Holds not her yellow locks the tiara's feathery tissue; Veils not her hidden breast light brede of drapery woven; Binds not a cincture smooth her bosom's orbed emotion.
And he presently woke the echoes, while they wound in and out between the feathery marshes, with a gay "Tra-la!
It was so sweet and feathery a laugh that the driver of an old four-wheeler stopped his horse.
Tussocks of feathery grass covered the rough surface of the ground, and out of these the larks soared into the hate of sunshine.
There was the sound of oars working in rowlocks; nothing visible but the feathery edges of the waves.
Sybil Dennant, seated on the sofa, with a feathery laugh shot a barking terrier dog at Shelton.
The blue of the sky, the feathery green of the larch-trees, the mountains, were no longer to him what they had been early that morning.
What but a child's feathery warmth, one of those flying peeps at the mystery of passion that young things take?
Never forget that just as your own father and mother love their dear little girls and boys, so God has made the birds love their little feathery children that are born in the wonderful nests he teaches them to build.
Lower down they passed through a belt of bamboos, where in one spot the long feathery boughs were broken off or twisted in wild confusion for a space of fifty yards' radius.
In most species portions of the volva remain upon the cap as scruff or warts—pointed or rough—or as feathery adornment; any or all of which may in part or whole vanish with age or be washed away by rain.
And finally you end by not wanting to go there; you dread spoiling the vision by a less fair reality, and you go away, leaving it unvisited, but carrying with you the remembrance of its shining and its feathery palms.
The ground was ankle-deep in dust and charcoal, and, as they floundered through it, featheryash rose in clouds.
Then would the scene change to a bleak spread of stones--flat stones of monster size, with rifts like rivulets between, choked thick with feathery herbage.
Off they set--they went nice and fast certainly, but not so fast but that the children could admire the beautiful feathery foliage as they passed.
In woodpeckers and swifts the tail feathers are not soft at the end like others, but the stems or shafts project beyond the feathery part, and are stiff like the tail of a sapsucker (Fig.
It must be remembered that the shrike himself makes a handsome picture on the wing, and when you come to mix up a scissorstail and a shrike in inextricable confusion, you have a feathery display worth seeing.
And once fully awake, these little pin-feathery crows almost distracted Nicodemus and his mate by their persistent cawing and fretting for food.
The cane-like stems of the young ti-tree grow close together, like a field of corn, bearing a feathery green foliage and a white flower, and having a pleasant balsamic odour.
Their Marians flirt, their Robins fling Their feathery heels to flout him!
Cosmos made the background for the wedding group, and was arranged in feathery masses wherever it might contrast with the dark oak leaves.
Stipa pennata) which has a long feathery awn rising from one of the chaffy scales which inclose the grain.
Feathery or wool-like down; filament of a feather.
The flying featheryor hairy crown of seeds or achenes, as the down of the thistle.
So named from the abundant long feathery awns of its fruit.
To have the appearance of a feather or of feathers; to be or to appear in feathery form.
And over all, from peak to peak, the light, feathery clouds went drifting lazily and slowly, as if they could not leave a scene so fair.
Meantime busy hands have gathered boughs of the spruce and the feathery balsam, and shingled the ground underneath the shanty for a bed.
In northern New England it is considered a sign of summer when the housewives fill the fireplaces with branches of mountain laurel, and, later, with the feathery stalks of the asparagus.
This stout column, stiff as a flagstaff, with its featheryhead of mist gleaming like silver in the failing light, had the most charming effect.
The idea of decorating her apartment with feathery ferns and bright-hued leaves took a strong hold upon her fancy, for she hoped that Burt would aid her in making the collection.
The feathery roof and walls seemed also to contract and expand in sympathy, and these wave-like movements made it appear as if the cave were a living monster.
So faint were they as to be audible only when the fitful breeze lulled and the tall, feathery reeds about the pool ceased rustling.
Indeed, similar hydroids of salt water are often taken and dried by unscientific collectors under the impression that they are feathery seaweeds.
All crustaceans, except a few much modified land forms, breathe by means of feathery or platelike gills which are always an appendage of the legs, where they appear as one or more lobes.
Close down by the water's edge they grew, their feathery branches shading the rippling waves, and shielding the listeners from the glare of a sun whose rays had not yet lost their summer's heat.