She had learned from Uncle Jim that this Aquarium in Naples, founded by Dr.
Again, if the aquarium is overstocked with plants, so that they are crowded so closely that the light fails to reach some of them, decomposition will take place, and everything will become a decaying mass.
When the water in an aquarium becomes bad, they are sure to indicate it by leaving their shells, and trying to crawl out of the tank.
This time they will live, and we will have established a true aquarium--an aquarium based on the self-sustaining principles of nature, wherein it will not be necessary to change the water.
I once had a dandy-crab whose back I had scrubbed clean, after which I placed him in an aquarium containing a plain sand bottom.
The great secret in establishing a self-supporting aquarium is to establish a natural balance of water, fish, plants, and light, so that none of these agents are wanting in quantity.
It has the power of stinging slightly, but, for all that, is so beautiful that no aquarium should be without it.
Pipe-fish are apt to be delicate; still, if your aquarium is in perfect health, and the water is teeming with minute animal life, they will get along nicely.
This so frightened the dandy-crab that he began searching over the aquarium for material to cover himself with.
I've been through that Naples aquarium several times, and it is a drab affair compared with the aquarium here at Honolulu.
There is anaquarium in Naples, Italy, said to be the finest in the world.
In the Honolulu aquarium may be seen fish of odd shapes and so brilliantly and beautifully colored that no artist could show these colors with paint and brush.
Illustration: Aquarium Finished] If desired, a centerpiece (A, Fig.
In a well balanced aquarium the water requires renewal only two or three times a year.
The smaller is placed within the larger, the bottoms being covered with moss and aquarium decorations which can be purchased at a bird store.
Pour in aquarium cement and embed the globe in it.
Let [Illustration: Detail of Aquarium Frame] the cement dry three or four days before putting any water in the aquarium.
Usually a lamp globe costs less than an aquarium globe of the same dimensions.
How to Make an Aquarium [64] In making an aquarium, the first thing to decide on is the size.
In choosing stock for the aquarium it should be remembered that a sufficient quantity of vegetable life is required to furnish oxygen for the fish.
The council has only established the aquarium a few years, and already it is well stocked with specimens of British zoophytes and annelides, for the most part dredged from the neighbourhood of Weymouth.
At all events, we hope to see the aquarium greatly extended, as it will afford the means of studying a department of natural history of which we have hitherto been almost wholly in the dark.
The interesting specimens we have dwelt upon are confined to the sea-water tanks, which line the Aquarium on the side opposite the door, and those which run down the centre of the apartment.
It is not very bold and will lie on the bottom of an aquarium with its head and foot half protruding from its shell, and its rostrum and tentacles slowly moving about.
A fish globe six or eight inches in diameter makes an admirable aquarium and even a quart Mason fruit jar has been successfully used by the writer.
If the aquarium is large enough a few water plants like water cress might be introduced to assist in purifying the water.
They are such voracious eaters that the dirtiest aquarium will be cleansed by them in a very short time.
Many of my readers have doubtless kept an aquarium at some time in their life and have stocked it with several goldfish, a small turtle and some fresh-water snails.
I believe I could have made an aquarium by now, let alone fit it up.
This aquarium was in appearance somewhat like an inverted dish-cover of glass--one of the best shapes to be had.
A nice aquarium you would make of it, missy, if you hadn't some one to look after you!
But, what shall we get to put into the aquarium besides, Captain dear, crabs and little fish, like those we see swimming about in the sea below the castle?
In addition to these there were several hundred visitors to the aquarium and laboratory, in spite of the bad condition of the roads.
The sea hare, Aplysia, laid its eggs in the aquarium jars during the middle and late summer.
On July 14th and 20th, six individuals of the genus Ophiothrix deposited eggs in the aquarium jars.
Suppose, on the other hand, the man was dead, as he seemed--that he had died to make an Aquarium side show?
As I was passing the Abbey I glanced at the Aquarium on my right.
He had it examined by three doctors before the Aquariumpeople would let him start upon that sleep of his.
The Lobster from which the slough was obtained, and whose operations are the subject of this communication, was an inhabitant of a large marine aquarium in the Museum at Scarborough.
The operation, from first to last, occupied about twenty minutes, and was performed entirely in view, in that part of the aquarium which the Lobster had cleared of sea-weed.
Mr. Bennett informs me that, in an aquarium in his possession, an Astacus fluviatilis has twice cast its shell, and the process of moulting was on each occasion accomplished without any splitting of the shell at the joints of the claws.
In a few more weeks the aquarium was swarming with ants.
By the time the aquarium appeared, we were ignoring him and everything he did.
The Chief became so fascinated, in a kind of horror-stricken manner, that he did not mention the aquarium to Kenzie at all.
With a half-suppressed whimper she emptied water and fish into an aquarium at the end of the conservatory, and turning to me asked my permission to leave my service.
Then she told me how she had found it one day while coming from the Aquarium in the Battery, how she had advertised it and watched the papers, but at last gave up all hopes of finding the owner.
A Peruvian boy was shown at the Westminster Aquarium with a dark, hairy mole situated in the lower part of the trunk and on the thighs in the position of bathing tights.
He was alone in his compartment; a vague and dirty country side, such as one sees through an aquarium of troubled water, receded rapidly behind the train which was lashed by the rain.
For a long aquarium occupied the entire space between the porthole and the genuine window placed in the outer wall.
And she almost hated her aunt, who was probably still sitting in the little bead-curtained recess on the landing where the cloudy aquarium stood.
It was so unlike Glenerne and the leers about the aquarium corner.
You can sometimes buy aquarium cement or prepared putty at a "gold fish" store.
Illustration: A heavy net is useful to capture aquarium specimens] To study the animal life under the surface of a clear and shallow lake, a water telescope is a great aid.
Be sure that the paint and putty of an aquarium is thoroughly dry before you fill it with water.
If we keep in our aquarium the specimens that we collect in our neighbourhood, beetles, newts, crawfish, snails, and tiny sunfish the number may be greatly increased.
The nature student will not attempt to stock up his aquarium immediately.
If we were studying the development of mosquitoes, for instance, from the larvae or eggs to the fully developed insect, we should not get very far in our nature study if we put them in an aquarium with fish.
You may keep your aquarium in a light place, but always keep it out of the sun in summer and away from the heat of a stove or radiator in winter.
The method is as follows: First cover the bottom of the aquarium with a layer of sand and pebbles to a depth of about two inches.
The care of an aquariumis a never ending source of interest to the nature student.
The kind of an aquarium above described is intended to fill an entirely different purpose from the usual gold fish globe.
To put them in the same aquarium would be like caging up two game roosters.
Illustration: A self-sustaining or balanced aquarium] Any transparent vessel capable of holding water, even a Mason jar will make an aquarium from which a great deal of pleasure may be derived.
Bunny, holding Sue's hand, led her over to the other side of the aquarium where there was a pool containing some large fish, and some big turtles.
Just at this time there was no one near this pool, for most of the visitors in the aquarium were watching the seals, as Mrs. Brown and Aunt Lu were doing.
One of the aquarium men, with a net, caught the turtle, and took the pin and string out of its mouth.
Watching the seals was fun, and Bunny and Sue had a good time there, until it was time to go out of the aquarium for dinner.
The Aquarium was visited next, and here the girls found many odd and interesting fish.
Burt bettered the performance of the Chinnerys, ten years earlier, by thirty-three minutes, walking to the Aquarium in 10 hrs.
The course selected, therefore, became from Hyde Park Corner to the Aquarium at Brighton, by way of Hickstead and Bolney.
Starting at an early hour on June 16th, and "walking" ten hours a day, she reached the Aquarium at the unearthly hour of 2.
A sharp tap on the sides of an aquarium in which six blind fishes were swimming, where they had been for a number of days undisturbed, in a dark room, caused nearly all of them to dart rapidly forward.
Those responding were not necessarily the nearest to the center of disturbance, but sometimes at the opposite side of the aquarium or variously distributed through it.
The young Amblyopsis reared in theaquarium seemed to feed on the minute forms found in the mud at the bottom of its aquarium.
A number kept in an aquariumwith a median partition, in which there was a small opening, were readily able to perceive the opening, swimming directly for it when opposite it.
The aquarium was a cylindrical jar three hundred millimetres in diameter and three hundred millimetres high.
Contrary to Sloan's observation, that they detect the presence of a solid substance in their path, I have never noticed that those in confinement became aware of the proximity of the walls of the aquarium when swimming toward it.
Some Coecidotaea placed in the aquarium of the young soon disappeared, and the capture of one of these was noted under a reading glass.
In the aquarium they lie at the bottom or at various depths in the water, their axes making various angles with the horizontal, their pectorals folded to their sides.
In an aquariumcontaining six Amblyopsis two took a great antipathy to each other.
Two which were kept in an aquarium for over a year were starved for a few days.
A large aquarium occupied the whole space between the port-hole and this window.
One of the young women looked at the sheepshead aquarium and murmured: "What long bills they have.
In one aquarium there are so many catfish that they make the water cloudy.
The change from the cold water on the outside to the warmer water of the aquarium and the temperate climate of the room hastens the process which in the stream would not take place until later.
In a short time one may find fastened to the glass side of the aquarium the little mass of transparent jelly which surrounds and protects the delicate eggs of these creatures.
That, perhaps, was the collection Archie liked best, though the joys of the aquarium ran it close.
He had an inordinate passion for small bread-pills, in pursuit of which he was so violently active that he often hit his nose against the side of the aquarium so hard that you could positively hear the stunning blow.