It will be noted that slotted holes make this frame adjustable for height, and it should be lowered as far as possible when in use, so that the work may just pass under it and into the furnace openings.
The contact-making device is adjustable throughout the scale range of the instrument, and an index pointer indicates the point on the instrument at which the temperature is being controlled.
One of these is now the regular change gear, and is on a stud carried by an adjustable Quadrant Bracket.
The length of the traverse is determined by the adjustable Wave Shaft Stud, which can be easily and quickly raised or lowered, and the Ring Rail can be placed at the correct starting point by means of a thumb nut.
The cones are conveniently placed under the feeding apron, and the lower cone runs in an adjustable cradle which allows the belt to be made endless and keeps it at an even tension at all times.
Size Box also contains perforated Copper Boiling Pipe, Seamless Copper Immersion Roller, with adjustable Racks and Motion, Brass and Tin Conducting Rollers, and Brass Taps.
After thorough investigation and long practice we have found that adjustable beaters are liable to get out of line, causing them to heat and wear quickly.
Then it passes along a space beneath the chamber into a space in the left-hand wall of the incubator and out to the exterior through an adjustable and graduated ventilating slide.
There are also two adjustable stops which can be set in any position, and allow the upper part of the instrument to be rotated through exactly 180 deg.
The heated gases escape through an adjustable aperture at the top.
The incubator is provided with an adjustable ventilator and this should be so arranged that evaporation is neither too great nor too little.
The temperature at which this occurs will be determined, within limits, by the position of the adjustable weight (W).
This was an egg-shaped craft, propelled by a steam engine on the surface and storage-batteries when submerged, and controlled by two adjustable propellers, mounted on either side of the boat on a shaft running athwartship.
The clutch is usually provided with wooden shoes, which are adjustable as they wear; and the clutch is thrown on by a lever, conveniently placed.
There are from two to six rows of teeth in the concave, and usually the number of rows is adjustable or variable.
The genuine link reverse gear is used, as on locomotives, and it undoubtedly has many advantages over any other, including an easily adjustable variable cut-off by correct setting of reverse lever.
A cast-iron box, adjustable length, with cover should extend from the curb cock to the surface.
Rough hangers of wood, rope, or wire are usually used to hold the pipe in place at first, then neat and strong adjustable hangers are placed every 8 feet apart.
Steel pipe threads very hard and the adjustable dies should be used on it.
When threads are cut on wrought-iron pipe the adjustable dies should be used as they cut a better and cleaner thread than other dies.
The webs for carrying forward the dough between the different operations pass round rollers, which are each operated by an adjustable silent clutch feed, in place of the usual ratchet and pawl mechanism.
The inner knife is stationary, but the outer knife is adjustable in order that it may accommodate slugs of different thicknesses.
The right-hand knife, adjustable by means of a wedge and lever, should stand exactly parallel with the stationary knife.
The deckel-straps are adjustable and fix or regulate the width of the paper.
All of these dials have small adjustable clips c which are numbered to correspond to numbers on the faces of the respective turrets.
The tailstock fixture is also adjustable and it is mounted on a spindle which revolves in a bushing in the tailstock barrel.
Boring Tool with Inserted Cutter and Adjustable Bar] A parting tool of the inserted blade type is shown in Fig.
The adjustable type of holder M is extensively used, especially on small and medium sized machines when several sizes of drills are necessary.
The headstock fixture is carried on a faceplate mounted on the spindle and so arranged as to be adjustable for cranks of different throw.
This stop-rod carries adjustable stops D which are set to correspond with shoulders, etc.
When using this particular style of collapsing tap, the adjustable gage A is set for the length of thread required.
It is equipped with special adjustable headstock and tailstock fixtures designed to take crankshafts having strokes up to about 6 inches.
For large drills the plain style of holder K is recommended, and if only a few sizes of drills are required, it is more satisfactory and economical than the adjustable type.
The amount that each spindle can be advanced is limited by a fixed collar inside the head, and there is also a swinging adjustable stop against which the end of the work should be placed before tightening the chuck.
Cutter-heads equipped with Adjustable Tools] Boring cutters intended for roughing and finishing cuts are shown in the detail view Fig.
The adjustable turning tool E is used for turning the outside of gear blanks, pulley hubs or the rims of small pulleys.
If a man goes there with pockets already well lined, intending to operate in mining stocks, he still needs the adjustable spirit, because of the new, crude, and compulsory manners of living.
The indicator is adjustable by means of a thumb-screw at the base and is set at zero before the load is applied.
The centreboard= is an adjustablekeel that can be raised or lowered at pleasure.
For small boats twoadjustable masts and an adjustable bowsprit, as described in the Rough and Ready, Chapter XIII, are best.
I then let myself out of the house with an adjustable pass-key and hastened away.
The object of the adjustable stroke is to diminish the capacity of the pumps in the dry season.
Letting the box with the adjustable handles fall brutally, they cried in unison as if compensated for the load: "Nom de Dieu de tous les noms de Dieu, I hope this damned box with its dirty handles bursts in the inventor's stomach!
They were contained in cumbersome boxes and the good man had provided adjustable handles in order to make the work easier for the men.
The upper head is adjustable over four vertical screws, 13½ in.
This machine is a large hydraulic press, with an adjustable head, and a weighing system for recording the loading developed by a triple-plunger pump.
With these adjustable water guides, one of the objects was obtained.
Name the various adjustable appliances in the front end by which the draft may be regulated.
Close all adjustable feeds and examine all lubricated parts by contact with the hand to determine that they are not above running temperature.
There are other forms of book-holders and carriers with fixed upright ends, but they are not so satisfactory as the adjustable forms described.
For desk and table use there are two very convenient and adjustable book-stands, which will be found useful in public as well as private libraries.
Adjustable Sheaf Catalogue, Open for making Additions with Cradle and Key (Section 287).
This was a practical proposal for an adjustable indicator in which its size should be limited by the number of books in actual circulation, and not by the number in stock.
The Glasgow indicator consists of a series of detached columns with adjustable number-blocks representing the books, arranged so that insertions can be made at any point.
Schools requiring shelves are supplied with deal cases, having five adjustable shelves, and a book-capacity of 150 volumes.
The earlier scheme was the Adjustable Classification for Libraries, with Index, London, 1898, and is interesting as the forerunner of the much larger subject scheme.
Adjustable Heads (extra) fitted with ball and socket joint, suitable for any of above Tripods.
A convenient way is to use an oil condenser of very small capacity, consisting of two small adjustable metal plates, in connection with this and similar experiments.
The condenser should be adjustable by very small steps, and for a finer adjustment a small oil condenser with movable plates may be used conveniently.
One of the changes is that the adjustable knobs A and B (Fig.
Some wagons had an adjustable seat called a lazy-board.
A curious adjustable seat called a lazy-board was sometimes hung at the side of the wagon, and afforded a precarious resting place.
A device which has an adjustable resistance, so arranged that while adjusting the same the circuit will not be open.
Shall the library stack be wood or metal, open or enclosed with glass, and shall it have fixed or adjustable book shelves?
Illustration: Adjustable metal stack, 7 feet 6 inches in height, with shelves 3 feet long and 8 inches wide.