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Example sentences for "regard them"

  • Even those who invent the theories do not, in science, regard them as anything but a temporary makeshift.

  • It is a mistake to regard them as vicious perversions.

  • We regard them as almost insane, fortified in that belief by the undoubted fact that coprophagia is not uncommon among the insane.

  • We become so accustomed both to the speech of ordinary intercourse and to that of familiar art, that we inevitably come to regard them as natural and almost universal.

  • They are sometimes men of no inconsiderable powers of intellect and of much cultivation; but it is hardly possible to regard them as of greater contemporary interest than are the mummies of the Pharaohs.

  • I am thus compelled to leave open the question of the real nature of the vasa efferentia, but am inclined to regard them as outgrowths from the anterior segmental tubes, though not from their open terminations.

  • Sections may however be met with which appear to shew that in some instances the ureters still continue to open into the Wolffian duct, but these I find to be rare and inconclusive, and am inclined to regard them as abnormalities.

  • All our trials are, in truth, from God, and it would be well for us to regard them in that light.

  • And when I found first one and then another to be dishonest, drunken, licentious, I was disposed to regard them as exceptions to the general rule.

  • I was in consequence led to regard them as the imaginations of unthinking, trifling, or dreamy theologians.

  • Yet they are very insulted if a man, who is not a "scholar", does not treat them with utmost respect and fails to regard them as a superior species of human being.

  • To regard them as beings endowed with equal rights is repugnant to their prejudiced minds.

  • It is a great exaggeration then to assume that their customs of courtship caused the ancient nobility to treat women with special respect and to regard them as superior beings.

  • In the case of the Australians, we regard them as the names of cult groups; in America, where the totem cult proper has receded or has disappeared, we regard them as mere clan names.

  • Added to this is the fact that the very character of such pictures as are still in existence scarcely allows us to regard them as more than sixty to seventy years old.

  • To regard them as the things themselves, or as constituent parts of them, leads to endless fallacies.

  • To regard them as the things to which they pertain, or as constituent parts of them, leads to endless fallacies.

  • To regard them as the things themselves, or as constituent parts of them, leads to endless fallacies.

  • And no doubt they would be so, if we regard them as mere acts of kindness to individual persons.

  • But what form sweeps by with so haughty a majesty, then pauses by the betrothed, addresses them not, but seems to regard them with so fixed a watch?

  • The more timid of the bystanders exchanged a glance of horror, and drew back.

  • The windows, or rather loop-holes, towards the street were few, and strongly barred.

  • The poor Eureka is lost to me and the world forever.

  • The domestication of animals leads men to regard them simply as material for the maintenance of life--the mystery that once attached to them vanishes; they are considered not as man's equals or superiors but as his servants.

  • With all of them he deals in such a way as to secure his own well-being, and thus comes to regard them as things subservient to him, to be used in such way as he may find profitable.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "regard them" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    brought forth; but still; chicken cholera; close together; income countries; insist upon; large species; only another; other creatures; other kinds; pregnant women; real religion; regard iniquity; regard the; regarded himself; regarded merely; regarded the; regards myself; regards the; regards their; regards them; regards what; scant half; spoke very; sweet heart; then looking