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Example sentences for "would hear"

  • He inquired also about Vinicius; but the Lygian answered his inquiries unwillingly, repeating that from Vinicius himself he would hear what he needed.

  • Petronius was calm, and Chilo might be sure of this, at least, that he would hear him to the end.

  • He watched her as she looked toward the sinking sun, and after it had disappeared he stole up behind her and stooped over her, calling her by name, softly, as though afraid the sea and pines would hear.

  • It seemed to him he would hear it and see her so, if he were dying.

  • He would hear again, louder than the moans of sufferings, the wondrous love music of Stewart’s flute and the song of the sea.

  • The craftsman in those days had to do good work, or he would hear of it.

  • He had to obey his company, or he would hear of it; and he had to take, with outward show of contentment, the wages that were assigned to him, or he would hear of it.

  • The day after the news of the return to Rome and triumph of Titus arrived, John asked Philo to tell Tibellus that he prayed that he would hear him, as he wished to speak to him on a subject connected with Titus.

  • The men with me are known, to many in the city, and would be shunned by my enemies, and so would hear naught of what is going on; therefore, I purpose to leave you here.

  • But John of Gischala, and the Zealots, would hear of no surrender.

  • Before I left my office I wrote an advertisement for the personal columns of the daily papers, to the effect that if Philip Barlow called upon or communicated with me, he would hear of something very much to his advantage.

  • I would hear what he had to say, and speak myself as little as possible till he was done.

  • He took counsel therefore with himself while eating as to the story he should tell, and his mind was ready with it when the president said: Paul, our meal is finished now; we would hear thee.

  • The first thing he would hear would be "Azariah.

  • I do not know anything about you, but if I were to come around to everyone of you, and you were to tell me the truth I would hear a tale of sorrow.

  • I thought that would settle him, and I would hear no more from him.

  • I wrote him a note and thought I would hear no more about him, but soon I got another letter from him, saying that he was coming soon to Chicago, and would like to preach.

  • I had read of shells and seen pictures of them in Harper's Weekly, but I never supposed I would hear one.

  • I would hear in Jim's voice, and the doc would say there was a little life left, but not enough, to swear by.

  • He would allow no appointment savoring of corruption to any spiritual office; he would hear of no exception to the duty of residence; he completely abolished dispensations for marriages within prohibited degrees.

  • After Muhlberg Charles V seemed irresistible, and, as he would hear of no solution but a return of the council to Trent, there seemed no choice between submission and defiance.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "would hear" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    always make; day and; former birth; will now; would answer; would bring; would cease; would choose; would create; would frequently; would gladly; would grow; would hardly; would know; would laugh; would live; would look; would necessarily; would not live alway; would play; would recommend; would return; would say; would succeed; would then; would work