemy in front, skirmishing with our grenadiers, and we also saw that they possessed a pretty strong body of cavalry--a species of troops we had not encountered on the 2d.

  • The enemy sent a pretty strong corps of light troops across, which got engaged with our people; but we soon drove down through the wood again towards the bridge.

  • Martin said what he thought of that part of the country, in pretty strong terms.

  • Mrs Hominy was a philosopher and an authoress, and consequently had a pretty strong digestion; but this coarse, this indecorous phrase, was almost too much for her.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pretty strong" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    also gives; came into; fellow soldiers; five hundred thousand dollars; happy woman; less general; mental influence; plural form; pretty child; pretty close; pretty considerable; pretty fellow; pretty hard; pretty house; pretty large; pretty lass; pretty little; pretty long; pretty much; pretty place; pretty sight; pretty strong; pretty sure; pretty thing; special purpose; then remove