One and one-quarter cups granulated sugar, 1 cup of Iglehart's Swansdowncake flour.
The Angel cake receipt is very similar to an original recipe Frau Schmidt gave me; she uses cornstarch instead of Swansdown flour and she measures the eggs in a cup instead of taking a certain number; she thinks it more exact.
Speaking of cakes, Aunt Sarah," said Mary, "have you ever usedSwansdown cake flour?
In the same way his wife's cushions and little draperies and bows were invisible to him, though he had searched for and duly obtained the perfect quality of swansdown which filled the cushions.
Edward Henry leaped from his chair, and the swansdown quilt swathed his slippered feet.
Although the month was September, and the weather warm even for September, a swansdown quilt lay spread upon his knees.
Lord Swansdown and the other Englishmen aboard seldom joined their king since he had preferred the company of an untitled American to theirs.
Lord Swansdown and Edward Whistlington were amazed to find their king aboard the Ark, and the English members of the company soon formed a sort of family party, presided over by the unfortunate monarch.
Cimmerian darkness indeed to the old man as he struggled with the moulting swansdown and moth-eaten cashmere she had flung over his head.
Lady Swansdown has always seemed to me to be rather--raiher--eh?
Lady Swansdown again, I suppose," says he, with a bored uplifting of his brows.
As Lady Swansdown and Baltimore descend the stone steps that lead to the gardens beneath, only the swift rush of the tremulous breeze that stirs the branches betrays to them the fact that a new life is at hand.
Mr. Browne has just been telling me that Lady Swansdown left the Court this morning.
Clontarfs, and Dicky Browne, and Lady Swansdown and a great many others.
I always rather fancied that Mr. Beauclerk and Lady Swansdown were antipathetic," says Miss Maliphant in her usual heavy, downright way.
At all events Lady Swansdown was very sympathetic, and indeed everybody seemed bent on treating her as a heroine of the highest order.
Swansdown is as bad a man as I know, and that," with a mirthless laugh, "is saying a great deal.
Not on terms with her son, you know; so Lady Swansdown hopes, by the attention you speak of, to come in for the old lady's private fortune.
Lady Swansdown had said to her, meeting her in the hall, fully equipped for her excursion.
As a fact, Lady Swansdown hardly understands herself to-night.
Lady Swansdown smiles at her hostess, but makes no audible reply.
Though so apparently unmoved and almost insolent in her demeanor toward Lady Swansdown during their interview, she had been, nevertheless, cruelly wounded by it, and could not forgive Baltimore in that he had been its cause.
Lord Baltimore and Lady Swansdown have just appeared in view, Lady Swansdown with a huge bunch of honeysuckle in her hand, looking very picturesque.
When the flowers were placed in the band the old woman scattered a handful of white swansdown over the girl's head.
Marahgoo are man-shaped devils, to be recognised by the white swansdown cap they wear, and the red rugs they carry.
Feathers tied into little bunches and fastened on to small wooden skewers were stuck upright in the hair at corroborees, also swansdown fluffed in puff balls over the heads.
The framework, the baron knew, was an old family relic, but the cradle itself was a new and wonderful creation of white swansdown and blue satin, lined with lace and trimmed with pale blue ribbons.
Rose Lyndwood gazed again at the lady opposite; rosy and smiling she was in her green gown with her swansdown cloak revealing the pearls on her white neck.
The swansdown tippet and swansdown muff had vanished, but fragments of broken Terra Cotta strewed the pavement.
I miss the swansdown muff and the blushing, eager face of Phyllida.
She did not forget her swansdown muff nor her swansdown tippet, and altogether she looked just the same as she looked a good many pages ago and was flushed to just the same frail hue of carmine.
Surely at the very end of the High Street, he could discern something which was slowly assuming the magic shape of a swansdown tippet.
The swansdown tippet rose and fell to the beating of the eager heart beneath.
Six weeks ago when he saw her first, all swansdown and blushes, he had been duly elated.
In his embarrassment he knocked over a pot of jacynths and, above the noise of the fall, heard himself telling a Swansdown Muff he had delivered the paquet.
Was it fancy or did Charles really see his mentor blow a tuft of swansdown from his cuff?
In the same way, his wife's cushions and little draperies and bows were invisible to him, though he had searched for and duly obtained the perfect quality of swansdown which filled the cushions.
I hope you don't allow any kisses, except those of your own particular swansdownpowder puff.
Patty scrambled off the couch, her long golden hair a tangled mass around her shoulders, and her blue silk negligee edged with swansdown draped about her.
I am like the man in Browning who mourned over the spots upon his 'speckled hide,' but rejoiced in the swansdown of his lady.
It was the blue of bluebells, banded with swansdown and embroidered with silver thistles.