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Example sentences for "juxtaposition"

Lexicographically close words:
juvenis; juventae; juvenum; juxta; juxtaposed; juyce; kaap; kaba; kabak
  1. What I doubt is whether, as soon as combination sets in, juxtaposition ceases, and whether the first appearance of inflection puts an end to the continued working of combination.

  2. The results already obtained by this simple juxtaposition are full of important lessons, and the fact that the truths on which all religions agree far exceed those on which they differ, has hardly been sufficiently appreciated.

  3. I pointed out that when in Hebrew we meet with such forms as Piel and Pual, Hiphil and Hophal, we feel tempted to admit formative agencies, different from mere juxtaposition and combination.

  4. What I now was sure of flashed back, at any rate, every syllable of sense I could have desired into the suggestion I had, after the music, caught from the juxtaposition of these two.

  5. A] By magnetic curves, I mean the lines of magnetic forces, however modified by the juxtaposition of poles, which would be depicted by iron filings; or those to which a very small magnetic needle would form a tangent.

  6. On the other hand, the principles are also now evident by which an opposing action can be so weakened by the juxtaposition of bodies not having quite affinity enough to cause direct action between them (913.

  7. In the juxtaposition of parts in such manner that they cannot, without difficulty, be separated.

  8. Such a juxtaposition and comparison might help to liberalize the faith of men.

  9. In music, sequence produces this effect upon the ear, and in colour, juxtaposition and gradation upon the eye.

  10. The solid alloy consists of crystals of pure tin in juxtaposition with crystals of almost pure lead and bismuth.

  11. Accustomed though he had been to lonely vigils, he was impressed by the juxtaposition of the minute and the infinitely vast, of the transient and the eternal.

  12. In short, the thing of greatest significance in this meeting, the thing which made itself felt by all three participants, was the juxtaposition of the ancient and modern.

  13. Poetry surpasses prose especially in that the poet selects for juxtaposition those words whose overtones blend into a delicate and lucid harmony.

  14. Such juxtaposition is all that is needed to show how little he has to fear from the hostile crew.

  15. The irreconcilable contradiction of their professions and conduct is vividly brought out in the juxtaposition of "declare My statutes" and "castest My words behind thee.

  16. It is formed of a collection of churches, or chapels, in juxtaposition and independent of each other.

  17. There are, however, one or two other instances where a thought is pursued through more than one verse, and the usual mere juxtaposition gives place to an interlocking, so that the construction is not unexampled.

  18. The proximity of the maze to an ancient ecclesiastical site is not peculiar to this particular specimen, as we find a similar juxtaposition in the case of many of the other earth-mazes.

  19. The signs of the Zodiac were placed in juxtaposition to it.

  20. Apparent Compounds are formed by the juxtaposition of: 394.

  21. The unity of a living body does not result from an ingenious juxtaposition of parts, like that of a watch, for example.

  22. The reason probably is, that, beside all that can be accounted for as the result of the juxtaposition of material particles, there remains a very important element unaccounted for.

  23. Verse 6 comes in singular juxtaposition with the preceding warning against uncharitable judgments.

  24. The Lord by this juxtaposition condemns the overstrained and fantastic spiritualism which tramples down earthly wants and condemns desires rooted in our physical nature as sin.

  25. Most of them are to be found in juxtaposition with undoubtedly authentic writing of his.

  26. The juxtaposition of light and shade (560.

  27. In juxtaposition with this case we are tempted to put another, in which the attempt at extinction was followed by exactly the opposite effects.

  28. Surely some law is called for to prevent the juxtaposition of such inflammable materials.

  29. These last served for chairs, but as he had never anticipated the extraordinary event of dining three persons, they could not be brought into right juxtaposition to the table.

  30. Carbonate of soda is not formed, by a process of reproduction, from other carbonate of soda, but directly by the suitable juxtaposition of carbon, oxygen, and sodium.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "juxtaposition" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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