But this custome hath beene somewhat shaken, in comming to triall, and laboureth of a dangerous Feuer, though the Cornish Gentlemen vse all possible remedies of almost fas et nefas, by pleading the 11.
Thus much of Halifax law, which I set downe onelie to shew thecustome of that countrie in this behalfe.
And this was the British custome (as I learne) at first.
They brought in also the custome of long and statelie sitting at meat, whereby their feasts resembled those ancient pontificall bankets whereof Macrobius speaketh lib.
For my part I am persuaded that the purpose of the Normans at the first was to reduce the ancient Roman order or Danish custome in feeding once in the daie, and toward the euening, as I haue red and noted.
It was his custome likewise to saie, if anie man hucked hard with him about the price of a gelding; So God helpe me gentleman or sir, either he did cost me so much, or else by Iesus I stole him.
Howbeit some of our infected lawiers will not let them go awaie so easilie, pretending facilitie and custome of vsage, but meaning peraduenture inwardlie to kéepe a commemoration of those dead men whose names are there remembred.
For my part I am persuaded that the purpose of the Normans at the first was to reduce the ancient Roman order or Danish custome in féeding once in the daie, and toward the euening, as I haue red and noted.
No vile, seditious, vnreuerent or biting words are vsed in this assemblie, yet if anie happen to escape and be vttered, the partie is punished according to the censure of the assemblie and custome in that behalfe.
And the sayd customer by vertue hereof shall vpon due and sufficient proofe thereof made in the custome house giue them sufficient cocket or certificate for the safe passing out thereof accordingly.
All marchandise carried to Goa in a shippe wherein are horses pay no custome in Goa.
Sidenote: The maner andcustome of the wild people.
But custome is a thing that is accepted for right or for lawe, there-as lawe and right faylen; and there is no difference, whether it come of scripture or of reson.
This it seems was by order of the knight, that all gentlemen's servants be so treated; but the custome is a barbarous one, and much unbecoming a knight, still lesse a Christian.
He says:--'I see a custome in some parts among us.
We bourned our comrades, being their custome to reduce such into ashes being stained in bataill.
I offered myselfe to them, and was, as their custome is, kindly accepted.
We bid them cheare up, & tould them it was an usuall custome with the ffrench to make much of themselves & of their friends.
The custome is not to deface anything that they present.
I thought it their shame, but contrary they thinke it excellent & old custome good.
I offered myself to them and was, as their custome is, kindly accepted.
I doo not read that this custome of saving by the booke is vsed anie where else then in England; neither doo I find (after much diligent inquirie) what Saxon prince ordeined that lawe" (Book II.
Either the man dislikes me, or his braine Is not his owne, to give such gifts in vaine, But 'tis the custome in this age to cast Gold upon gold, to encourage men to waste.
Conspiracie by the custome of their countrie was a capitall offence, and what custome or iustice might affoord they should be all sure to feele.
This is our custome, which a hundred times and more hath paid mee custome of crownes, when the poore fellowes haue gone to Gehenna, had course bread and whipping chere all their life after.
Perhaps at 'this present tyme' the ceremonies are not so elaborate; but survivals of the 'custome or superstition' are to be found yet in our fishing villages.
And the country custome maketh things decent in ves as in Asia for all men to weare long gownes both a foot and horsebacke: in Europa short gaberdins, or clokes, or iackets, euen for their vpper garments.
Many a word if able shall est arise And such as now bene held in hiest prise Will fall as fast, when vse and custome will Onely vmpiers of speach, for force and skill.
Others for magnificence at the natiuities of Princes children, or by custome vsed yearely vpon the same dayes, are called songs natall or Genethliaca.
I must accuse thecustome of the place, Where most our auncestors themselves doe want Due monuments theyr memoryes to plant.
The Indians had a custome to make a post of them to strike feare in seeing them by night, for that it seemed that they had a visage, being rub’d therewith, as if it were all fire.
Book writeth that the Magi had a custome to conserve it under ashes, before which they went every day to make their prayers and devotions, which is not without some mystery.
In the same yeare the king raised the custome of wooll to an higher rate than had beene paid at any time before: for he tooke now fortie shillings of a sacke or sarpler, where before there was paid but half a marke.
And after the archbishop had doone his fealtie to the king, accordinglie as of dutie and custome he was bound, he was licenced to returne with great honour shewed vnto him at the kings hands.
Now afterwardes, when the shafte is gone, men haue manye faultes, which euell custome hath broughte them to, and specially in cryinge after the shafte and speakynge woordes scarce honest for suche an honest pastyme.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "custome" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.