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Example sentences for "venturesome"

Lexicographically close words:
ventur; venture; ventured; venturers; ventures; venturing; venturous; ventus; venu; venue
  1. The Norsemen have passed into credible history as the most hardy and venturesome of races.

  2. It was not till well into the present century that much effort was made to summarize the scattered knowledge of explorers like Lewis and Clarke and of venturesome travellers.

  3. The profit on sea-eggs has increased from year to year, and of late speculators have grown so venturesome that competition among egg-gatherers has resulted in an annual naval engagement, known to the press and the public as the egg-war.

  4. Upon those northern and eastern slopes of the Hill a few venturesome cottagers had built their nests.

  5. Marmon and Pratt have both been up; and Hill Ki tells me so have two venturesome white women climbers, whose names he does not know, but "they weren't scare.

  6. Wherever two or three are gathered together in the wilderness some venturesome individual starts a newspaper, and then immediately through its columns induces some other equally venturesome individual to build an opera-house.

  7. The venturesome caravans seldom numbered more than one or two a year, and were at the mercy of a Mamasani Beluch called Pasand Khan, who lived in Sistan and levied blackmail on such caravans as came through.

  8. Together they have joined the hunt of venturesome impresarios for that Calydonian boar, success; together they have lighted the way through seasons of tempestuous stress and storm.

  9. And when she saw Frey, so tall and noble looking, the Giant's daughter was glad that Skirnir the Venturesome had made her promise to come to Barri Wood.

  10. Skirnir the Venturesome brought it to the Wolf's lair, and in scorn Fenrir let the mightier chain be placed upon him.

  11. He was a venturesome being who never cared what he said or did.

  12. Venturesome mosses make perpetual little incursions into its lapping tide, and divert numberless little streams to trickle around their darkness, and leap up again in silver jets, clapping their hands for joy.

  13. One venturesome little phlox dared the cold winds, and popped up his audacious head, but his pale, puny face shows how near he is to being frozen to death.

  14. In his eagerness the venturesome young man was quite forgetful of danger.

  15. Consequently they would be apt to assemble a flotilla of fighting planes in that vicinity, ready to soar aloft and give furious battle to any Allied squadron venturesome enough to make the attempt at destruction.

  16. Lower still dropped the venturesome pilots guiding the destinies of the four huge bombers.

  17. Your head's better than hers, young man," the venturesome relative insisted.

  18. But it is like Herodotus in the prime essential that its motive is to entertain the reader by the citation of the incidents of a venturesome enterprise.

  19. Not less courageous and warlike than his predecessors, he was rash and presumptuous rather than bold, and his plans were rather venturesome than well calculated.

  20. Later on, I believe, some of the German reiters became so venturesome that several squadrons exposed themselves to the fire of the big guns in the fort at Skip’s Corner, and suffered pretty severely for their temerity.

  21. Stuart, the most remarkable cavalryman of the Confederacy, and leave a gruesome token of its venturesome trip by a trail of decaying horseflesh and freshly made graves for considerably more than a hundred and fifty miles.

  22. I have crossed it, to think of the amount of courage, strength of mind, and faith it must have required to sustain him in his venturesome voyage in the frail and imperfect crafts which those of his day must have been.

  23. But he was too vain and too pompous to smile at his own weakness, and thus he would pretend himself a venturesome highwayman, a brave writer, and a profound scholar.

  24. He was as bold and venturesome as the bravest ruffler that ever backed a dog at a baiting.

  25. And it was but once in a while that the most venturesome lads, enticed by the tales he had devoured in that favorite story-book, dared pry into the secrets of that enchanted land.

  26. Other Danish and Scandinavian vikings were equally venturesome and successful, and many eventually settled in the lands which they had conquered.

  27. A trial was soon held, and the venturesome navigator was charged with treasonable intentions.

  28. Yet the fever was in the veins of our venturesome Castilian and his customary vigor was slackened.

  29. The French monarch gave a ready ear to the talk of the venturesome Canadian.

  30. The rest of Champlain’s life was troublous, indeed, and quite different from those venturesome experiences in the wilderness.

  31. It was all in the line of their own daily work and they surely could appreciate the venturesome act at its full value.

  32. Jack burst out, himself a bit thrilled by the spectacle after having heard so much concerning the pack-mule trains said to have been adopted by the venturesome souls engaged in smuggling operations across the Canadian border.

  33. When one venturesome soul after another approached to calm him, he found it expedient to duck and run to cover.

  34. In days like that one grows venturesome and ignores difficulties and limitations with a fine disregard for probable consequences, a mental snapping of fingers.

  35. Foreigners are not permitted to enter the country, and only a few venturesome explorers have endured the hardships and faced the dangers of a visit to that forbidden land.

  36. This prohibition has been enforced until to-day, and has not been violated except by Buddhist priests and monks and a few venturesome explorers.

  37. He seized the most venturesome by the skin of his back, and in spite of several blows from his claws, threw him heavily against the trunk of the tree and broke his back.

  38. Father Griffen recalled his two slaves who were too venturesome and would have penetrated into the orchard.

  39. In fact, it was only by continual alertness that the clothing of the venturesome travelers was not ignited.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "venturesome" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    advanced; adventuresome; adventurous; aggressive; aleatory; ambitious; audacious; bold; brave; chancy; daredevil; daring; dauntless; desperate; determined; driving; dynamic; enterprising; experimental; fearless; foolhardy; forceful; hazardous; intrepid; manly; pushing; rash; reckless; resolute; risky; speculative; tentative; trial; venturesome; wildcat; willing