Illustration: 9030] Floss and Fluff were the hap-pi-est dogs in the world.
We may be bad, Floss and I, but we're not cowards.
I must be somewhere in the world, and if I'm such a bother here, why shouldn't I go off with old Floss and have a good time?
A pretty time Flossand I'll have--a pretty time truly.
The body is made of yellow floss silk, ribbed with silver tinsel, and two short fibred black hackles struck on from the tail to the shoulder.
Body brown floss silk, ribbed with silver, large motley brown cock's tail feather over the body, and a spotted turkey tail for wings.
Third, the "Green Wren," with green floss body, and wren tail for legs.
The wings are like the last named fly; a black floss body, ribbed with silver, and yellow hackle over it; a large blue head, picked out to hang down like a hackle.
The body is made of brown floss silk, and a small fibred peacock harl at tail; a brown red hackle for legs, and wings of starling feather.
Body, bright yellow mohair, or floss silk, ribbed sparingly with light bronze peacock harl; wings, mottled feather of the mallard dyed a pale yellow green.
Floss silk is generally used for other stitches because it covers the thread of the canvas better than purse silk; it is, however, often replaced by filoselle, which is a much cheaper material.
Purse silk is often used for the latter; it is more brilliant than floss silk or filoselle.
The violets are in floss silk of three shades of violet, with a raised spot worked in yellow silk in the centre, the leaves are worked in Berlin wool of various shades of green, and the stems in overcast of a light green shade.
It is hand embroidered in golden coloured floss upon a loosely woven linen which had been previously quilted very closely.
When, as in the case of one sample at South Kensington, the quilt is additionally embroidered with fine floss silk flowers, the effect is very lovely.
Floss silk, silk that has been twisted, and which retains its loose and downy character.
I have broken thy needle of wool, that thou mightst thread a finer with floss of silk to embroider the scarf for thy gallant knight," said Robert, rising to withdraw.
The polka has a body of red floss silk, with spotted wings of the guinea fowl.
Mrs. Floss started off on her charing expedition, and Netty sat on the doorstep with the sick baby.
Mrs. Floss turned towards the bed where the baby lay, pulled down the clothes, and looked at him.
Mrs. Floss was far too busy to spend any more time talking to Netty.
Very dark brown floss silk, carried well on to the bend of the hook, and there made a trifle thicker.
Light coloured fur from hare's face, with green floss silk or wool at the tail.
Either Saxony or floss may be used, about six skeins of white and half a skein of each of the colours used being necessary.
For cotton or linen background, cotton floss or fine cord can be used.
It can be made of filo, rope, twisted, or heavy floss when used in connection with a silk, satin, or velvet background.
Smart little turn-over collars and cuffs are most attractive darned in heavy white floss or colour if preferred.
Thread a large needle with two pieces of heavy cotton floss or wool.
C or heavy linen thread "aa" make a little block of four strands of floss over four threads of the material.
Raffia, corset laces, heavy silk floss or rags can be utilized for the braiding.
Jack Flossdid his best to comfort the females by profanities.
In the closing scenes of The Mill on the Floss it is presented as such a reconciler, and as the only means of restoring Maggie to the affections of those she had wronged.
Claire had dropped her head, now, so that he could see only the white curve of her forehead beneath its floss of waved and gold-tinted hair.
But the instant that Claire caught sight of Sophia she recognized the plump, rubicund face, grown only a trifle more womanly beneath its low-arranged floss of yellow hair.
You've seen Miss Floss at Mrs Stumfold's, and must know yourself whether I ever noticed her any more than to be decently civil.
In that matter of Miss Floss he had been basely maligned,--so much maligned, that Miss Mackenzie owed him all her sympathy.
Miss Mackenzie was willing at that moment to forfeit all her fortune if Miss Floss was not older than she was!
Mrs Stumfold has put it into her head that she could have Mr Maguire if she chose to set her cap at him, and, I dare say, Miss Floss has been dutiful to her saint.
He burrowed his eyes in the dwarf blue pillow to escape the electric light, then sat up abruptly, small and frail in his woolly nightdrawers, his floss of brown hair wild, the pillow clutched to his breast.
They are also rather fond of a fly made from a partridge's breast feather, and body of crimson floss silk.
Collet made a rush at the oven, having to push Charity Bradbridge out of her way, who was staring open-mouthed at the brilliant parrot wrought in floss silks on the exterior of Mrs Tabitha's large work-bag.
This engraving represents a charming little tidy made of coarse wash-net darned with wash-silk floss in Oriental colorings.
It is made of two of the many varieties of Honiton braids, wash-silk floss and linen lawn.
White net, white floss and white India lawn were the composing materials.
A touch of color may be given the work by using a little tinted or colored floss with the white, though the latter is most generally selected for darning net.
Wash-silk floss, India floss which is of linen but looks like silk, and ordinary darning flosses are all used for this work.
A scarf or kerchief, dotted with rosebuds made like those of this design would be a very dainty article of personal adornment; and the buds might be made of pale-pink or yellow floss with a charming effect.
The floral idea might be further carried out by using shaded green floss for the foliage.
Either edging may be made of white, écru or black net as preferred, and the floss may be white or tinted, or of cotton, linen or silk.
The scarf is about a yard in length and is darned with linen floss and edged with the finest feather-edge braid.
The floss used may be white or tinted, the latter washing as well as the white; but as a rule, white or yellow flosses are selected in preference to other colors.
Moderately coarse net was selected, and the darning was done with linen floss in the various patterns seen, and which are repeated in a larger form on the following pages.
He dipped a floss and held it up, so that it oozed fudge down his wrist.
George expertly spiraled the floss through the dips, then applied a thick crust of sprinkles.
The restraint passed, and whenFloss Dickerson came out with eulogy for any man his status was settled for good and all.
Floss and Elinor made merry over some verses Margaret had handed up with a blush.
Again Floss Dickerson dropped her trenchant personality into the breach.
Discontent with Pan Floss was universal; the result of which was that on a certain fine morning, in the presence of the whole assembly, he heard from the mouth of a judge sitting near him the following, "You are not a lord!
In general, the peasants reproached Pan Floss with not being a lord among lords.
The nobles said that Pan Floss must be a "red," which for that matter was shown by his name.