I had had an idea of getting a billet in one of the big wool-stores--I was a fair wool expert--but Mary was afraid of the drink.
But I knew that a beer would settle the business, so I said I'd get the wool up to the station first and think it over, and have a drink when I came back.
The manufacture of wool encouraged the growing of sheep, and, in 1455, silk began to attract attention.
Wool was the principal export, and fine cloths were taken in exchange from the Continent.
The wool, safely received, was handed over to the sorters, who rigorously applied their gauge of required length of staple and mercilessly chopped off by shears or hatchet what did not reach the standard as wool fit for the clothing trade.
A large part of the ruder manufactures were home productions for home consumption, and the same hands tended the sheep which furnished the wool, and spun and wove the wool for family use.
The cotton-wool which was to form his weft was picked clean by the fingers of his younger children, and was carded and spun by the older girls assisted by his wife, and the yarn was woven by himself assisted by his sons.
The long wool thus passed into the hands of the combers, and, having been brought back to them into the combed state, was again carefully packed and strapped on the back of the sturdy horse, to be taken into the country to be spun.
The slow progress of the power-loom in cotton and wool until after 1830 is explained by these considerations.
Germantown wool is the best to use, and plain knitting or brioche stitch is the best to wear and wash, and these things must be washed with the most careful handling.
Anything made of Germantown wool stretches terribly, but you can arrange it as it ought to be.
The wool was long, but of a coarse wiry texture, and much impaired by the adherence of thistles and other prickly plants.
The sheep was feeble, and complained His sides a load of wool sustained: Said he was slow, confessed his fears; For hounds eat sheep, as well as hares.
This woolusually disappears later as the crosier unfolds into the broad green blade.
By donning its thick coat of wool this species is prepared to grow in the most exposed situations of the arid southwest.
The sterile fronds may be distinguished from those of the cinnamon fern by not having retained, like those, a tuft of wool at the base of each pinna.
A bit of cotton wool applied to the fundament to receive the matter, and renewed twice a day for a week or two, should always be used before examination with the probe.
Combed wool put under the patients, which rolls under them, as they turn, and thus prevents their friction against the sheets.
The cattle belonging to these Indians are almost as large as horses, having large horns, and bear fleeces of wool like sheep, on which account the Spaniards gave them that name.
Time weaves the web of fate around us, In iron wool and threads of gold, The present, and the past that bound us, Still some new mystery unfold.
The Wool upon his back, Sir, Reached up unto the sky, The Eagles made their nests there, Sir, For I heard the young ones cry.
The Wool upon his belly, Sir, It dragged upon the ground, It was sold in Darby town, Sir, For forty thousand pound.
Not just yet," Joe said and wandered down aisles of tin cloth pants, wax impregnated jackets with wool liners, vests, and virgin wool sweaters.
He bought a silk and woolblend jacket--olive, gray, and brown in a quiet weave.
A pair of lightweight wool pants, neutral gray green, a silvery tan Italian dress shirt, and a dark brown tie complemented the jacket.
He had a wool Filson jacket that he'd worn for 12 years.
His deeply grooved, narrow, thin face was yet more elongated by the extension of a high forehead into a bald crown, for he wore his broad wool hat on the back of his head.
Ethelinda Brusie glanced quickly, furtively, at his pondering, wrinkled old face under the broad brim of his white wool hat, which he still wore, though indoors and with the night well advanced.
In the beech forests of Hungary, as is well known to Danubian explorers, there exists a very remarkable breed of pigs, one of their peculiarities being that they are covered with wool instead of with bristles.
Since chignons have come into fashion, a vast amount of pig's wool has been imported for their manufacture.
By microscopic investigation the wool of the Hungary pig has been found swarming with trichinae; to a fearful extent.
The property of the Scoloti, with the exception of the tillers of the soil in these districts, consisted in herds of horses and cattle, and flocks of sheep, from the wool of which they prepared felt coverings; their food was cooked flesh.
Then Arbaces saw Sardanapalus sitting among the women, spinning purple wool with them, and putting white upon his eyes.
The owners of the land lost each year their crops and their sheep; with these the raw material for the importantwool industry of the Milesians was destroyed, and trade with the interior was impossible.
If your circulation is defective, wear wool stockings.
Of all the unfortunates on the face of the globe there is none so worthy of real all-wool pity and yard-wide sympathy as the woman of nerves.
Your step-mother," said he, "sends you this bundle of wool and she bids you spin it that there may be cloth for new clothes for me.
The next day the hag came to the door and left twelve balls of wool on the bench outside the house.
But the next day she did as she done every day and no wool was spun.
Your step-mother bids me ask you how much of the wool have you spun?
And what would you say," said the black and crooked woman, "if I took the bundle of wool from you now and brought it back to you to-morrow spun into a dozen balls of thread?
She took the bundle of wool out of the basket and gave it to her.
The day after she put wool on the wheel and gave it a few turns.
I see," said her husband, "that you are going to spin the wool for my clothes.
The black and crooked woman put the wool under her arm and then she lifted up her stick and shook it at Bloom-of-Youth.
Bloom-of-Youth went with the twelve balls of wool to her step-mother's house, and every person she met on the way she asked if he or she knew the name of the black and crooked woman.
No, no, you need give me nothing for spinning the wool for you.
When he came home that evening he had a bundle of wool with him.
And if you don't find out my name within a week you will have to give me your heart's blood--a drop of heart's blood for every ball of wool I spin for you.
We put sheets of cotton wool under it for a snow-field, and Jake's pocket-mirror for a frozen lake.
At a word from Kirkpatrick, d'Arnault spread himself out over the piano, and began to draw the dance music out of it, while the perspiration shone on his short wool and on his uplifted face.