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Example sentences for "assegaied"

Lexicographically close words:
assayle; assayled; assays; asse; assegai; assegais; assemblage; assemblages; assemble; assembled
  1. Well, they came and assegaied all the other Totties, and stood under my tree cleaning their spears and getting their breath, for one of my brothers had given them a good run.

  2. The lion ran first, and as he came he roared; then followed the lioness, but she did not roar, for in her mouth was the cub that Umslopogaas had assegaied in the cave.

  3. Many of the soldiers indeed were assegaied before they could leave their tents, most were slaughtered at once, but a few managed to swim across the river.

  4. We should be assegaied in a moment if we were to go down; let's go back to our old look-out.

  5. If the Matabele had but kept his presence of mind and been quick, he might have assegaied his antagonist easily, and possibly would have done so had not Captain Fynn and myself been close to him.

  6. The sun-dried carcasses of the mules still lay all of a heap in their harness, just as they had fallen when they were assegaied some six weeks previously.

  7. It was with the greatest difficulty the women were rescued from the infuriated Fingoes, who would have assegaied them on the spot but for the interference of the officers; they were sent back prisoners to Beaufort.

  8. It were as I thought Stone dead he were, with his face to the sky and his arms stretched out, assegaied through the back and then turned over by them as stabbed him--and who who was sneaking down the hill to do the same for my partner.

  9. The Kaffirs, they jes' grabbed the poor Johnny by the belt, pulled him outer the thick of the jam, and then assegaied him.

  10. Once up there I thought you'd stay, and go getting yourself assegaied most likely.

  11. Seven of Dirk van Heerden's best cows cleared off last week, and not a head of them has he been able to get back, except one which had dislocated its shoulder, and the niggers assegaied it to save its life.

  12. Two of Brathwaite's men have fallen, shot dead, another has been overwhelmed in a sudden rush of the fierce foe, who becomes more and more daring, and assegaied in a moment.

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "assegaied" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.