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Example sentences for "inverse"

Lexicographically close words:
inventoried; inventories; inventors; inventory; invents; inversely; inversion; inversions; invert; invertebrate
  1. Hence, when the germs or gemmules which achieve development are either better or worse than the residue, the qualities transmitted to offspring will be of an inverse character.

  2. Lucy and others, that the extent of surface is in inverse ratio to the weight, the determination of this ratio being based upon certain considerations.

  3. In human consciousness the indispensable is in inverse ratio to the demonstrable.

  4. It is the symbolic language of mathematics only which has yet proved sufficiently accurate and comprehensive to demand familiarity with this conception of an inverse process.

  5. Kepler's suggestion of gravitation with the inverse distance, and Bouillaud's proposed substitution of the inverse square of the distance, are things which Newton knew better than his modern readers.

  6. Direct and inverse ratios have been applied by an ingenious author to measure human affections, and the moral worth of actions.

  7. Velocity, the time being the same, is in the inverse the same, is in the direct ratio of the time.

  8. Then the Doctor accounted logically for hell by circles placed in inverse order to the shining spheres that lead to God, in which torments and darkness take the place of the Spirit and of light.

  9. Gambara, to whom common sense seemed to return in inverse proportion to sobriety.

  10. They used I know not what desires to give point to the same wrath in inverse sense.

  11. There is generally an inverse relationship also between the number of nuts borne in a cluster on a shoot and the size they attain.

  12. There is a very close inverse relation between the size of the crop produced and the degree to which the nuts are filled at harvest, namely, the larger the crop the less the nuts will be filled.

  13. The necessity for external government to man is in an inverse ratio to the vigour of his self-government.

  14. Internal or mental energy and external or corporeal modificability are in inverse proportions.

  15. The character of most nations in their colonial dependencies is in an inverse ratio of excellence to their character at home.

  16. In looking through it the reader will specially be struck by this instructive fact, that the bitterness and violence of the controversy were always in the inverse ratio of the importance of the points at issue.

  17. Toryism has undergone a process of inverse development which resembles decay, but which is merely an accommodation to the existing conditions of life and health.

  18. Now, as in the judgments of taste no account must be kept of the matter treated of, it follows naturally that the aesthetic value of these two kinds will be in an inverse ratio to the proper importance of their themes.

  19. Thus the operation that we perform in the judgments of the second kind is precisely the inverse of that which we perform in those of the first.

  20. Experience teaches us that painful affections are those which have the most attraction for us, and thus that the pleasure we take in an affection is precisely in an inverse ratio to its nature.

  21. It is rather the inverse process which is attempted.

  22. The values he obtained for F't agreed very well with those previously given by Carnot and Clapeyron, and showed that this function diminishes with rise of temperature roughly in the inverse ratio of T, as suggested by Joule.

  23. His power of will is in inverse proportion to his fluency of speech.

  24. The young hero is a blazing ass, who is in love with two girls at the same time, and whose fluency of speech is in inverse proportion to his power of will.

  25. Herbert Spencer held that Genesis (or reproductive power) and Individuation (or Self-development) exist in inverse ratio.

  26. Thus is preserved in him that normal proportion between Individuation and Perpetuation which Herbert Spencer describes as existing in inverse ratio to one another.

  27. Faculty declines in the inverse order of its development.

  28. The limiting points are inverse points for every circle of the system.

  29. Newton found that the law of the first is the inverse square of the distance: I am not aware that the law of the second has been discovered; if there be any chance, we shall see it at the year 1856 in this list.

  30. The breast and the haunches are in an inverse proportion in the two sexes.

  31. On the Attraction of Homogeneous Ellipsoids, and the already mentioned memoir Allgemeine Lehrsatze, on the theory of forces attracting according to the inverse square of the distance.

  32. It might be imagined that this fastidiousness would be in the inverse ratio of the passion: but it is not so.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inverse" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    adverse; antagonistic; anti; antipathetic; antipodal; antipodes; antithesis; antithetical; balancing; change; clashing; compensating; conflicting; confronting; contra; contradictory; contrary; converse; convert; counter; counterbalance; counterpoint; discordant; discrepant; facing; foil; hostile; inconsistent; inimical; introvert; inverse; invert; obverse; offset; opposed; opposing; opposite; oppositional; perverse; polar; repugnant; reverse; revolve; rotate; transpose; turn

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    inverse proportion; inverse ratio; inversely proportional