Strictly, however, in Buddhism thedissolution of the body leaves no surviving personality or individuality, and consequently Pari-nirva[n.
Their constitution was modelled upon that of the Knights of St. John, and upon their gradual dissolution in the 13th century most of their number went over to that order.
It is again not true that the territorial character of sovereignty was always recognised, for long after the dissolution of the Roman dominion the minds of men were under the empire of ideas irreconcileable with such a conception.
The answer, I think, is, that European society decidedly retrograded during the dissolutionof the Carlovingian empire.
Through all its course it has been distinguished by the gradual dissolution of family dependency and the growth of individual obligation in its place.
At the dissolutionof chantries and free chapels, it became a question whether this was not a parsonage.
When the dissolution came, the jackals of Henry VIII.
To complete the story: at the dissolution of the monasteries the Abbot of Whalley was hanged on a charge of treason.
The seeds of this complicated machine were all sown in the Declaration of Independence; and their fruits can never be eradicated but by the dissolution of the Union.
It cannot be assumed as a foundation of national policy, and is of a most alarming and dangerous tendency, threatening the peace and directly tending to "the dissolution of the Union, by a complicated civil and servile war.
In this report the absurd doctrines of nullification and secession are canvassed, and it is shown that they never can be carried out in practice but by a dissolution of the Union.
This took place by a formal dissolution of partnership, when each partner took his share.
Adadi-idinnam and Ardi-Martu agree on dissolutionof partnership.
On dissolution of their partnership they chose judges, paid in their common stock and shared equally.
M706) As in earlier times, the dissolutionof partnership usually involved a reference to the law-courts.
M707) Provisional reckonings were constantly made at frequent intervals, but did not involve dissolution of partnership, nor need to be referred to a law-court.
The same ceremony took place on repayment of a debt, or on dissolution of a partnership, apparently without recourse to judges.
But even after this dissolution the purely ethical part must always remain uninjured, because it is indestructible.
In such a case dissolution had to follow through the separation of these elements, arising from their different relationship to and reaction against the progressive spirit of the age.
Another tendency working in the same direction is the rapid dissolution of the old system of large house-communities that prevailed before the emancipation.
The dissolution of theology into anthropology in the field of thought is the dissolution of monarchy into republic in the field of politics.
The growth of this latter body not merely tends to produce, but actually is, the dissolution of the existing system of things.
The dissolution of the first Prussian National Assembly in 1848, and the gift of a Constitution by direct royal decree, had excited bitter disappointment and opposition over the whole country.
The object of abolitionists, dissolution of the Union, civil war, &c.
There it is, just as it was, before thedissolution of the Union was accomplished.
In inculcating resistance to the laws of her country, she is virtually advocating a dissolution of the Union, with all its attendant consequences, results and horrors.
This redistribution constitutes evolution where there is a predominant integration of matter and dissipation of motion, and constitutes dissolution where there is a predominant absorption of motion and disintegration of matter.
Thus Evolution and Dissolution appeared "under their primordial aspects," and differentiations, with resulting increase of heterogeneity, were seen to be secondary not primary traits of evolution.
Dissolution is the counterchange which sooner or later every evolved aggregate undergoes.
At the time when this prediction is said to have been delivered, no prophecy could be more distant from its accomplishment, since the first twelve years of Heraclius announced the approaching dissolution of the empire.
The causes of the dissolution of matrimony have varied among the Romans; but the most solemn sacrament, the confarreation itself, might always be done away by rites of a contrary tendency.
The Abolitionists had opposed the annexation of Texas, believing, as Mr. Adams declared, that such an event would justify the dissolution of the Union.
George of Dunbar hath had the advantage of an audience with the old man; and though it lasted but five minutes, I fear it may endanger the dissolution of your family match, which we brought about with so much difficulty.
It remains but to say, that not a man of the Clan Quhele survived the bloody combat except the fugitive chief; and the consequence of the defeat was the dissolution of their confederacy.
One of them is the dissolution of iron which takes place after it has been used for a short time.
At thedissolution of this partnership in 1870, the firm became Trusdell & Phelps.
Reform is not incompatible with war, and it is not clear that a dissolution would be dangerous during its continuance, but an enormous majority of the House of Commons have persuaded themselves of the contrary.
In April Gladstone succeeded in carrying three Resolutions against the Government on the Irish Church question, and though Disraeli tendered his resignation, dissolution was postponed until the autumn.
I must stop, not without fear that you may think me blind to the very real evil and danger of dissolution or resignation at the beginning of a great war.
Brougham's conversation with William IV on the dissolution was another delusion, and so on in perverse, wicked, contradictory human nature.
In the agitation for parliamentary reform he took the side of Earl Grey; and after the dissolution of parliament, which took place about that time, he was elected member for Yorkshire.
Outside the north-east angle a Franciscan friary was founded in 1280 by Gilbert de Clare, which at the Dissolution became the residence of a branch of the Herbert family.
The Carmelite friars seem to have flourished especially in England, where at the dissolution of the monasteries there were some 40 friaries.
With its dissolution a new era began in the history of the numerous Jewish communities in that part of the Polish territory which passed under Prussian and Austrian sovereignty.
There was no gainsaying the will of the Cardinal, and the dissolution was effected in decent silence.
The dissolution of the International gave Marx an opportunity of returning to his scientific work.
The main subjective forces of the struggle between the old order and the new are the classes into which society is divided after the dissolution of the communistic or semi-communistic tribes and the creation of states.
But the small number of fathers who attended at the latter town, and above all, the disquieting tendencies which began to make themselves felt there, induced the pope to force on a dissolution of the synod.
The priest-in-charge of the Templars' Church was properly styled the custos, and this was preserved by the Knights Hospitallers when they were granted the property of the Templars at the dissolution of that order.
Still, I said nothing about a dissolution of partnership until Fabian complained that I, or my policy, was a dead weight around his neck, dragging him down from the most magnificent flights to mere sordid drudgery.
The old hunter's struggle with dissolutionwas longer.
To comply was to deprive the United States of its financial power, and was virtually a dissolution of the constitution.
Calhoun told Adams that if the trouble produced a dissolution of the Union, "the South would be from necessity compelled to form an alliance, offensive and defensive, with Great Britain.
M^r Wilson; after viewing the subject with all the coolness and attention possible was most apprehensive of a dissolution of the Gov^t from the legislature swallowing up all the other powers.
The term of its dissolution cannot be more than one or two weeks distant.