When I tried to show him that his father had paid a good many years ago the very same rent which he declares himself unable to pay now, he admitted this at once.
Poggio in his dialogue De nobilitate declares that he entirely agreed with his interlocutors Niccolo Niccoli and Lorenzo de' Medici in the opinion that there is no other nobility but that of personal merit.
The Greek critic who had so carefully studied both authors states his own view in broad terms when he declares that "the power of Demosthenes took its seeds and its beginnings from Isaeus" (Dion.
Knox, as envoy of the Lords, declares that in the treaty it is "appointed" that the French force shall leave Scotland on August 10.
Surely in her comporting with him she declares a wisdom far exceeding her age.
Buchanan declares that only the lives of the garrison and their friends were secured by the terms of surrender.
His hands are folded on his bosom; or, with one hand stretched forth, and the other pointing upwards, he declares his mission from on high.
The whole destiny of Israel is here in germ, and the spirit of prophecy in Jacob sees and declares it.
They take it on trust from me that evil brings sorrow; but it usually comes in disguise and declares itself harmless, and how should they recognise it if it came?
Those who collected it ask Peter if our Lord does not pay this annual sum, and Peter at oncedeclares that He does.
It had probably been given out by our Lord's opponents that He had come to destroy the Law, and our Lord in this Sermon declares that He is not come to destroy but to fulfil.
The conductor declaresit was all his fault--'color blind,' see?
All the same, the attendant declaresthat Graham must have got the idea fully a year before the foreign fellow did.
It declares that free competition is the best possible agent to regulate all industrial affairs, and it ascribes all economic evils to the fact that free competition has been thwarted or destroyed.
In fact, a recent economic writer declares that especially intense competition should be called war, as, indeed, it frequently is called, rather than competition.
Away, then, with the pessimism which declares that the prevalence of monopolies evidences the decay of the nobler aspirations of humanity.
The State Constitution, therefore, declares that all water in running streams is the inalienable property of the whole people, and the system providing for its use by private parties is based on this principle.
The powers of this board and its relation to the owners of the various properties are ingeniously devised to evade the common law, which declares that contracts in restraint of competition are against public policy, and illegal.
A war ensues which continues through the terms of four successive chiefs, when victory declares for the invaders, and "all the Talega go south.
One mulatto boy declares himself to have been chained for five months, being fed daily with only a handful of meal, and receiving every morning the most cruel treatment.
Mr James says the actions for trespass are beyond all example; Mr Tucker declares his dog, that died the other day, was poisoned; and I never pass the Green but the women are even quarrelling for precedence at the pump.
He declaresit is a trifle," said Hester: "but I see he can hardly hold up.
John Dennis, that gibbeted victim of Pope and Swift, is found breaking out into enthusiasm over a scene which he declares to surpass the finest in Italy.
The first act of Ulysses in this novel procedure is to be duly noted: he declares who he is, gives his father's name and utters a hint of his own character.
It is no wonder that Penelope proposed to entertain this beggar guest, one who has been so hospitable to her husband, of whom she declares in an outburst of despair: "I never shall behold him returning home.
In reply Telemachus declares that he does not hinder the choice of his mother, but that he will not force her to marry.
Pausanias the traveler declares that he saw the dancing scene of the Phæacians depicted upon the throne of Apollo at Amyclæ, the artist of which probably flourished about 600 B.
The decree in Chancery declares that this is the true intent and meaning of the donors, and therefore ordered that it should be fulfilled in the most ample and liberal manner.
If a man declares that he has received the fire of God's Holy Spirit, I will look eagerly for the impetus of his sacred enthusiasm.
Isaiah declares that the fulfilment of the dream is to begin in the profound revival of spiritual religion.
By the votes of everyone here except a tipsy man, this meeting of citizens declares Dr.
I propose a resolution as follows: "This meeting declares that it considers Dr.
Lieutenant Kip declares that though he could understand nothing of the speech of Looking Glass to his own tribe, which followed, the effect was tremendous.
Howard pays the highest tribute to his Indian foe and declares that some of his operations are not often equalled in warfare.
Old Miss Barry came out to stay for a month, but she declares she won't stay another day and is going right back to town tomorrow, Sunday and all as it is.
The Bible declares that food and water are the gifts of God, and it makes them symbols of God's deeper benevolence.
It declares that "the laborer is worthy of his hire," and it leaves the details to be wrought out by men whom it summons to the spirit of justice and love.
It declares in the word of Christ that any man makes a disastrous bargain who gains the whole world and in the transaction loses himself.
That service may well close with the prayer which declares that his is "the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever.
The book of Revelation declares that the nations shall bring "their glory and honor" into the Eternal City.
Now there is a suggestive verse in Deuteronomy which declares that it is the Lord God that "giveth thee power to get this wealth.
George Herbert declares that a servant with the proper clause in his creed makes "drudgery divine": Who sweeps a room as to thy law Makes that and the action fine.
Biddy and I brought her round almost immediately, and she declares that she will make the journey.
Biddy--the old nurse--declares if she could only cry, all would come right.
I believe it is Victor Hugo who declares sixty the age of adventure.
Christ our Master declaresthe divine origin of government and the obligation of his followers to obey human law when not in conflict with the commandments of God.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "declares" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.