Koblensky, and said into his microphone "All circuits have now been placed in telemetry security operation.
He says his tests can't prove what went wrong with the switching gate on the satellites, and in effect that the telemetry doesn't make it plain whether we have design or assembly trouble.
The telemetry results had been decoded, of course, so that a mere mortal could read them.
The honest answer that I get out of the telemetry data is that something in that gate broke the circuit and the switching operation failed.
I suppose it would help to have the original telemetry data so that I could evaluate for myself what went wrong.
I suspect he has been concerned only with the design of telemetry equipment and not with any actual launchings or space experiments.
Drews was the originator of a new and unusual system for the rapid telemetry of data from space.
It is called telemetry and the use of an instrument is necessary.
A protected docking location and a natural telemetry base.
Wolf Helling was here in Launch, coordinating telemetry between Peretz and the Pakistanis.
Now it's time to start setting up the telemetry hookup with the radio-controlled detonators.
According to Peretz, the last tests of the telemetry had been completed and the countdown was proceeding without a hold.
But we'll need to hook up the detonators with the telemetry interface, and for that we need Peretz' input.
The not-so-good news is that the last telemetry we recorded, just before the bomb went off and the Cyclops crashed, showed that VX-1 was about three minutes away from capturing orbit.
Shujat had carefully attached the wiring of the krytrons to a "black box" of computer chips, which was itself connected to a radio receiver, part of the telemetry for VX-1.
It looked as if he was coordinating some of the trajectory telemetry with the electronic signaling to the vehicle, and he was setting some sort of timer.
Now I need to check on the telemetry and data hookups at Launch--if that's okay with you.
Otherwise, Peretz had methodically shut down everything, including the telemetry equipment located up on the mountain.