Having come to the conclusion that Sabina Lynch should be set at liberty when a suitable opportunity presented itself, I acquainted her with my decision.
Then he added, “I do not think that we can place our confidence in Sabina Lynch in anything that concerns Grace O’Malley.
I had had no small disputings with myself as to whether I should tell Grace O’Malley about what had occurred with respect to Sabina Lynch or not.
At the appointed time I presented myself at the Lynch mansion.
She and Sabina Lynch had at once become friends, and, indeed, it was impossible for anyone to see Eva O’Malley and not immediately to be gained over by her.
Then I took Sabina Lynch up, and in silence we descended the stair which led us into the street some twenty yards from the main entrance into the Mayor’s house.
Verily, as I said before, if I failed in my duty when I suffered Sabina Lynch to live, I was grievously punished for it.
I have known Sabina Lynch since she was a child, and I have been made aware in many ways--there is no need to go further into that--that I am not displeasing to her now she is a woman.
Sabina Lynch would be Queen of Connaught, but she thinks that as long as I am free and powerful I am her rival.
Yet, as I looked at them, it seemed to me as if he were paying Mistress Lynch no little court, and they appeared to take pleasure in each other’s society.
He declares that our courts are more effective than ever before, but that Judge Lynch continues active without other cause than the inability of the people to restrain their murderous proclivities.
If a murderer or rape-fiend captured at daylight could be fairly tried and executed by sundown Judge Lynch would speedily find himself without an occupation.
So you see, at best, when they lynch they only take back what they once gave.
We do not torture our criminals when we lynch them.
That is the only thing to do--kill them, string them up, lynch them.
Lynch Law, an Investigation into the History of Lynching in the United States.
In the North American for July, 1892, Frederick Douglass wrote vigorously of "Lynch Law in the South.
The only way you can teach these niggers a lesson and put them in their place is to go out and lynch a few of them as an object lesson.
I consider Lieutenant Lynch the most fortunate of modern discoverers.
Probably, no very accurate plan is to be found, such have been the impediments in the way of any deliberate examination--unless Lieutenant Lynch has succeeded in the work.
If what the papers say is true, and the king is willing to let the mutiny continue, they'll lynch me, as sure as fate.
The committee consisted of Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Lynch of Carolina, and Colonel Harrison of Virginia.
Now, suppose welynch these officials to-night--what do we gain?
You don't mean that 'tin-horn' the boys were going to lynch for claim-jumping?
Shuffles had played with half a dozen boys the night before; Sanborn and Lynch had been engaged in the game since the first watch was set, and another party had been employed in the same manner in another room.
Lynch shook the props, and dropped them on the stool.
Lynch rattled the props, and threw them down again.
Lynch law is an outbreak of the reformatory spirit among people of low or recent civilization.
Tom recognized the harsh voice, and realized his danger in perceiving that the resentful Jake Hogan was leading those who sought to lynch him.
You wuz afeerd Broad Run'd vote agin you, un you as good as tole Jake Hogan ut you wouldn' make no trouble when he come to lynch Tom.
And I am sure that he paid Mr. Lynch's bill with glowing pride; for Mr. Lynch extended the evangelizing hand of culture to none but those of pre-eminent social position.
Mr. LYNCH thinks it would be a good idea if Ireland were specially represented at the Peace Conference, in order that her delegates might assert her right to self-government.
This morning I read in one of the papers a wonderful account of what Mr. Lynch had seen when with the Prussians.
A son of Commodore Lynch made an attempt to get out, but after being kept twelve hours at the Prussian outposts, and fired on by the French, he has returned to share our imprisonment.
White men might lynch a negro on suspicion; they would not kill a man who was proven, by the word of white men, to be entirely innocent.
I saylynch the nigger, break up the press, and burn down the newspaper office," McBane responded promptly.
Lynch a man brought up by a Delamere, for a crime of which he is innocent?
When public feeling took definite shape in the intention to lynch the prisoner, Ellis felt a sudden sense of responsibility growing upon himself.