Now the point to which I wish to draw attention is, that so specialized and morphologically elaborate a structure cannot be regarded as merely adventitious.
The feet of the existing horse shows the best example of this reduction in the Perissodactyls, as it is the mostspecialized known in the Ungulates [Fig.
And its marvellous development in the Metazoa appears ultimately to depend upon the highly specialized character of germ-cells.
This order of change is still retained in the embryonic development of the last introduced and mostspecialized order of existing fishes.
I took it for granted that a question from such a specialized branch of physics would not be of much interest to him.
With the publication of these results he addresses himself to everyone - with or without a specialized scientific training - who is concerned with the fate of man's powers of cognition in the present age.
You say that you havespecialized In this sort of thing.
I have specialized in brain disorders, interested in that branch of my work until I decided to bring Elmer out here.
But I believe that, to a possible higher intelligence, any part of a man's body would reveal his character--since every specialized partial manifestation of himself must be correlated with every other part and the whole.
Bees are specializedin correspondence with the flowers from which they draw the bulk of their food supply, the flexible tongue being used for sucking nectar, the plumed hairs and the modified legs (fig.
By the time he was twenty-three he had specializedin mathematics.
In accordance with this view his young ladies in the Memoirs and John Buncle have not only virtue, wealth, and beauty, but learning of the most specialized and difficult sort.
But the phrase "learned women" as used in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries had no such specialized application.
This happens insofar as specialized writing becomes part of the general trend towards specialization and generates specialized reading.
If it is continued beyond that point, it aims only towards a particular specialized and profitable purpose; one studies science as one takes up a business; and one takes up only those applications whose immediate practicality is recognized.
They accept the mediating power of specialized knowledge, the generalized network of information, use all means for disseminating their own programs, but work within constraints originating in the literate practice of politics.
The specialized historian reports not so much about the past, but about particular aspects of human self-constitution from the past that are significant in the new frame of current experience.
Once the reductionist practice of dividing work into smaller, specialized activities became necessary, the results of these activities had to be integrated in the final product.
Running for survival is not a specialized experience; running in a war game implies some specialization; becoming the world champion in field and track is a specialized effort for whose outcome many people work.
It encouraged a habit of thought that divided experience into specialized units and organized these serially and causally.
For these and other reasons, researchers working within the informational paradigm needed to synthesize specialized languages designed in such ways to avoid ambiguity and make higher efficiency of automated processing possible.
Extremely specialized human practical experiences are no longer predominantly experiences based on knowledge, but on constituting the person as information integrator.
Nevertheless, the language used in such endeavors is not the standard, national, or regional language, but a specialized subset, marginally understood by the literate population at large.
Literacy might still affect the manner in which we use specialized languages as tools adapted to the various ways we see the world, the manner in which we try to change it and report on what happens as a result.
The languages of counseling and psychiatry at work here are another instance of specialized literacy.
In the Triassic rocks of Switzerland remains of weevils (Curculionidae) occur, a family which is considered by many students the most specialized of the order.
The larvae are more specialized than those of other Adephaga, the head and prothorax being very large and broad, the succeeding segments slender and incompletely chitinized.
Adephaga highly specialized for life in the water, the hind-legs having the segments short, broad and fringed, so as to be well adapted for swimming, and the feet without claws.
The luminous organs of these beetles consist of a specialized part of the fat-body, with an inner opaque and an outer transparent layer.
The disturbance of the night's rest was made desirable through the satisfaction of the muscle erotic to every one for whom the excessive muscular activity offered an entirelyspecialized pleasure, even sexual enjoyment.
Moreover certain factors resist generalization because they are of a more specialized character and at most will only occasionally reappear, as for example, the strong sadistic note, the desire for blood, the hemoptysis of the beloved mother.
A Parliament of several hundred members, even though it meets regularly, is not competent to transact the multitudinous and complex and highly specialized business of a modern State.
Whatever the event may be, it seems best for Americans at this time to substitute for empire the lessspecialized expression, commonwealth.
The two were simply men of specialized knowledge, the Japanese pre-eminent in one field, Kennedy in another.
Beginning as a deputy marshal in the "moonshining" districts of Kentucky and Tennessee, he had shifted first to the Secret Service, and later to the more highly specialized ranks of the private agencies.
Without having specialized himself in any way to M'Grath, the bullying chief mate, he fancied he was singled out as the vessel into which the man might empty the vials of his wrath without fear of reprisals.
Through the open window of the carriage he saw his captor glance at his watch and begin an impatient sentry-beat up and down under the electric transparency advertising the particular brand of whiskey specialized by the saloon.
These papers report newly acquired facts, synoptic interpretations of data, or original theory in specialized fields.
He had not thespecialized later information of his guests, but he had knowledge they could not dream of, and which it would take much of a century to put in recordable form for an educator.
Lacking highly specialized knowledge of the ways of insects on this world even well-armed visitors would have been in greater danger.
A dozen times larger than her loyal servants, she was no less industrious than they in her highly specialized fashion.
In the male the testis is a specialized portion of the wall of the genital coelom, and has a structure comparable to that of the ovary.
The firing of pottery has become in modern times such a specialized branch of the manufacture that the student can only be referred here to the technological works mentioned in the bibliography at the end of this article.
That an organ so highly specialized as any one of these wings could be evolved seems improbable; while the evolution of the four different kinds, independently of each other, only increases the improbability.
Could it be a widely diffused medium of this protoplasmic material, not yet specialized or individualized into organic forms, nor itself yet in a condition to build up inorganic skeletons for a habitation?
The distinction, once deemed absolute, between the living and the not-living is converted into a relative distinction; and Life as manifested in the organism is seen to be only a specializedform of the Universal Life.
In the two higher senses--sight and hearing--there is no direct contact with the object and an intricate mechanism is placed in front of the specialized nerve to define and to intensify the impression.
Without the highly specialized fovea we might see equally well over the whole retina but could not look attentively at anything, and therefore could not observe thoughtfully.
The latter contains the most highly specialized nerve and the most refined physiological mechanism, the result being the highest sense-organ.
In the human eye the optic nerve spreads to form the retina and the latter is a specialized nerve.
The period of infancy increases with progress up the scale of animal life and this lengthening is doubtless responsible and perhaps necessary for the development of highly specialized sense-organs.
No doubt every letter in the two words is the same, and the meaning of the Greek word could easily be supposed to have been specialized or localized in German.
The rural distress revealed in the Hand-loom Weavers Commission is the distress of specialized hand-workers, male and female, who are clinging desperately to the worst-paid branch of a dying trade.
The next period of slackness that comes along may bankrupt the business and rob a village of specialized hand-workers of their main employment.
I specialized in minerals in those days--minerals and girls.
Some publishers of specialized periodicals, as well as academic and research works, are thinking about becoming "only" electronic to escape the paper publishing crisis, or making only small print runs when necessary.