Both forms represent a doubling of inflections, and hence grammatical debasement.
This was to us what the discovery of a canal across the isthmus of Darien would be to a ship in the Gulf of Mexico wanting to get into the Pacific without doubling Cape Horne.
From this idea of doubling the consonant after a short vowel, as in German, we are enabled to form some tolerably accurate notions as to the pronunciation of our forefathers.
The system consisted in doublingthe consonant after a short vowel to regulate the pronunciation.
The finance of 1854 offered nothing more original or ingenious than bluntly doubling the income tax (from seven pence to fourteen pence), and raising the duties on spirits, sugar, and malt.
Doubling up a glove, he grasped the handle and poured the steaming beverage into the battered tin cups each cowboy carried in his duffel roll.
Holmes seemed to be doubling on his tracks, and to be driving in what resembled a circle, as if he were chasing his own tail, and at last Bessie determined to speak to him and try to make him show his hand.
He, thinking we have surely tidings from our friends in the city, will follow in disordered haste; and should we have bad news, doublingupon him on a sudden we may overpower him at one blow.
It is worth while recalling here the doubling of personality so common in men of genius.
The doubling of personality, the amnesia and the misoneism so common among men of science, are the key to the innumerable stupidities which intrude into their writings: quandoque bonus dormitat Homerus.
In short, it is the doubling and contradiction of personality in genius which reveals the abnormality.
Just as Mulford turned away from his commander, however, a large vessel of that class shoved her bows into the view, doubling the Hook, and going eastward.
They succeeded in doubling their stock of water, and collected several shell-fish, that the females found exceedingly grateful and refreshing.
New rules were promulgated in 1851, introducing a ground rent system, a set price being paid per square mile of limit, and doublingthe ground rent for unused limits each year.
There was even an attempt made to prevent waste by doubling the rate of timber dues on all trees cut which would not square more than 8 inches; this restriction probably remained a dead letter for lack of supervision.
Field was ordered to pull his division out of the works and march for the Williamsburg road, Hoke to cover the line of Field by extending and doubling his sharp-shooters.
Hobbes was one of the many victims who lost themselves in squaring the circle, and doubling the cube.
Bergen is situated some two hundred miles northwest of Christiania, and may be reached from thence by a carriole (a peculiar native vehicle) journey across the country, over excellent roads, or by steamboat doubling the Naze.
Some even quit their ranks to offer him personal insults, doubling their fists in his face, and shouting out the coarsest threats which the Revolution had yet taught them.
One of the two portions subsequently increases in bulk, and may again divide repeatedly, but always by doubling division.
Nor does the doctrine of doubling divisions conflict with those conclusions of pathology according to which, in the process of regeneration, cells and tissues give rise only to cells and tissues of their own order.
He accomplishes this by his idea that the germplasm may undergo, simultaneously, doubling and differentiating division.
The one kind is denoted as integral, or doubling division; the other as differential, or differentiating division.
First comes the fundamental circumstance that single-celled organisms exhibit only doubling division, as by that alone the permanence of species, which experience shows us to exist, is possible.
The numerous phenomena of reproduction and regeneration appear to support the principle of doubling division--that is, of division in which the germinal substance is handed on to every part of the organism.
Clearly enough, the egg, in its single-celled condition, changes its quality in a marked degree when it becomes multicellular, even although the change has occurred by doubling division.
Such a permutation could be without injury to the developmental product only if one nucleus had the same qualities as another; that is to say, only if all the nuclei had arisen from the nucleus of the fertilized egg by doubling division.
This city, the advanced sentinel of Transatlantic civilization, is the first land which the traveller discovers after doubling Cape Horn, of melancholy and ill-omened memory.