I hope to reshape it and to reorganize it to meet more effectively the tasks of the 20th century.
In this situation, we see the meaning and the importance of the Point IV program, through which we can share our store of know-how and of capital to help these people develop their economies and reshape their societies.
Some will need to reorganize and reshape their methods of administration--as we are doing.
The last, when studied, are likely so to reshape the story which first presents itself to the imagination as to make it really novel.
The purpose of Dekker to write a realistic play of complicated plot has helped him to reshape his material till two stories, as in the case of The Country Boy, have become one.
The proletarian realizes the power of the state and sees how he may possess himself of that power and thereby gain control of the economic forces and reshape them to fit the needs of a better society.
With the work of the past as a background, the present must constantly reshape the institutions which the past has bequeathed to it.
Then, amid shouts of laughter and applause, he sat down again, leaving the field to the much discomfited Mr. Randolph.
You might as well attempt to reshape Molly's nose as her character.
If Judaism is to retain its prominent position among the powers of thought, and to be clearly understood by the modern world, it must againreshape its religious truths in harmony with the dominant ideas of the age.
Judaism counts its prophets, its sages, and its martyrs by generations; it is still demonstrating its power to reshape and regenerate religion as a vital force.
Instead of embodying its ideals in persons, the moral seeks toreshape them continually.
The truth, however, lies somewhere between: Zen did not reshape Japan, but neither did Japan reshape Zen.
It appears that his zeal was thoroughly unaffected, and that the monuments and writings of the ancient world made upon him, from the time of his arrival in Italy, an impression deep and powerful enough to reshape his life.
It appears that his zeal was thoroughly unaffected, and that the monuments and writings of the ancient world made upon him from the time of his arrival in Italy, an impression deep and powerful enough to reshape his life.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reshape" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.