It is not, perhaps, surprising that this whole subject is omitted from the compilation of 1897.
The Code of 1650, being a compilation of the earliest laws of the General Court.
This is a fairly representativecompilation of gossip and literary anecdote regarding woman, but without a trace of sociological perception.
By this league was suggested thecompilation of the elaborate report of Hon.
Epiphanius employed by Cassiodorus to assist him in the compilation of 'Historia Tripartita,' 61.
After the compilation of the 'Notitia' the office of Cancellarius apparently rose somewhat in importance, and was introduced into other departments besides that of the Master of the Offices.
At the time of the compilation of the 'Notitia' only one person appears to have acted in this capacity under each Praefect.
The office of Cornicularius had swallowed up that of Princeps, and accordingly the single Adjutor, who was sufficient at the compilation of the 'Notitia,' had to be multiplied by two.
We must begin, therefore, to entertain hopes of natural philosophy then only, when we have a better compilation of natural history, its real basis and support.
Lastly, we must particularly recommend and suggest, that man's present industry in the investigation and compilation of natural history be entirely changed, and directed to the reverse of the present system.
Giles holds that the Tao Tê Ching is a compilation and was not written by Lao Tzŭ himself though it probably enshrines some of his sayings.
He was consulted on the compilation of the Communion office in 1548, and the first and second books of Common Prayer, and sat on the commission for the reform of the canon law.
The archbishop did much of the work of compilation personally.
It is a dry and inaccurate compilation from various sources, unduly partial to the Goths (ed.
De Orthographia, a compilation made by the author in his ninety-third year from the works of twelve grammarians, ending with his contemporary Priscian (ed.
The earliest and most extended history of His mortal existence is embodied within the compilation of scriptures known as the New Testament; indeed but little is said of Him by secular historians of His time.
In a modern revelation, Jesus the Christ has confirmed the record of John the apostle, which record appears but in part in our compilation of ancient scriptures.
Thus, in spite of its compilation from different sources, the book bears the impress of one hand and of one mind.
The first impulse to the compilation of the Talmud marks one of the most important epochs in Jewish history.
The Mishnaic compilation had not, in fact, included many laws, partly because they were not possessed of absolute legal force, and partly because they were as special cases included in the general formulae.
By his compilation of the Talmud, Ashi completed the work which had been begun by Judah two centuries previously.
Mar bar-Ashi, principal of the school of Sora, completes the compilation of the Talmud, 628.
Judah's compilation had, however, obtained so undisputed an authority that its votaries considered every word of it to be sacred, and contended that not a line ought to be added to it.
Since the completion, two generations before, of the oldest compilation under the name of Adoyot, the subject-matter of the Law had accumulated to an enormous extent.
Judah therefore based his compilation on Akiba's partially arranged collection of laws as taught and corrected by Meir, retaining the same order.
The period of the compilation of the Mishna was by no means a happy one for the Jews.
This tendency of compilation and arrangement was represented by Ashi.
Rabina, principal of the school of Sora and last Amora, completes the compilation of the Talmud, 630 f.
Jose, principal of the school of Pumbeditha, completes the compilation of the Talmud, 630.
But by reason of his great authority with his disciples and contemporaries his compilation gradually obtained exclusive authority, and finally superseded all previous collections, which for that reason have fallen into oblivion.
I do not know whether Mr. Halhed's compilation is in evidence before your Lordships, but I do know that it is good authority on the Gentoo law.
The compilation of this index must have been a specially laborious work, and does great credit to William Jaggard, of Liverpool, the compiler.
The object of the Index Society was to set up a standard of uniformity in the compilation of the indexes published by them.
This has been a stumbling-block in the compilation of the index to the new edition, in which a better system was attempted.
When suggestions were made in Notes and Queries for the compilation and publication of certain needed indexes, Mr. J.
In all cases, however, some explanation of the mode of compilation should be attached to the index.
The compilation of an index is one of those useful labours for which the public, commonly better pleased with entertainment than with real service, are rarely so forward to express their gratitude as we think they ought to be.
Some authors indicate their line of reasoning by the compilation of headings.
In the first rank we must place the younger Scaliger, who devoted ten months on the compilation of an elaborate index to Gruter's Thesaurus Inscriptionum.
Bayle, his opinion on the need of judgment in the compilation of an index, 132.
These laws, a compilation of still older ones, were afterwards incorporated into statutes by a woman of Athens, and were received by the Romans as extremely pure natural laws.
For the purposes of this subsection, all the parts of a compilation or derivative work constitute one work.
A subsequent redactor united D with this, and still later another united this compilation with P.
It is a compilation of maxims made many centuries after his time.
Grotius argues that it is a compilation from two older epistles.
These books are a compilation of documents made centuries after the time that Ezra and Nehemiah are supposed to have completed the canon of the Old Testament, and a hundred years after the date assigned for the Septuagint translation.
The immediate source of Luke's Gospel was undoubtedly the Gospel of Marcion, itself a compilation of older documents.
They are simply a compilation of ancient documents, written at various times, and by various authors.
Dr Schmidt, to whom Borrow turned for advice and information, was apparently very busily occupied with his own affairs, which included the compilation of a Mongolian Grammar and Dictionary.
For this work he was to receive the munificent sum of fifty pounds, which was to cover all expenses incurred in the purchase of books, papers and manuscripts necessary to the compilation of the work.
The English character of the compilation was soon sacrificed in order to admit notable malefactors of other nationalities, and the drain upon the editor's small capital became greater than ever.
John returned to Norwich about a fortnight later accompanied by Haydon, who was to become the guest of his sitter, {47a} and George was left to the compilation of Celebrated Trials.
This is a peculiarly useful compilation of expressions according to their meaning relations.
Assistant in the compilation of the Bollandist publications: Analecta Bollandiana and Acta sanctorum.
It is taken from thecompilation of Felix Oefelius, Rerum Boicarum scriptores (Augsburg, 1763), ii.
In a volume of letters he disputed the claims of Sir Philip Francis to the authorship of the Letters of Junius; his Parriana (1828) is a vast and ill-digested compilation of literary anecdotes and criticisms.
A compilation of Barros's Varia was published by the visconde de Azevedo (Porto, 1869).
Church, despite the constant use of the one prayer prescribed--itself a compilation of current Jewish phrases.
This compilation usefully supplies a revised text of the ancient philosophic fragments, with a translation of these and of the passages on the early thinkers by the later, and by the epitomists.
To the zoologist the volume will be of no use, as it embodies few new observations on the fishes considered and is largely a compilation from other well-known works.
The work is entertainingly written, despite the laborious compilationof geological details, which is made evident in its numerous chapters.
December to assist in the compilation of the new Catalogue; but how long he remained in the Library does not appear.
The compilation of the book is a work well done, well worth the doing.
Vyasa executed the compilation of the Bharata, exclusive of the episodes originally in twenty-four thousand verses; and so much only is called by the learned as the Bharata.
And the compilationof the Bharata was published by him through them separately.