But notwithstanding, many things are layd to be in the times when they were Papists: yet the Priest neuer tooke paines to discouer them, nor instruct his Scholler, vntill they came to Church.
This could be no forged or false Accusation, but the very Act of GOD to discouer her.
And she that neuer saw them, but in that meeting, did accuse them, and by their facesdiscouer them.
This yeere also the company furnished and sent out a pinnesse, named the Serchthrift, to discouer the harborowes in the North coast from Norway to Wardhouse, and so to the Bay of S.
And that this is true, the nauigations which the English men haue of late made, intending to discouer Cathay, in the time of Edward the sixt, king of England, are very sufficient witnesses.
First the honorable attempt to discouer by sea Northeast and Northwest named for Cathay, being chiefly procured by priuiledge from king Edward the sixt, and other his nobilitie, by and at the cost and sute of M.
Now he began so much to discouer his purpose and affections towards her Maiesty and her countrey, as he sent to the ambassador, intreating him that his preacher [Marginal note: M.
Goodyeare said nay I will keepe my thoughts to myselfe, but in time God will discouer .
Pell desire Knapps wife to lay open herselfe, and make way for the minister to doe her good; her daughter Elizabeth bid her doe as the witch at the other towne did, that is, discouer all she knew to be witches.
Nay, feare not to discouer what you are; It may be we may remedie your care.
It shall be thus: within a lawne hard by, Obscure with bushes, where no humane eye Can any way discouer our deceit, There feeds a heard of Goates and country neate.
Iohn Dauis, helde after hee had sent them from him to discouer the passage betweene Groenland and Island, written by Henry Morgan seruant to M.
Davis had sent them from him to discouer a passage betweene Greenland and Ise-land, 1587 XXIV.
Ocean would discouer new worlds, and that the yle of Thule would no more be the vttermost limite of the earth.
Nicolo remaining nowe in Bres, determined in the spring to go forth and discouer land: wherefore arming out three small barkes in the moneth of Iuly, he sayled to the Northwards, and arriued in Engroneland.
And bicause it chaunseth very seldome, that feruent loue, can be kept so secrete and couert, but in some part it willdiscouer it selfe, mayster Borgo easily did perceyue the passion wherewith mayster Philippo was inflamed.
For if we do consume so long space of time to kill euery of them, as we haue done in murdering of the Duke, the day light will discouer our enterprise before we haue made an ende, yea although wee finde them naked and without defence.
And so pretended to passe forwardes to discouer westward the lande endewed with golde.
Also he vnshipped his më of warre, and sent them to discouer the land.
And truely all those that do discouer newe countreys, ought to make perpetuall their owne names.
Fraunces Hernandes de Cordoua did first discouer Xucatan, going with thrée Shyps for Indians, or else to barter.
After they had fought a good season togither, at length they agreed to discouer either to other their names; so as the lord Barbason, first declaring what he was; the king likewise told him, that he was the king of England.
In which meane while, the earle of Suffolke was sent foorth to discouer the countrie, and the king wan by assault the towne of Baugencie, and after when vittels began to faile, he marched forward, meaning to pursue the Dolphin.
Whilest he remained at Notingham, and also before he came there, he sent abroad diuerse of his auaunt courrers to discouer the countrie, and to vnderstand if there were anie power gathered against him.
Euery euening they come to a place certain in the pond, for receiuing their allowed pittance, and in Summer, approche very neere, and in the top of the water plainly discouer themselues.
From thence trending Penlee poynt, you discouer Kings sand and Causam Bay, an open roade, yet sometimes affoording succour to the woorst sort of Seafarers, as not subiect to comptrolment of Plymouth forts.
Why then you should discouer a brace of vnmeriting, proud, violent, testie Magistrates (alias Fooles) as any in Rome Sicin.
She feared to discouer the same vnto hym, doubtinge eyther that some fond and rigorous aunswere, or the reueylinge of hir mynde to hym, whose presence pleased hir more than all of the men of the World.
But nowe sith your selfe hath opened the way and meanes, I haue presumed to discouer the same, do what shal seeme best vnto your good pleasure.
But if mishap will haue it so, and that some ill lucke doe discouer our dealinges, I haue shift of wayes to coloure it, and power to stop the mouthes of them that dare presume to clatter and haue to do with our priuate conference.
And that the day might not discouer hir, she woulde haue gone downe from the Toure, but she found the Ladder to be taken away.
And for my selfe I had rather dye, than once to open my mouth, to discouer the least intent of this enterpryse.
Armes of England and France, did discouer his pretence and clayme to the Crowne of Fraunce, in these ryming verses.
And yet peraduenture in all points it may not be so taken, but in such onely as may discouer his grossenes or his ignorance by some schollerly affectation: which thing is very irkesome to all men of good trayning, and specially to Courtiers.
By this meanes if you haue any inuention, you may seeme to doe an hundred miracles, & to discouer a mans thought, or words spoken a far off.
First, espials were sent on both sides, to discouer the state and condition of their enemies.
Valeries, certaine English espials were taken, whom King Harold had sent to discouer both the purposes and power of the Duke.
Here the Duke, because he would not either aduenture or trust his Souldiers, went foorth in person todiscouer the Countrey, with 15.
If there be any impediment, I pray you discouer it Bast.
It were good that Benedicke knew of it by some other, if she will not discouer it Clau.
Angelo hath seene them both, And will discouer the fauour Duke.
I meane," quod I, "to hide the same, and neuer to discouer it to any.
To whom they wyll discouer where or in what places they had the same, where the markes shalbe pycked out cleane, and conuayed craftely fare of, to sell.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "discouer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.