Minos, who is placed in the Shades to exercise royal functions there, and Rhadamanthus, who has his happy dwelling on the Elysian plain, are approximative examples of deification.
Only within the last few years have the triumphs of natural philosophy supplied us with an approximative illustration of these movements over space, in the more than lightning speed of the electric telegraph.
If it were experimental, it would be only approximative and provisional.
And we also are without the means for any, not to say accurate, but fair approximative estimate of the proportion of this expenditure which may be incurred for, and duly chargeable against the colonies.
No rational thinker hopes to discover more than some few primary actions of law, and some approximative theory of growth.
But a very probable approximative one can be arrived at, thanks to a clue supplied by the same Nabonidus, last King of Babylon, who settled the Sargon question for us so unexpectedly.
Approximative formula of the resistance, established by the help of the principle of active forces; circumstances not taken into consideration by it.
Approximative solution applicable to the cases ordinarily met with in practice.