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Example sentences for "unevenness"

Lexicographically close words:
unessential; unethical; unevangelical; uneven; unevenly; uneventful; uneventfully; unevolved; unexacting; unexaggerated
  1. Removal of any unevenness or sharpness of the teeth.

  2. Again, while the crop usually ripens evenly, there are seasons when two pickings are needed because of the unevenness in ripening.

  3. The marked unevenness of the soil in the seven vineyards in which these experiments were carried on, as indicated by the crops and the effects of the fertilizers, furnishes food for thought to grape-growers.

  4. The good qualities of the variety are offset by comparative unproductiveness and unevenness in ripening.

  5. The defects which have kept Brilliant from becoming one of the standard commercial sorts are: marked susceptibility to fungi, variability in size of cluster, unevenness in ripening and unproductiveness.

  6. The greater the space, the greater the unevenness of the stone; and those that show especial unevenness should be set aside from those that have little.

  7. This must not be coarse, for fear of causing unevenness or holes in the leather in the printing-frame or in the so-called scraper-wood that makes the impression.

  8. It must be free from unevenness and wrinkles, yet be able to wrinkle when deep in thought, afflicted by pain, or moved by indignation.

  9. In the preservation of the average proportion of land and sea, the igneous agents exert a conservative power, restoring the unevenness of the surface which the levelling power of water in motion would tend to destroy.

  10. The house has been banked up and grassed, a fence put to enclose all the yard, and we have actually had the audacity to talk about a tennis ground, which would take an immense deal of making, from the unevenness of the soil.

  11. In order, therefore, that the mean diameter of the earth should remain uniform, and the unevenness of the surface be preserved, it is necessary that the amount of subsidence should be in excess.

  12. This irregular mental activity reports itself in unevenness of delivery; life appears in gleams not in steady shining.

  13. But with continued effort to concentrate other minds upon his subject, this unevenness gives place to ease in delivery, to smoothness of voice.

  14. Every unevenness of the slip renders it useless for our purposes.

  15. For with the smallest unevenness or brittleness of the glass it is an impossibility for the one to fit every bend of the other.

  16. Evidences of this unevenness of distribution meet us everywhere.

  17. There is startling unevenness in the distribution of these gifts.

  18. You must be able to make a leg longer or shorter as the unevenness of the ground necessitates.

  19. Unevenness of working, and lack of covering or mixing power, you will find in poor paints also.

  20. It is not necessary to scrape the paint smooth, but only to take off such projections and unevenness of paint as would interfere with the proper over-painting.

  21. Not an unevenness of the ground, not a caprice in the architecture, not a fold.

  22. An angle of the wall being given, with the tension of his back and legs, with his elbows and his heels fitted into the unevenness of the stone, he raised himself as if by magic to the third story.

  23. The drag does not suffice for this purpose, tending to accentuate the unevenness rather than to correct it.

  24. The greatest care must be exercised in spreading the gravel to eliminate unevenness where the loads were deposited.

  25. What causes the unevenness of this layer?

  26. This quality requires often slight deceptions to be allowed or practiced; hence an unevenness in the writing is observed.

  27. But he had some difficulty first in reconciling his preconceived idea of Willy with the tall young man, with the faint unevenness of step, who responded to his greeting so calmly and so easily.

  28. She could hear the slight unevenness of his steps as he moved about, but there was no more whistling.

  29. A Side Light=, particularly if direct sunlight, must be avoided, as any unevenness or grain of the paper will be exaggerated and rendered more apparent if lighted in such a manner.

  30. The manipulation of the seam must be managed with extreme care, as any unevenness would render the roller useless.

  31. This is due to the prominent position of the valves which brings them in contact with all the blood in the body, the large extent and unevenness of the surface and to the rubbing together and contact of their edges when closed.

  32. It is very difficult to say, but it seems as though there is an increasing unevenness in the distribution of wealth, an increase in the number of persons who live at the expense of the laboring class.

  33. This is due to the loss from the blood of the outstreaming fluid and the relative increase in the number of corpuscles, added to by the unevenness of surface which the attached corpuscles produce.

  34. Where letters do not show up properly they must be backed up with paper of suitable thickness on the board until all unevenness disappears.

  35. If there had been unevenness in the depth of colour before, it will hardly be possible to remedy it now, for the light places remain so and the dark ones become even darker.

  36. It was hardly even a ledge, hardly more than a mere unevenness in the rock's surface.

  37. But owing to the unevenness of the ground it was difficult either to hit the snake with a stone or to pin it with a knife.

  38. The buffalo staggered greatly after the shot, drew in his haunches, but rushed away, and before Stas was able to reload disappeared in the unevenness of the ground.

  39. The scraper follows the plane, removing the unevenness which the latter leaves on board surfaces.

  40. The scraper corrects all slight unevenness of surface and removes scratches and other blemishes.

  41. Each fall of snow, when well trodden, not unlike repeated coats of paint on a rough surface, serves to cover up the unevenness of the bottom, which in time becomes very smooth and even.

  42. But in some instances the unevenness of the country admits only of unfavorable alternatives.

  43. When the Pain ceaseth; when the Part hath resum'd its natural Shape; when no Unevenness is any longer perceiv'd therein; and when it is conformable to the sound Part on the other side.

  44. The triangle may now be cut, but an extra width must always be allowed for the seam, as there is frequently a slight unevenness and one side may have to be held a little full or stretched to make a perfect match.

  45. This tends to get rid of any unevenness and makes the fibers all parallel.

  46. When your candlestick is in good shape and still moist, go over it with a camel’s-hair brush dipped in water, smoothing down any little unevenness in this way.

  47. With a pair of sharp scissors trim away all unevenness or raggedness that may be found on the edge.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unevenness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.