In the casemate used as an hospital there were only some twelve men sick out of the whole garrison, and I was much struck by the absence of any foul smell and by the cleanliness and neatness of all the arrangements.
Then it struck him that there was a peculiar air ofneatness about the places he passed.
He surveyed once more the immaculate neatnessof the room.
He was dressed as usual with great neatness and care, though without ostentation.
That is precisely what I ventured to point out to Arthur," said Dora, unconsciously borrowing her father's ironical neatness of enunciation.
In the pages of this little black-bound volume there were no scintillating thoughts scribbled there with suspicious neatness of diction, such as one finds in the diaries of great men who, it would seem, are not above post-mortem vanity.
The detective greeted the young ladies with polite bows, supplemented by an aimless compliment on the neatness of their office.
Joseph and Stephen, who had never before visited an establishment of this kind, were first struck by the extent of the yard, and the air of order and neatness which seemed everywhere to prevail.
The city, built all of a gray and lustrous granite, has a look of cleanness and neatnessalmost inconceivable.
Simplicity, neatness and perfect cleanliness, which are far to be preferred to tawdry magnificence, are every where observable.
Those of the pleasant valley of Saska, are distinguished by more polished manners, a more healthy look, and superior cleanliness and neatness in dress, from the inhabitants of the plains.
Enter their habitations and you will find the same neatness and cleanliness which are conspicuous in their habiliments.
Her movements, like those of most little women, were light and quick rather than elegant; yet every thing she did was done with a neatness and delicacy which gave an involuntary sense of grace and harmony.
She arranged the little repast with all the neatness of home, and gave to the gloomy apartment an air of comfort; and Edith smiled again, and felt lightened of half her load of despondency, by the presence of this faithful guardian.
The furniture of the room, though plain, and humble, had been kept with so much care and neatness that it was seen at once that a feminine taste had presided there, and had cherished as sacred the relics of another age.
The trees upon it were the largest growth of elm and oak, and seemed left to shelter a single dwelling, a house of moderate size, but which had much the appearance of neatness and comfort.
Gradually, however, he began to notice that her dresses were cut with remarkable neatness for a girl of her position and that she showed a rare talent in selecting materials becoming to her creamy yellow skin and curling red hair.
He was dressed with immaculate neatnessand wore a tie of an extraordinary shade of lavender which matched the silk hose that showed above his stylish low-cut shoes.
He couldn't accustom his mind to the extraordinary neatness with which she kept the office.
They fashion their spoons with a tolerable decree ofneatness (as these require much less trouble than larger utensils) from a wood that is termed in America Spoon Wood, and which greatly resembles box wood.
She and Marty had taken complete charge of the garden this year, and the girl had inspired her cousin with some of her own love of neatness and order.
To judge from her general appearance she can scarcely belong to the ragged set that surround her, for there is an attempt at neatness and cleanliness in her attire, though it is poor enough, that the rest cannot boast of.
Neatness and care were evident in the perfect arrangement of the poultry, vegetables, fruit, butter, &c.
As soon as the paper was sent out upon its travels, the two officers resumed their former quiet work of writing with neatness and care.
The dress may be plain, rich or extravagant, but there must be a neatness and cleanliness of the person.
As we grow older, it becomes more necessary that we use care in always presenting that appearance of personal neatness which never fails to be attractive to those with whom we come in contact.
His linen was soiled, his coat was not brushed, his cuffs were frayed at the edges, while his finger-nails gave evidence that he was habitually careless about personal neatness and cleanliness.
The indispensable requisites of a good letter are neatness of chirography, simplicity, and grammatical correctness.
The neat turning of a phrase is as agreeable to the ear as neatness of person is to the refined taste.
Simplicity and exquisitely fresh neatness and daintiness are to a man more attractive than any extravagance of fashion or costliness of material.
This neatnessof his handwriting and his power of drawing were of great use in his researches on the Egyptian hieroglyphics.
She could pick a lock too, when needed, with great neatness and dispatch.
Brilliancy of style, neatnessand finish of execution, are their distinguishing traits.