Indeed it has even been recommended, in cases where the bladder has been extensively involved, to resect this viscus and engraft the ureters into the rectum.
No very general change over the face of society could be reasonably expected, from the attempts to engraft a spirit of gentleness and beneficence upon a principle of war and destruction.
The American revisers, instead of transferring the Commination Office in toto to the new book, wisely decided to engraft certain features of it upon the Morning Prayer for Ash-Wednesday.
It is a distinct proposal to engraft slavery upon the common law: to declare in the Constitution that slavery is recognized and protected by the common law.
We were not sent here to engraft new principles into our foreign policy, and I will not consent to enter upon that business.
Striving to engraft the grace of the Parmese upon the design of the Roman school, he fell into a flimsy mannerism, which, in straining after meretricious charms, departs from dignity and devotional feeling.
These boyish efforts have not been preserved, but the Cassaria and Suppositi, composed in 1494, engraft upon classic models the licentious speech of his age.
Men may not plant trees, make layers, or engraft them, on the eve of the Sabbatical year, less than thirty days before new year’s day.
And if one plant them, or make layers, or engraft them, they must be rooted out.
In the north, the Germanic element had time to engraft itself in some measure; but the south, passing into the hands of the Byzantine emperors, received an addition of the already mixed Greek blood of the east.
Thus art will so engraft itself on nature, the rhetorical graces so entwining and dovetailing into your convictions and passions that they will appear as growing out of and not added on to them.
He should not commit the signal folly of attempting to engraft an imported accent on his own; he should speak as an Irishman, but as an educated Irishman.
The man who can build a labourer's cottage handsomely should be content; but when he attempts to engraft upon it the turrets and pilasters of the neighbouring mansion he covers his work not with ornament but ridicule.
We are glad that he denounces 'the signal folly of attempting to engraft an imported accent on his own native one, which is sometimes done by the Irish priest in England with deplorable results.
This made it possible to engraft upon the federal constitution of 1787 the full and complete equality of all religious faiths.
McElrath, an ambitious New Yorker, who had some fond illusions which he hoped to engraftinto Orange County journalism.
You are bending a strong, stern man, to womanly weakness; you are tearing every other thought from my heart, to engraft yourself there.
Well, you have the answer to that question in the words of our Blessed Father which I quoted: "Engraft on the wild stock of natural inclination shoots of divine charity.
Engraft upon this wild stock the shoots of eternal love which God is ready to bestow upon you, if, by an act of perfect self-renunciation, you prepare yourself to receive them.
Keith, one of the above physicians, was tempted to request Mr. Maitland to engraft his child also, which likewise succeeded; and these cases were rumoured through the town.
London in 1722, she sent for Mr. Maitland, the surgeon, who had attended the boy at Constantinople; and desired him to engraft her daughter with Small Pox.
It would not have been expedient for God to destroy the old system sooner, because it was necessary to engraft the new system upon the old; and it ought not to have remained longer, for the reasons above stated.
And the white man's careless and immoral conduct is the chief obstacle which those who would engraft upon the Indian the moral consciousness must contend against.
Above all he occupied himself with the investigation and delineation of the various anomalous individualities, the degenerative constitutions upon which these psychotic manifestations engraft themselves.
On this basis, now and then more marked, definite psychotic manifestations engraft themselves.
When free from actual psychotic manifestations (which very easily engraft themselves upon this degenerative soil) these individuals do not belong in a hospital for the insane.