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Example sentences for "coinciding"

Lexicographically close words:
coincident; coincidental; coincidentally; coincidently; coincides; coine; coined; coiner; coiners; coing
  1. The supporting wires are so bent that the circles may be placed in the same plane, coinciding as nearly as possible.

  2. A deed done is irrevocable, and its result coinciding in time with the actions of millions of other men assumes an historic significance.

  3. Coinciding with this movement, and indeed forming part of it, other circumstances occurred of the same character.

  4. Coinciding as the tidings did with the mortification of Hull's surrender at Detroit, they came at a moment which was truly psychological.

  5. Even if we had an empty hallucination for every case coinciding with death, we could not set the coincidences down to mere chance.

  6. The opinions of his friends so nearly coinciding with that of his own, Washington proceeded to act upon them, but with a wise discretion.

  7. In some cases the fact of its not coinciding either with the mouth or anus appears to be due simply to the presence of a large amount of food-yolk.

  8. Marchesvan, coinciding as it does with the rainy season in Palestine, is considered a pure Hebrew term.

  9. S at M, and M, the returning mirror, was spherical, the center coinciding with the axis of R.

  10. Coinciding altogether means coinciding in every part, and of course at their extremities, D, E, and B, C.

  11. In reality, as has been already observed, an æquivocal or ambiguous word is not one name, but two names, accidentally coinciding in sound.

  12. It is moved by the direct volition of an omnipotent being, in a path coinciding with that which we deduce from the hypothesis of these two forces.

  13. And their being perceived at all was owing to the power of volition preceding or coinciding with that of irritation.

  14. We have seen that repeated coincidence raises a presumption of causal connexion between the coinciding events.

  15. The inequality may simply lie in the greater possible frequency of one of the coinciding events, as when there are three black balls in a bottle of six.

  16. The number of casual coincidences bears a certain proportion to the positive frequency of the coinciding phenomena: that proportion is to be determined by common-sense in each case.

  17. Technically speaking, the coinciding phenomena may be independent effects of the same cause.

  18. Such a proceeding is relative, not absolute: coinciding with the Protagorean formula rather than with the Platonic negation of it.

  19. This is the language addressed by Cicero to Varro, and coinciding substantially with that of Kleitophon here.

  20. Her drive, coinciding with a sharp rhetorical question from George, wavered in mid-air, and the ball trickled off into the rough half-way down the hill.

  21. But such tremor is due to errors in the form of the teeth, and also in the case of epicycloidal teeth from the pitch lines of the teeth not exactly coinciding when in gear.

  22. The guide pulleys must be placed with their middle planes coinciding with the planes C A C, D B D, and the belt will then run in either direction.

  23. It should be remembered that it is not improbable that there were two detached epicentres, coinciding roughly with the two foci of this curve.

  24. But in Aberdeenshire an exception occurs, the three epochs of sound and shock in most cases coinciding with one another.

  25. Paris mean time) and the mean epicentral point as coinciding with Alhama, the French Commission estimates roughly the mean surface-velocity between Cadiz and Lisbon at 3.

  26. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "coinciding" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    affirmative; agreeable; agreeing; coequal; coexistent; coextensive; coherent; coincident; coinciding; commensurate; compatible; concordant; congenial; congruent; congruous; consistent; consonant; cooperative; correspondent; corresponding; coterminous; equal; equivalent; harmonious; positive; proportionate; reconcilable; simultaneous; symbiotic; synchronized; synchronous; unanimous; uniform