But now to make an end of the life, as well as of the reigne of king Edward the second, I find that after he was deposed of his kinglie honour and title, he remained for a time at Killingworth, in custodie of the earle of Leicester.
The king comming to Worcester about Newyeres tide, caused the walles of the citie to be repared, committing the custodie thereof vnto William de Longchampe.
And after Araspas departed from him, whiche had the custodie of me, I promised him, that if hee would giue mee leue to sende for you, that you should become more loiall and assured to him, then euer Araspas was.
To this gentleman, king Cyrus committed the custodie of the ladie, and of her tente.
Edwards hands, the names of places and the persons that had them incustodie onelie changed.
The popes ambassadours receiuing Iohn Balioll at king Edwards hands, tooke him ouer with him into France, and there left him in the custodie of the bishop of Cambrie, the popes deputie in that behalfe, where shortlie after he died.
The king hauing receiued as well the possessions of the realme, castels, manours, as other places belonging to the crowne of Scotland, he committed the gouernement and custodie of the realme vnto the bishops of S.
You cannot, if my heart were in your hand, Nor shall not, whil'st 'tis in my custodie Oth.
We being strangers here, how dar'st thou trust So great a charge from thine owne custodie E.
By reason of this law, Malcolme the sonne of Duncane next inheritor to the crowne of Scotland, being within age, was by the nobles of Scotland deliuered as ward to the custodie also of king Edward.
No, our gailers are guiltie of fellonie by an old law of the land, if they torment anie prisoner committed to their custodie for the reuealing of his complices.
A woonderfull preferment that bishops should be preferred from the pulpit, to the custodie of wardrobes: but such was the time.
Then king Richard assigned tents for him and his to lodge in, and appointed certeine knights and other men of warre to haue the custodie of him.
Neuerthelesse to pacifie the French kings mood, he deliuered the citie of Messina into the custodie of the knights Templers and Hospitalers, till he might be satisfied of such things as he demanded of king Tancred.
The custodie of this yoong prince was appointed to Thomas duke of Excester, & to Henrie Beauford bishop of Winchester.
Moreouer, he gaue to his brother Geffrey the custodie of the baron Hastings lands, and so by such liberall and bounteous gifts as he bestowed on them and other strangers, he greatlie incurred the hatred of his naturall people the Englishmen.
Richard Graie constable of the castell of Douer, and lord warden of the cinque ports was this yeare remooued by the lord cheefe iustice Hugh Bigod, who tooke into his owne hands the custodie of the said castell and ports.
And yet feare I no further than the law feareth, which (as learned men tell me) forbiddeth euerie man the custodie of them, by whose death he maie inherit lesse land than a kingdome.
Now had these dukes taken also into their custodie the keies of the In, that none should passe foorth without their licence.
The French king required to haue the custodie of the infant Arthur, heire to Geffrey earle of Britaine: but king Henrie would in no wise grant thereto.
Moreouer he required of the king the kéeping of Rochester castell, & the custodie of the tower of London.
And first he appointed thecustodie of such castels as were of most importance by their situation, vnto the kéeping of certeine worthie capteins.
About this time Theodorike earle of Flanders (going with his wife vnto Jerusalem) committed his sonne Philip with all his lands, to the custodie of the king of England.
In whose custodie he was deteined during the time aboue mentioned, a yeere and 3.
Therefore of a suddantie they must be clapped up in safer custodie than some others have been, which hath bred their laughter.
A note of Sebastian Cabots[17] first discouerie of part of the Indies taken out of the latter part of Robert Fabians Chronicle[18] not hitherto printed, which is in the custodie of M.
If there happen any disordred person in the Fleete, that he be taken and kept in safe custodie vntill he may conueniently be brought aboord the Admirall, and there to receiue such punishment as his or their offences shall deserue.
When he had setled all things according to his iudgement, he returned into England, brought with him his brother Robert, and committed him to safe custodie in the Castle of Cardiff.
It was caried into the Dukes Pauilion, vnder the custodieof William Mallet.
For this cause hee released many English Lords who had bene committed tocustodie by his father.
Moreouer, to William earle of Albemarle the king deliuered the custodie of the castels of Rockingham, Sawey and Biham.
Richard hath taken an oth, and hath deliuered his sonne in pledge to remaine in the hands and custodie of the archbishop of Canturburie, that after my decease he shall deliuer the same castels vnto the duke.
Mortaigne by safe custodie and pledges, so soone as he conuenientlie may, so as all the pledges are to be restored vnto my sonne free, so soone as the duke shall haue the realme of England in possession.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "custodie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.