From this time until the Regency we shall see nothing more of him.
He was entered as a pupil in the College de la Marche, under the regency of Mathurin Cordier, better remembered, perhaps, by his Latin name of Corderius.
Great interests were at stake, for Richelieu, reckoning upon the monarch's weak health, meditated procuring the regency for himself.
The early part of his reign was stormy; a Flemish regency and Flemish ministers became hateful to the Spaniards, and their discontent broke out into civil war.
The debates on the Regency Bill now brought out all the vigour of the House.
The Prince of Wales, then under all the captivations of Whig balls and banquets, and worshiping at the feet of Fox, was no sooner to be master of the state by an unlimited Regency Bill, than Fox was to be master of every thing.
Under the regency the Salon d'Entrée was redecorated by Oppenard, and a series of magnificent fêtes was organized by the pleasure-loving queen from the Austrian court.
Under the regency of the Duc Philippe d'Orleans the various apartments of the palace were the scenes of scandalous goings-on, which were related at great length in the chronicles of the time.
When the debates on the regency were at their height we have Burke's word that he was not admitted to the private counsels of the party.
A regency was now formed, in which the prominent figure was Stamboloff, the most remarkable man whom modern Bulgaria has produced.
In case of a minority or an interregnum, a regency of three persons is appointed.
This duality of epigrams seems to show a discrepancy somewhere; or are we to believe that the wits of the Regencyused to drive their jokes as hired hacks, like the livery carriages employed by faded dowagers in Hampton Court?
The regency of my son was enregistered; so now it is a sure and certain thing.
But the perils that surround my son's existence make me spend many a sleepless night, and certainly his regencyhas not been to me a subject of satisfaction.
On one point Madame sacrificed to the spirit of the regency and was in curious contradiction to herself.
The president answered no; that the regency would devolve on M.
The regency of her son brought the Court again around Madame; and her more frequent residence in Paris allowed her less retreat than she was able to make at Versailles.
The change was almost immediately followed by the suicide of the king, and as Prince Otto, the brother and heir of the late king, was insane, the regency was continued.
The eccentricity early displayed by Ludwig II developed to such an extent that in June, 1886, he was placed under control, and a regency established under Prince Luitpold (Leopold).
During the minority of Charles and the regency of his mother, a long war raged in France between the Catholics and Huguenots, the leaders of the latter being the Prince of Conde and Admiral Coligny.
In the month of March an expedition was planned by General Heideck, who was afterwards one of the members of the unhappy regency which misgoverned Greece during the minority of King Otho.
And in case of the prince's death, the regency to remain in the hands of the Princess Maria Leopoldina.
He did not believe her, he never had believed her, and his declaration touching the Regency was entirely directed towards counteracting by anticipation the power intrusted to his wife and his brother.
Duke of Orleans from any right to theregency in case of the king's death.
Throughout the Regency and the Fronde, Corneille had continued to occupy almost alone the great French stage.
We encounter in this very insignificant circumstance a trace of one of those important events which marked the earliest years of Mary de' Medici's regency and the influence of her earliest favorites.
During the regency of Mar, the project was revived and almost realized, the necessary condition that Mary should be quickly put to death having been agreed to by the Regent and Morton.
Lennox was killed in an engagement with Huntly in 1571; the Earl of Mar, who succeeded him, died the following year, and the Regency passed into the hands of the fierce and licentious Earl of Morton.
During her regency architecture made great progress, and many beautiful buildings were designed and executed.
The choice was therefore left to the States of Brabant, who immediately sent their ambassadors to Ems to offer the regency to Maximilian.
Through their advice Charles wrote to the Cardinal in a very different strain, depriving him not only of the regency but of all share in state affairs.
Moreover, the emperor and Ferdinand, who until now had been at variance, were reconciled, and postponed their differences concerning the regency of Spain until the war against Venice should be concluded.
The regency of Castile had been intrusted to him by Ferdinand until Charles's arrival, and that of Aragon to the late king's natural son, the Archbishop of Saragossa.
The Council of Malines, the Court of Holland, and the tribunals of the other provinces were henceforth made subordinate to the Council of the Regency established by the emperor.
Maximilian and Ferdinand agreed to postpone their differences concerning the regency of Castile until this division was successfully accomplished.
The intervention of the Sultan was asked; a corps of Turkish troops entered Tripoli, drove out both Pachas, and reannexed the Regency to the Porte.
From Algiers he went to Tunis, and demanded satisfaction of that Regency for having permitted a British man-of-war to retake in their port two prizes to Americans in the late war with England.
The interest which I take in my son induces me to invite the Chambers to form, without delay, the regency by a law.
The ephemeral regency then broke up, and fled in different directions; the brothers of Buonaparte taking the direction of Switzerland, while Cardinal Fesch, and the mother of Napoleon retreated to Rome.
He reported, that the allies persisted in their determination to entertain no treaty with Buonaparte; but he was of opinion, that the scheme of a regency by the Empress, as the guardian of their son, might even yet be granted.
The latter is credited with the intention of investing Prince Adolph with the regency of Brunswick, should it be vacated by Prince Albert, or else of appointing him Viceroy of Alsace-Lorraine.
This princess has since then married Prince Adolph of Schaumburg, who was recently ousted from the regency of the tiny principality of Lippe.
According to the laws of Germany governing the succession of its sovereign houses, the regency in such a case as that presented by the principality of Lippe, should have fallen to the lot of the nearest living agnate.
Neither the Council ofRegency nor the Council of War was popular at Limerick.
Would the Council of Regency consent to an abatement of three hundred thousand pounds?
He had left the supreme government in the hands of a Council of Regency composed of twelve persons.
The finances were in such a state, and the letters in which the King represented his wants were so urgent, that the Council of Regency hesitated.
V At the Regency Hotel cigar-counter he fell to talking with a salesman of pianos, and they dined together.
He was bleakly lonely in the evening, when he dined by himself at the Regency Hotel.
They were staying at the modest Eden Hotel, because Zenith business men always stayed at the Eden, but they had dinner in the brocade and crystal Versailles Room of the Regency Hotel.
Any attack of illness, any serious accident, might bring the life of King William to a sudden close, and then if no previous arrangement had been made for a regency Parliament and the country might be involved in some confusion.
The speech made no mention of any measures to be taken for the establishment of a regency in the event of the King's death.
But the Jacobites saw, with concern, that many Lords who had voted for a Regency bore a conspicuous part in the ceremonial.
There might be here and there a traitor; but the great body of those who had voted for a Regency would be firm.