It was only when they abandoned the dual conception--an inheritance from the dark ages of medicine--that they began to understand the disorders of man's mind and how to treat them.
The designs upon the cover of this volume may be taken as symbolizing the dual character of the early population of the country.
As regards religion, I must confess I have a dual temperament, and to this day I have found no satisfactory solution of the problem.
This dual relationship reacted in two different ways.
I judged from this that they had not discovered the dual nature of the cavern, and that when Mauresco groped with curious fingers into our passageway he did it as an explorer, and not as one who had any positive knowledge.
Thank God, they were ignorant of thedual nature of the cave!
The time had now come when thedual government--the imperium in imperio--was to cease, and the people to stand in direct relation to the sovereign.
His removal, indeed, was a greater object to Austria-Hungary than to Serbia, for it was generally known that he was liberal in his ideas regarding the Serbs in the dual monarchy, and had even formed a plan for giving them Home Rule.
Serbs, wherever found, were outspoken, and Austria saw that she might have to give up not only her hope of adding Serbia to her dominions but besides this lose her dominion over the Serbs within the dual monarchy.
The great truth which the science of hypnotism has brought to light is the dual nature of the human mind.
There is not dual consciousness, but only a dual body, the consciousness being confined to the immaterial body.
The dual nature of man, the warfare between this body of sin and death, and the spiritual aspirations of the soul, forms part of the common stock of our orthodox belief.
The conception of a dual or even a multiple personality is worked out in a series of papers by Mr. F.
In neither of these cases did an early death follow the apparition of the dual body.
Here we have an incident not unlike that which occurred to Mrs. Talbot--the unexpected apparition of the phantasm or dual body of one who at the moment was in imminent danger of death.
There are often to be found in the records of lunatic asylums strange instances of a dual personality, in which there appear to be two minds in one body, as there are sometimes two yolks in one egg.
The phenomenon of a dual body haunted the imagination of poor Shelley.
That one word, therefore, accomplishes a dual service, and contributes to the expression of the general idea in one way through its content and in another through its sound.
He merely gave his thought an illustrative embodiment, by conceiving a dual character in which a man's uglier self should have a separate incarnation.
In the latter case the language produces upon the recipient an effect which is, not single, but dual and divorced.
Stevenson knew that man has a dual nature, and that the evil in him, when pampered, will gradually gain the upper hand over the good.
Example: in association with Quantum Mechanics there is a "classical" problem called "the dualnature of light".
The aberration with "the dual nature of light" is supported also by some great physicists (R.
The "dual nature of light" is not a problem of Physics, but a problem of thinking.
Thus was forged the main financial link in the chain of common interests which soon after led to the Dual Alliance.
Fifteen years later the Jewish question also played a part in the curious Russo-German rapprochement which nearly wrecked the Dual Alliance.
There are two forms in the first person of the dual and plural—one in which the person or persons addressed are included with the speaker, and another in which they are exclusive of the speaker; these are marked “incl.
They contain the inclusive and exclusive forms in the first person of the dual and plural: Singular 1st Person I Gulangga.
There are forms in the dual plural to express the inclusion or exclusion of the person addressed.
The dual and plural contain a reciprocal form of the verb, as where two or more persons beat each other: We, (dual excl.
There are three numbers, singular, dual and plural.
In the first person of the dual and plural there is a variation in the affix to the verb to indicate the inclusion or exclusion of the person spoken to.
Examples in the dual and plural are omitted, as their terminations will appear in the conjugation of the verbs.
When speaking of the following parts of the human body, however, the dual forms must be used: Nom.
In modern Bohemian the dual survived only with some names of parts of body occurring in pairs (and with the numeral =sto=, hundred).
Allies made a mistake of the same kind, or at least of the same magnitude, as the one they had made when they dismembered the Dual Monarchy and yet did not destroy German unity, or rather Prussian hegemony.
These considerations inspired the creation of the office of Commissars, who bore the dualresponsibility before the Soviet and the Government.
The Central Rada and the Secretariat were gradually seizing the administration, creating a dual power on the spot and discrediting the All-Russian Government.
But the institution itself cannot fail to contribute to the disruption of the Army because it implies a dual power, friction and interference uncalled for and criminal.
Built up historically, in the course of several centuries, the relations of the Cossacks with the Central Government, common to Russia, were of a dual character.
Yet he went on trying to steer the ship of their dual life.
She jeered at him as master of the house, master of theirdual life.
She lived a dual life, one where the facts of daily life encompassed everything, being legion, and the other wherein the facts of daily life were superseded by the eternal truth.
He took her into his arms, as if into the sure, subtle power of his will, and they became one movement, one dual movement, dancing on the slippery grass.
It began on July 28 with the declaration of the Dual Monarchy to the effect that from that moment Austria-Hungary was in a state of war with Servia.
The inhabitants of Bosnia and Herzegovina are Serb, and Serb also are the inhabitants of Dalmatia on the west and Croatia on the north, which the Dual Monarchy had already brought under its sceptre.
She protested, she appealed, she threatened; but with Germany behind the Dual Monarchy and Russia still weak from the effects of the war with Japan, she was quickly compelled to submit to superior force.
Bernhard Dernburg says: Schleswig-Holstein was a dual Dukedom that never belonged to Denmark; but, having as its Duke the King of Denmark, as long as he belonged to the elder line of the house of Oldenburg .
Illustration] Defense of theDual Alliance--A Reply By Dr.
On this evidence Mr. Beck has argued in the following article the case of Dual Alliance vs.
Each individual is thus deemed to have a dual existence.
The dual method need hardly be called a separate method or system, for it implies simply the use of the manual method for some pupils and of the oral for others.
The "eclectic method" is practically the combined system, or something between that and the dual method, and hardly needs separate classification.
Let us notice the manual method, the oral method, and the combined system, considering with the last the "dual method.
Some now suggest the "dual method"--that those pupils who show no aptitude for oral training shall be taught exclusively by the manual method and the rest by the oral only.
No express prohibition of such taxation; it lies in an implied limitation inherent in our dual system of government.
The paper is here reproduced, however, in the belief that its discussion of the principles of our dual system of Government is as pertinent now as it was before.
The obstacle lies rather in an implied limitation inherent in our dual system of government and formulated in decisions of the Supreme Court.
We emphasize here the fact that the great achievement of the Constitution was the creation of a dualsystem of government and the apportionment of its powers.
Formed to be "an indestructible Union composed of indestructible states," our dual system is losing its duality.
But there are certain implied limitations inherent in our dual system of government.
To their minds such matters, under the dual system of government which they were establishing, belonged to the states.
In the division of powers which marked the creation of our dual government the power to confer corporate capacity was reserved to the states.
Nature of our dual government and Supreme Court decisions on the subject discussed.
The dual system could only be worked by mutual good will, and if one of the partners withheld her aid, the experiment was doomed.
The system of dual ownership which it set up was agreeable neither to landlord nor tenant, and both now combined to demand fresh legislation for the purpose of enabling the tenants to purchase their holdings.
Side by side with the legal recognition of dual ownership in Ireland there proceeded a system for the creation of a peasant proprietary by the aid of State loans, when both parties were agreed.
It is this dual allegiance that constitutes the inherent weakness of all Federal systems.