A12; a3] discard a card or mahjong piece that allows an opponent to win the game.
Way bátang makasalga áning súgal sa baráha, No child may participate in this card game.
Búnut na kay tudásun ku na ni, Draw a card because I am going to go out now.
When he withdrew his fingers they held a small card edged with black.
The man read the card and strained his eyes after the cab; then he called another, drove down to the station, picked up his trunk, and started for the Hotel Metropole.
At nine o'clock he would send his card up and must be received.
You are not,' she said, crumpling the card in her hand and slipping it into her dress.
He turned the card to the light of the street lamp.
Jackson looked very slightly surprised, as if he were not used to having people read the name on his card during the short time he allowed them to see it.
The one in the lead flashed a fancily engraved ID card and said: "Union Bureau of Investigation.
A little later on we discovered that the horse Yates was doing a rave over had been dead for four years and that the card from which he was lifting his dope was the program of the meet at Sheepshead in 1896.
Togo hasn't replied as yet, but Uncle Peter expects a postal card or a hand-painted fan in every mail.
The card attracted attention, the injustice seemed glaring, the goods were offered.
One day a dyspeptic man, wearing double-magnifying glasses, inserted an official-looking cardbetween the bars of the cashier's window of the First National Bank.
Twas like a casino hand the way she dealt out her favours--one to Collier and one to me and one to the board, and not a card up her sleeve.
In those times cattlemen played at crack-loo on the sidewalks with double-eagles, and gentlemen backed their conception of the fortuitous card with stacks limited in height only by the interference of gravity.
For the fingers with which I had given the concierge my card had trembled with fear--had she not commanded me never to see her again!
He gave them the card of a hotel which he owned in the neighborhood, boasting of the good qualities of its rooms.
Receiving no answer from these gentlemen, he addressed in one of the newspapers a card to Lord John Russell, inveighing against their "dishonest" behaviour.
I had had a blue seal pinned beneath my coat lapel and an engraved card sewn in my chemise.
Not much talk, not much rattling of crockery, not much card playing.
Tell you what, Joyce, I'll send it to the author with a card and my compliments you know.
He has, indeed, it seems to her, shirked her society a good deal, and has not been so assiduous about the scribbling of his name upon her card as usual.
Tied to the stem of one was an envelope, and inside the envelope was a card which bore the name of Breckenridge Sewall.
A sudden "To Let" card appears in a new apartment.
One day, aimlessly strolling along a side street, up among the fifties, a card in a milliner's shop chanced to meet my eye.
There was another race on the card which he hoped to win with Kildare, and he might win one or two minor races with The Muffin Man.
Now write out a note to me, enclosing the cheque for a card debt," he added, as his wife took down some paper and placed it before their guest.
However, though his card and billiard playing did not lighten his purse, they compelled him to neglect his wife more than was wise, perhaps.
Since the evening when the white roses had come and the card had been read to the others, Bess had not felt so confused nor embarrassed when Davis had been spoken of.
Her first impulse was to flee, but instead, she stood up straight and firm, and with an impulsive gesture gave the card to Mrs. West.
The sheep were near the end of the rails, but it was not the end the card indicated.
Sometimes the farmer got angry and sometimes laughed, but except for a mistake or two the collie drove the sheep in and out among the barriers as the card required and put them in the pen.
Kit gave Grace a card showing the way the sheep must be driven round the different barriers.
I never look at a certain type of playing card without experiencing a return of the wonder and the guilty joy with which I bought of Metellus Kirby my first "deck," and slipped it into my pocket.
I presented the card to the librarian whose manner softened at once.
Present my card to Judge Chamberlain; I am one of the trustees, and he will see that you have all the books you want.
His eyes expressed surprise and after a few minutes' conversation, he gave me his card saying, "Come and see me tomorrow morning at my office.
He lifted her in himself, threw his card to the guard, and drove over the bridge with the girl's inanimate form beside him.
The guard, sullen and aggrieved, carried Othmar's card and his own deposition to the nearest commissary.
When we reached the end of the last stage for which they were detailed, I gave them my card to carry to the proper local official.
While the coolies were resting I sent my card to the schoolmaster, and was promptly invited to pay a visit of inspection.
The sentence passed was so favorable to our cause, was so strong a card to reserve, should the individual carry his claims before a tribunal.
The man handed him a cardbearing these words: The Count de Keller.
Bernhisel, published a card on the 1st of March, pronouncing the report untrue, so far as the latest intelligence from home which had reached him enabled him to give an opinion.
I looked at the card which she placed in my hand, and read the address of "Mrs. Arden, Belgrave-square.
For a moment the man stared at the cardwith puzzled eyes; then he suddenly understood.