Certainly there was an ironical discordancebetween the inner history of the man and his apparent fortunes.
The discordance between the actual Victoria and this strange Divinity made in Mr. Gladstone's image produced disastrous results.
Discordance or diversity of form; unlikeness in form.
The quality or state of being inconsistent; discordance in respect to sentiment or action; such contrariety between two things that both can not exist or be true together; disagreement; incompatibility.
The best use of our consciousness of what we ought to be, is when it rouses conscience to feel the discordance with it of what we are, and so drives us to Christ.
A thick group of conformable strata, that is, a series of deposits which show no discordance in their stratification, may usually be regarded as having been laid down on a sea-floor that was gently sinking.
Where one series of rocks is covered by another without any break or discordance in the stratification they are said to be conformable.
For the slightest gap, even a mere wavering, risks giving rise to a fatal discordance between the piano and the orchestral body, which obviously cannot, in any circumstances, hold the movement of its own part in suspense.
With respect to the discordance of dips of the dipping-needles, which for years past had been a source of great trouble and puzzle, the Report states that 'The dipping-needles are still a source of anxiety.
With regard to the Numerical Lunar Theory: Respecting the discordance of Annual Equation, I suspend my judgment.
A puzzling apparent defect in the circle (exhibiting itself by the discordance of zenith points obtained by reflection observations on opposite sides of the zenith) shewed itself very early.
Still I cannot but fear that the error which is the source ofdiscordance must be on my part.
These species might be multiplied indefinitely, and I can only afford space to name a few of the principal ones, about the composition and aspect of which there is the least discordance of opinion.
Meyer, is common to the Lower Miocene of Mayence and the Limagne d'Auvergne, and there are many other points of agreement which the discordance of nomenclature tends to conceal.
The marked discordance in the fossils of the tertiary, as compared with the cretaceous formations, has long induced many geologists to suspect that an indefinite series of ages elapsed between the respective periods of their origin.
At first sight, it may appear that there is some discordance between Patrick Henry and Jefferson Davis, as the one struggled against the adoption of the Constitution, and the other to preserve it.
It is not pretended, of course, that these figures are strictly accurate, but they are sufficiently so to show, at least, that there is no discordance between the fact and the theory.
Nevertheless, the general discordance of these Floras is very striking.
Never was there a dogma more calculated to foster indolence, and to blunt the keen edge of curiosity, than this assumption of the discordancebetween the ancient and existing causes of change.
Even when unconscious the strange being had an aura ofdiscordance about its mind.
That and the disharmony existing in your mind is a large part of the 'protecting' aura of discordance that seals you off from me.
Nothing can produce a more disagreeable discordance than a performer's dancing out of time.
Nothing then has a worse effect, than any impropriety in the management of the arms: it gives to the eye, the same pain that discordance in music does to the ear.
A discordance in music hurts a nice ear; a false attitude or motion in dancing equally offends the judicious eye.
Nor is this discordance one purely of life-forms, for there is often a physical break in the successions of strata as well.
At present their discordance was part of the general discordance of all things, and increased the weight of dejection which lay upon her.
Cause of the Discordance between the two Accounts 188 6.