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Example sentences for "inundated"

Lexicographically close words:
inuisible; inuite; inuited; inunction; inundate; inundates; inundating; inundation; inundations; inure
  1. This level marshland, the barren, metallic mountains, and a sort of semitropic jungle, partly inundated by water, comprise nearly all the area of the Light Country.

  2. There were no bayous here, no inundated land.

  3. For a while the shore remained that same palm-lined, half-inundated marshland.

  4. They were out of sight from the center of the stream, and no one would be likely to wade or swim through the inundated country to get to them.

  5. Clay who had been roaming around in the sticky soil which the river had deposited on the inundated lands, now came rushing up to the boat.

  6. I had better call them ramparts, for this district, you know, was the inundated land of the Yser.

  7. On the other side was the fact that you continually had salvation inundated upon you.

  8. In the first place, the inquirers into Spiritualism, whose name I found to be legion, inundated me with letters, asking me to take them to the house of pretty Miss Blank, the medium.

  9. I have no manner of doubt that the land in this lower part of the valley, which, as already stated, is at present about 10 feet above the highest rise of the Nile, was inundated by it within historical time.

  10. In short, there was scarcely a family of distinction in France that, from the libels which then inundated the kingdom, did not consider the King as having infringed on their prerogatives and privileges in accusing the Cardinal.

  11. Between the bluffs that rose gradually from the stream, and the place where we were on its banks, a wide newly made river spread over land that had been perfectly dry, and, as far as any one knew, had never been inundated before.

  12. It was impossible to cross the inundated part of the plain, though their horses were saddled, with the thought that each one might swim with us through the shallowest of the water.

  13. The dazzling sun of June inundated this terrible thing with light.

  14. When Marius re-entered the redoubt with Gavroche in his arms, his face, like the child, was inundated with blood.

  15. The pure, healthful, living, joyous air that was easy to breathe inundated him.

  16. An irruption of youth inundated that garden intersected with a cross like a shroud.

  17. Each one of these mysterious lines shone before her eyes and inundated her heart with a strange radiance.

  18. The ocean quitted its bed, and inundated whole cities; the trunks of great trees and large parts of buildings were tossed wildly in the air.

  19. Now the land of Java is divided into two classes, land capable of being inundated by streams or rivers called sawah, and land not so inundated called tegal, or gaga.

  20. Just as they moved about on their ranges with their wives and children, slaves and carts, herds and all their paraphernalia, so they inundated the borderlands.

  21. These hordes inundated entire continents far beyond the limits of their accustomed looting ground.

  22. In many cases, however, they advanced in some part of the inundated district directly to the sixth and last stage of state formation, in cases namely, where they established a permanent dominion over the peasant population.

  23. The valley was inundated with golden light.

  24. But the immense hollows between, the deep valleys that had been open to view, were now inundated with a white and luminous vapor, from which the multitude of icy summits emerged like a vast archipelago--a sea of islands.

  25. The world is inundated with nostrums, usurping the power, not only to remedy all the diseases of our nature, but actually to fortify the human constitution, and render it invulnerable.

  26. The world is almost inundated with books; a choice may be made to answer every requirement and to suit every genius and taste.

  27. Far as the eye could teach, swampy flats and inundated morasses filled the dreary prospect.

  28. A formidable evil, however, exists in the insalubrity of the air, arising from the extensive marshes and inundated grounds which border the lower part of the Mississippi.

  29. A convulsive shudder darted through his frame, a cold perspiration inundated his face.

  30. At the expiration of a few minutes a brilliant light inundated the place; the cathedral doors were opened.

  31. As the Lord of Brunn and the Ladie Alftrude were walking from the manor-house to the church, the good men lying in ambush by the river side discovered a great troop pressing along the half-inundated road towards the bridge.

  32. The stream flooded the lower parts of Phoenix and inundated a large part of the farming land at Lehi.

  33. The poor child was already without provisions or fuel of any description, for everything in the inundated cellar and dining-room was spoiled by water.

  34. Not only did it lay St. Petersburg in ruins, but it raged throughout Asia and inundated the shores of California.

  35. These were got out in all haste, the conspirators told off to them with oars and boat-hooks, and they were quickly rowed off in all directions to carry help to the inundated city.

  36. Neither sound of carriage-wheels nor patrol disturbed the quiet of the inundated streets.

  37. Next morning the chariot with its ringing bells proceeds ever farther and farther, until the inundated banks of the Dnieper oblige it to halt.

  38. But to-day they do not allow that illustrious personage to show himself in the inundated streets.

  39. Near Beyadhein we crossed the torrent Saroudj a second time; its different branches inundated the whole plain.

  40. The Batavian might, as was said at the time, have inundated the country, and drowned the Roman armies.

  41. Germans harassed the Roman provinces: a veritable deluge of divers nations, forced one upon another, from Asia into Europe, by wars and migration in mass, inundated the Empire and gave the decisive signal for its fall.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inundated" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.