These were "barrel" lights with reflectors several feet in diameter, the whole output sometimes weighing as much as several tons.
To-day, the total daily output of matches reaches millions and perhaps billions.
The effectiveness of artificial lighting in reducing the cost of living is easily demonstrated by comparing the output of a factory operating on one and two shifts per day respectively.
The luminous output of such lamps is much greater than that of an ordinary carbon arc using the same amount of electrical energy.
This great increase in outputis brought about by lighting at an insignificant increase in cost but without the additional consumption of food or clothing.
These fixed charges would average slightly more than half as much in the case of the two-shift factory as in the case of the same output from a factory twice as large but operating only a day shift.
At no time during this period shall the output of light fall below 1.
An interesting point to investigate is the relation of the output to input; that is, the ratio of the total emitted light to the total exciting energy.
The filament is capable of subdivision, with the result that such lamps vary from the minutest spark of the smallest miniature lamp to the enormous output of the largest gas-filled tungsten lamp.
This decreases the size of the filament eventually to the breaking-point and the blackening of the bulb decreases the output of light.
Various types of burners have appeared which aimed to burn more gas in a given time under a mantle and thereby to increase the output of light.
The greater output of light is compensated by losses by conduction of heat through the gas.
Its mammoth breweries lead the country in the output of beer.
Later the silver mines in Nevada were discovered and developed, and their immense output brought increased wealth to San Francisco.
Most of these are of the heavier type made for country trade, but the output of finer footwear is steadily increasing.
About one-tenth of the world's output of wool is produced in the United States.
These three North American countries produced 76 per cent of the world's output of silver.
The attractiveness and rapid growth of the home market provided an outlet for practically the whole output of American mills.
The spinners frequently contract for months ahead for the output of their mills, and it is part of the merchant's task to see that the cotton is available at a contract price when the spinners are in need of it.
They were all, however, of the class of books which rapidly get themselves thumbed out of existence, and from the extreme rarity of those which survive it is probable that Doesborgh's real output was considerably greater.
On the management side, the main shortcomings include poor organization of production, acceptance of unjustifiably low work output norms, and labor hoarding.
In agriculture 67 percent of the increase in output during those years was attributed to the growth of productivity.
During this period the share of field crops in total output is reported to have increased at the expense of livestock production--a direct result of the government's emphasis on bread grains.
Since production had started from nothing or from very low levels in the early post-World War II years, the rates of growth in output were substantially higher during the 1950s than in the following decade.
In 1969 these technologically backward plants produced less than half the totaloutput but employed more than half the industrial labor force.
The output of a reversible machine working between two given temperatures is greater than that of any nonreversible engine, and it is the same for all reversible machines working between these two temperatures.
We needn't stop there--we can increase that output when we get started," Henry Ford declared.
But with the increased output this year we hope to catch up.
More men were added to the pay-roll, more machinery was installed, and still the orders came and the output could not keep up with them.
Over one hundred men were employed there, and their output was one to be pointed to with pride by boastful citizens.
And the output of Ford automobiles had increased over 20 per cent.
They figured the cost of material by the hundred tons, estimated the exact proportions each metal required; they planned an output of 2,000 watches daily as the point at which cost of production would be cheapest.
Previous to the war there was no such pouring out of literature in Italy as there was in England, and there were few writers of fiction whose output or content could be compared with that of Mr. H.
Were I obliged to characterize the fictional output of Italy during the past few years, I should say that it was imaginatively sterile and emotionally fecund.
Before he left he had brought the monthly output almost up to the million yard mark.
They are jobs based on the expanded demand for the output of our economy for consumption and investment.
In the coming year we must increase the output of many weapons and supplies on short notice.
The farmers of this Nation know that a balanced output can be put into effect without excessive cost and with the cooperation of the great majority of them.
How is this inconceivably vast output of energy maintained practically invariable throughout the centuries?
Shrinkage means evolution of heat; and it is found by calculation that if the sun were to contract its diameter by shrinking only two-hundred and fifty feet per year, the entire output of solar heat might thus be accounted for.
There is sufficient in the sun to maintain itsoutput of heat for fifteen billion years.
They also no longer restricted output to keep prices high, but geared to export many inexpensive goods.
The gold workers enjoyed an expansion of output springing naturally from the surplus wealth in secular hands, and a similar lot fell to the workers in silks and embroideries; both industries produced materials of a high artistic quality.
If any set of causes can be singled out from the rest, it is probable that those having to do with the political and economic decline of the country as a whole affected, also, the intellectual output of the country.
The fame of the laws of Alfonso X and of Alfonso XI has obscured the legislation of other reigns, but the output of the other kings was great in quantity, if less in importance than that of the two Alfonsos.
The manufacture of cloth in the entire kingdom in the most flourishing epoch did not equal the output of the single city of Bruges.
This gives the average amount of the output each class of consumers will use during the average life of the new contract.
Add to the last year's output the percentage found above, this result representing the output for the first year of the new contract.
Put these into percentages of the amount of the average output for the five years, and then use the percentages as the amount each class of consumer will use of the average output found in (I) during the period of the new contract.
The average of these results will be the average estimated output during the life of the new contract.
II) Next find the amount of the total output each class of consumers used during each of the five years, and then find the average yearly use during this period.
But though, considered by itself, it yields a margin of profit, it will rarely if ever be produced as part of the actual output of a Trust.
But any endeavour to further shorten and intensify the working-day might injure the workers, even though theiroutput were increased.
So long as industry was limited by the labour of the human body, assisted but slightly by natural forces and working with simple tools, the output of productive energy could seldom outstrip the present demand for consumable goods.
A closely-formed combination of northern coalowners continued to restrict output and impose monopoly prices upon London consumers for a considerable time in the middle of the eighteenth century.
But the possibility that short hours and high wages may stimulate an injurious compression of the output of productive effort is one which must not be overlooked in considering the influence of new industrial methods upon labour.
It has introduced new economies in the machinery of refining, has found profitable uses for naphtha and other waste products, and has vastly increased its output and the machinery of distribution.
For the justly ordered life brings the identification of life, a continuous orderly intake and output of wholesome energy.
The complexity of modern machinery and the superhuman celerity of which it is capable suggest continually an increased compression of human labour, an increased output of effort per unit of time.
The actual output of a Trust, we shall find, will be determined at any point between the first unit of output and this marginal increment.
Hence it follows that wherever the efficiency of labour power depends chiefly upon the output of muscular force in motive power, or precision in the regulation of muscular force, machinery will tend to displace human labour.
This is only in part attributable to the fact that workers can be induced to sell the same daily output of physical energy as before, while in many cases a longer time is required for its expenditure.
In this way, he secures an annual output without hurting the forest itself.
In Germany, Forestry has attained, through a long series of years, a remarkable state of scientific thoroughness and has greatly increased the annual output of the forests of that country.
The average output per working day of the plane tabler has been for the whole survey 3.
The accumulation of capital had become so large,--and with new inventions the possible output had become so abundant, that it was well nigh impossible to trust to the blind working of demand and supply to regulate things in a beneficial way.
When wedge and mallet are at work, preparing my provision of firewood under the grey sky that heralds winter, a favourite relaxation creates a welcome break in my daily output of prose.
The mother's output is affected by the degree of quietness at the moment of laying.
Just as the rope-maker obtains the even output of his hemp by walking backwards, so does the Epeira obtain the discharge of hers by falling.
The railway trucks in the yard, and the canal barges at the wharf, presented a busy scene,-- showing the influx of raw material and the output of finished work.
What capital could do for them and for the Fallen Star community by way of increasing its output and furthering its activities was what he saw.
A cunning setting--one that would trap and concentrate enough residual di-ions at normal power output to cut loose somewhere between the fifth and tenth jump.
He'd have to see whether he couldn't get more output from the heat converter--if he could chance going past the leaking pile again.