I have not seen anything as delightful as Miss Temple Barholm for many a year," the duke said when Miss Alicia was called from the room and left them together.
When he left them, Mr. Palford sat gently rubbing his chin.
I didn't know exactly what to do, sir, so I left them in the hall.
And how more than charmingly cordial his grace's manner was when he left them!
He explained it perfectly to Miss Alicia a day or so after Lady Mallowe and her daughter left them.
Y: Their similitude is that of a man who kindled a fire; when it lighted all around him, Allah took away their light and left them in utter darkness.
Y: (He left them) as they were: We completely understood what was before him.
The tender palm-trees, or ye left them standing on their roots, it was by leave of Allah, and in order that He might cover with shame the rebellious transgresses.
Hence both are gone with Conscience and Remorse, They could not speake, and so I left them both, To beare this tydings to the bloody King.
In this place we left them; I wish my Brother make good time with him, You say he is so fell Bel.
So He left them a while in a summer parlour below, where they entered into talk by themselves; and thus Christiana began: O Lord!
Tell them my state is miserable, tell them I am undone for ever; and tell them also, that if they will be walking in these ungodly steps wherein I left them, they will assuredly fall into this place of torments.
We left them, Lenoir, Suzanne, and her two suitors, standing at the pond, and made our way through the path in the forest.
Mr Hamilton and Mr Campbell were almost starved, having fared very ill since we left them; a few sea- eggs were all the subsistence they had lived upon, and these procured by the cacique's wife in the manner I mentioned before.
Having informed the packet of our conjectures, and also of the time we understood the China ships were to sail from Canton, we left them, and proceeded toward the Cape.
As they come from Adam, they are in a sad condition, because he left them a broken covenant.
I left them to mourn over my folly, and now I am left to mourn under the consequences of it.
Jim told me where to look for the camp when I wanted to find it, and I left them, on a mission the danger of which I do not think one of my readers can understand, but which at that time I thought very little about.
I left them in time to reach the river an hour before the train and had good luck selecting a place to camp not a quarter of a mile from the crossing.
We took the women to a family they were acquainted with and left them in their care.
Then I left them to come to me at supper anon, and myself out by coach to the old woman in Pannyer Alley for my ruled papers, and they are done, and I am much more taken with her black maid Nan.
We made mighty much of them, and she talks mightily of her fear of the sicknesse, and so a deale of tittle tattle and I left them and to my office where late, and so home to supper and to bed.
The statement of Montezuma that Quetzalcoatl had already returned, but had not been well received by the people, and had, therefore, left them again, is very interesting.
He lived a certain length of time with his people and then left them, going back over the ocean toward the East, according to some accounts.
I accompanied them to the cartel, where, having satisfied myself that they had every comfort, I left them.
I dispensed my usual quantum of vows of eternal love and fidelity, before I left them, and my departure was marked in the calendar of Halifax as a black day, by at least seven or eight pairs of blue eyes.
I left them to go into a box and change my domino: "They must feel very uneasy.
I told the servant that I would give her six francs if she would bring the packet to my house, and so I left them.
I took my little daughter on my knee and lavished my caresses on her, and so left them, telling them that we should see each other again in the course of three weeks or a month at latest.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "left them" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.