I said, perhaps not; for the whole was to be conformable to the true construction of the treaties of Utrecht and Paris, and that if the English did not now admit the exclusive construction, they could not contend for it against us.
The King has accepted this friendly declaration of her Majesty, the Empress, with gratitude, and by a counter declaration, which is conformable to it, he has caused his Ministers to be instructed at foreign Courts.
The form of the obligation is such as was advised by the ablest lawyers and most experienced notaries, and is conformable to the usage when loans are made here, for the Seven Provinces.
A like sum was to be paid conformable to the armistice of Bologna, not yet executed.
It must be satisfactory to every State; because it is conformable to the standard already established, or which may be established by the State itself.
Order and disorder are not in nature, but only in our understanding; they are abstract ideas to denote that which is conformable to our nature and that which is contrary to it.
They pleaded in their defence the impossibility of helping it, as the treatment the women had met with had been conformable to his Excellency the Vizier's orders.
The House will naturally expect to find that the Nabob's request was granted, and that the resolution of the board was conformable to the terms of Mr. Hastings's recommendation.
Having promised to do this, he considered that he had, at least partially, fulfilled his promise by publishing some pious Treatises conformable to the spirit of the holy Prelate.
Pie thought that the latter was the course most conformable to the practice of the house; and by supporting a motion to that effect, no member pledged himself in the least to the proposition of the government.
North avoided the snare laid for him by moving as an amendment, "That the judgment of the house on the Middlesex election is conformable to law and the usage of parliament," which was eventually carried by a large majority.
This is conformable to thy own views as also to those of other learned men well acquainted with the truths about principles.
Syumarasmi said, 'O Brahmana, all that I have said (about the laudable character of acts and the opposite character of Renunciation) is strictly conformable to the scriptures.
Bhishma said, 'One should always worship Brahmanas venerable for learning, devoted to penances, and rich in conduct conformable to the injunctions of the Vedas.
It is then that one begins to do acts that are sinful, notwithstanding the admonitions of well-wishers and the wise, unto all which he makes answers plausibly consistent with reason and conformable to the injunctions of the scriptures.
Their conduct, conformable to the model set by the righteous men of old, can never be otherwise.
With soul cleansed of vices, the king should be able to govern his wrath, and all his conclusions should be conformable to the scriptures.
The legitimacy of this appeal is admitted whenever it is allowed that our judgments ought to be conformable to fact.
Evidence is not that which the mind does or must yield to, but that which it ought to yield to, namely, that, by yielding to which, its belief is kept conformable to fact.
Your full powers, of which you have been pleased to send me a copy, are perfectly conformable to what M.
This was conformable to the instructions I had given him respecting the intentions of the King.
The same effect took place when the motion of the wire was in any other azimuth of the line of dip; the direction of the current always being conformable to the law formerly expressed (114.
Any idea, then, which we have in our minds, whether conformable or not to the existence of things, or to any idea in the minds of other men, cannot properly for this alone be called false.
And it is a kind of affront to go about to examine it, by the severe rules of truth and good reason; whereby it appears that it consists in something that is not perfectly conformable to them.
But I do not know how that could be, if they were to live in communion with the world, in its respects and honours; for that is not to be a peculiar or separate people from them, but to be like them, because conformable to them.
That is, God hath preordained that all his elect should be conformable to the image of his Son.
For whom he foreknew, he also predestinated to be made conformable to the image of his Son: that he might be the Firstborn amongst many brethren.
It must be conformable to right reason: every one admits this, and we shall explain it further in a future book.
We are pretty sure that what is right is conformableto his will, but then this requires us first to know what is right.
A prudence which is mastered, which has become a spontaneity, delivers reason from bondage, and makes the whole of life easily conformable to it.
I shall demonstrate this clearly at the end of this discourse, in which I hope to show that my opinion on this subject is conformable to the Scripture, and founded on the tradition of the fathers.
Demosthenes haranguing at Athens against Philip, King of Macedon, said that the priestess of Delphi Philipized, and only pronounced oracles conformable to the inclinations, advantage, and interest of that prince.
Lachesis cast the lots upwards, and every soul laid hold of the one which it could reach; which, however, did not prevent them still from sometimes missing the kind of life which was mostconformable to justice and reason.
The consequences are exactlyconformable to the foregoing reasoning.
The country party do not pretend that a member is absolutely bound to follow instructions as an ambassador or general is confined by his orders, and that his vote is not to be received in the House, but so far as it is conformable to them.
The consequences are conformable to the foregoing observation, and such as may be expected from those mixed forms of government, which beget a mutual watchfulness and jealousy.
As their common characteristic is to be assimilated to the Good, the consequence is that Intelligence contains all the thingsconformable to the Good.
Their movements could also be analyzed in two other ways, according as it was conformable to, or against their nature; but this would not explain the outer differences of movements.
There everything is smoothly perfect, since everything there is conformable to intelligence.
We might further ask whether intelligence, doing that which is in its nature to do, in a manner conformable to its nature, is free and independent, since it could have done the opposite.
It also forms guardians of the superior order, but such as are stillconformable to the being constituent of manhood.
Linnaeus has given a short description of this animal, which appears to be exactly conformable to Nature.
This order is neither arbitrary nor fictitious, but strictly conformable to the steps of Nature.
What is thus conformable he declares ought to be done, what is not conformable ought not to be done.
That which serves that interest he sets down as "conformable to the principle of utility.
In a future chapter I shall endeavor to show why this hypothesis in regard to the solar system is most conformable to the rules of rational belief.
The truth Mr. Martineau's criticism adumbrates is that the law of thought fails where the elements of thought fail; and this is a conclusion quite conformable to the general view I defend.