He merely carried him, and then set him down at the gate, where a deputation from the Assembly came out, to meet the royal family.
When the king had received and dismissed a deputation of the women, there was a shout of "Long live the king!
The object of thedeputation was to obtain from the French King a promise to pass through the Grecian territories in a peaceable and friendly manner, and to yield to the Greek Emperor any conquest he might make in Asia Minor.
At Ratisbon he was met by a deputation from Manuel, bearing letters so full of hyperbole and flattery, that Louis is reported to have blushed when they were read to him by the Bishop of Langres.
At Emmaus they were met by a deputation from the Christians of Bethlehem, praying for immediate aid against the oppression of the infidels.
Among the rest the clergy of Rheims were called upon to pay their quota, but sent a deputation to the King, begging him to be contented with the aid of their prayers, as they were too poor to contribute in any other shape.
It is to be observed, in reference to this, that the occasion referred to was that of an exclusively Scottish deputation to Pope Pius IX.
The day before the Parliament met, a deputation went to this wrecked King, and told him that he had promised the Earl of Northumberland at Conway Castle to resign the crown.
The Chairman said the honorary treasurer would lay before the committee the result of the interview the deputation had the honour to hold with the Chief Secretary that day.
Notwithstanding this prohibition, the Jewish deputation had come in and offered their presents among the rest.
Richard was now ready to cross to Normandy; but just before he went there came a deputation from Philip to consult with him in respect to the plans of the crusade, and to fix upon the time for setting out.
Malan and Marais with the Reform Committee the question was raised as to the attitude of the Government towards the deputation which it was suggested should be sent to Pretoria.
On our behalf our deputation frankly avowed knowledge of Jameson's presence on the border, and of his intention, by written arrangement with us, to assist us in case of extremity.
Marais and Malan should be complied with, and that a deputation should be sent over early on the following morning to meet the Government Commission.
On the telegraphic advice of the result of the interview of the deputation with the Government Commission, we despatched Mr. Lace, a member of our Committee, as an escort to the courier carrying the High Commissioner's despatch to Dr.
On the return of the deputation to Johannesburg a report of what had taken place was given to a full meeting of the Reform Committee.
Deputation of the Reform Committee, care of Her Majesty's Agent, Pretoria: Meeting has been held since you started to consider telegram from British Agent, and it was unanimously resolved to authorize you to make following offer to Government.
I am sure my mother was as uneasy as any of us when he did not appear on the morning after he had gone with his father on the deputation to St. Germain.
At eight o'clock in the evening there came a deputation from Paris.
When I heard that the President Darpent was among the deputation I sent Nicolas to find out whether his son were there; and by and by I received a little billet, which excited much more attention than I wished.
He returned a mild answer; and, when a rejoinder came in the same style as the first message, he had the leader of the deputation arrested and imprisoned.
Meanwhile 'Ali Pasha had arrived at Alexandria, and was met by a deputation from Cairo telling him that he was not wanted.
From the Young Turks, however, the deputation received no encouragement for their agitation and returned with the advice to work in co-operation with the British.
The establishment of constitutional rule in Turkey in the summer of 1908 excited the hopes of the Egyptian Nationalists, and a deputation was sent to Constantinople to confer with the Young Turk committee.
So with the approval of the British Government a Deputation went to London in 1883, in order to get the status of the Republic altered, and to substitute a new Convention for that of Pretoria.
The Deputation proposed to return to the position as laid down by the Sand River Convention, and that was in fact the only upright and statesmanlike arrangement possible.
The Queen gave an answer, couched in a similar spirit to thedeputation which waited upon her.
The Prince of Orange was in England, the sure asylum of unfortunate Royalty, and on the 21st of November a deputation came to London from Holland, inviting him to return.
The colored men sent a deputation of their own to the Governor to solicit his consent to the bill; but he told them his instructions forbade him.
I was standing near him while the glass of the windows broken by missiles showered over him, and a deputation from the rioters forced its way to the platform, and demanded that the meeting should be closed at once.
Gore, Timothy Rogers and Jacob Lundy with a deputation from the settlement, came into town to complain to him of the delay which they and their co-religionists had experienced in obtaining the patents for their lands.
It is needless to say that Mr. Rogers and his colleagues of the deputation carried back with them to Whitchurch lively accounts of the vigour and rigour of the new Governor--as well as their patents.
At last there was peace, and the major said that an Italian deputation would come to see us.
A deputation was received by this gentleman, and was told that the procedure would be so complicated and so lengthy that it would not permit any one to return until after the elections.
I will have nothing to do with tolerance," said the Orthodox Bishop of Veršac to a deputation of Jews, when he made his formal entry into the town of Pančevo.
They asked for permission to salute "our Prince" as he came past; and a deputation of these Communists, who are very like their colleagues in other parts of Yugoslavia, duly appeared and took part in a ceremony at the station.
With the frontier then being drawn along the Drin, towards the Adriatic, the famous villages of Plav and Gusinje would definitely pass to Yugoslavia, in accordance with the wishes of a deputation sent by them to Belgrade in 1919.
The Queen, her son, and Madame, were at the door of the chamber into which the deputation was admitted.
The Keeper of the Seals quitted the chamber, in the midst of applause, to precede the deputation to the King.
Dejoly, the Minister of Justice, to the Assembly to request they would send the King a deputation which might serve as a safeguard to the executive power.
The assembly had already nominated a deputation of a hundred members, which preceded the king to the capital.
This outbreak was attended by no consequences; a deputation had already solicited, in behalf of the delivered prisoners, the interest of the assembly, who had recommended them to the clemency of the king.
With this deputation he returned to the Hôtel de Ville, where he was placed under a guard of three hundred men by the new commune.
The assembly sent a deputation of sixty of its members to the king to announce its opening.
At last, a deputation of the sectionaries went so far as to call the constitution of '93 a decemviral constitution, dictated by terror.
On the following morning, another deputation was appointed to represent to the king the misfortunes that would follow a longer refusal.
His presence restored security to the court, and the replies of the king to the deputation from Paris, satisfied the multitude and the army.
It was proposed to send a third deputation to the king, imploring the removal of the troops.
On receiving this order, he left the château; he appeared before the assembly, where a deputation again inquired for him, also supposing him to be a prisoner at the Tuileries.
The committee immediately sent to ascertain the truth; appointed bands of citizens to defend that side of the town, and sent a deputation to the governor of the Bastille, soliciting him to withdraw his cannon and engage in no act of hostility.
The viceroy fled, to secure his personal safety, while a deputation of citizens invited San Martin to enter the city as a liberator.
A deputation from Clinton repaired to Robinson's house under a flag, to urge the release of Andre, but no change could be effected in the mind of Washington.
On the following day, the army proceeded towards the town in the order of battle; and when arrived within a short distance, they were met by a deputation of the Prophet's counsellors.
Here he was most respectfully addressed by a deputationon board of his ship, but in a language altogether unknown to him, and even to Aguilar.
But amongst all these public attestations which have appeared, the Abbé must fix his attention as a true and notorious fact on that of the deputation from Belgrade, ordered by his late Majesty Charles VI.
All that were most respectable, and the duke himself, who was then at Belgrade, joined this deputation in order to be ocular spectators of the veracious proof about to be made.
A deputation from Sanoghar village was now seen coming across from the opposite bank.
This deputation gave the usual yarn about being compelled to fight against us, and how glad they were that we had won.
Them as is smoking is to go to the other end of the room," said Sim, and there was a sudden movement amongst the men, the deputation not being the last.
Unfortunately, though the vicar's guess was right, the deputation was not a man to further the prospects of peace.
He treated the deputation with contempt, and their petition with scorn.