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Example sentences for "drive them"

  • I used to get up and throw empty bottles and things out of the window to drive them away, much as one scares off the nocturnal domestic cat at home; but, though they would slink off for a while, they always came back again.

  • The boys had to light fires of green boughs to drive them away, and while they were crouching over them, half-suffocated by the smoke, Schomburgk started to tell me about some mosquitoes he once encountered in the Congo forest region.

  • Where is there a poor soul that is moved by God to turn and live, but the devil hath some at hand to drive them from it?

  • There was no use of trying to fight men armed with pitchforks, so when they began to drive them toward an open gate that led into the pen where the kids were, Daisy, Nannie and Billy Junior showed no fight, but went quietly as lambs.

  • Illustration] "Consequently when we came to some cows with one of them lying straight across the road and several others blocking the way as they stood about, I hopped out to drive them out of the way.

  • These had previously been regarded, by the natives, as a far less warlike people than the French, who were expected to drive them, in a very short time, out of the country.

  • The Guards make ready to drive them away, M.

  • Men are wanted to harness the Horses, to put them to the Carts, and to drive them; and every one abhors lending a Hand to so dangerous a Service.

  • I should have fired to drive them away, had I not feared that by so doing I should have prevented the approach of the lion.

  • Should any attempt be made by the elephants to break through the magic circle, instantly a strong force can be assembled at the point to drive them back.

  • I shouted to the seamen to drive them back, but instead of doing so, they only laughed, and, putting out their hands, welcomed the strangers on board.

  • A war had broken out with the Black Hawk Indians, and volunteers were called for to drive them out of the country.

  • Rats gnawed the fingers of the wounded who were too weak to drive them away.

  • Yashka knew too well that there could be no real peace so long as the Germans remained on Russian soil; and that further war was the only way to drive them out of Russia.

  • Just beyond the road he encountered what was supposed to be a small body of rebels, who were posted in a wood, and in order to drive them out he opened fire upon them with three cannon.

  • Price wanted to leave these supplies for the use of the union army, and he argued as follows: We've got to retreat, and the union army is going to stay here till we drive them out.

  • The Ohio troops repelled every effort to drive them back.

  • Since the previous evening Fitzhugh Lee's patrols had remained in close touch with the enemy's outposts, and no attempt had been made to drive them in.

  • By this time the massed attack of the Germans had spent itself, and the Manchesters prepared to drive them out of their front trench as soon as they could.

  • They rushed madly to the lifeboats, and it was only by threatening them with revolvers that the British officers were able to drive them back.

  • The rebels had gathered together in a certain Indian village; and General Grant received orders from his commander-in-chief, Sir Colin Campbell, to drive them out.

  • Hundreds of years ago, in the time of the Crusades, these knights fought against the Turks who held the Holy Places in Palestine and tried to drive them out.

  • It was to drive the Sultan's bees every morning to their pasture grounds, to attend them all day long, and against night to drive them back to their hives.

  • At daylight of the 11th my march, to Trevillian Station was resumed on the direct road to that point, and engaging the enemy's pickets and advanced parties soon after setting out, we began to drive them in.

  • Whenever the lowly and the needy came begging beneath his window he sent his servants to drive them away, and let loose his dogs upon them.

  • Sonam Tsering wishes to drive them away, but I let the poor frozen creatures stay.

  • The monks accompanying us wished to drive them away, but I would not suffer them to be disturbed; it was, moreover, interesting to observe their worship for a while.

  • I went out to drive them away, but when I saw how piteously cold they were, and how closely they crowded together, I let them alone.

  • Once or twice he tried to drive them together, but owing to his haste and his inexperience with their preposterous ways, he had very little success.

  • The sheep, perverse enough to scatter to the four winds when their master sought to drive them in, had now, it seemed, gathered of their own will when so great a danger threatened.

  • At this time, however, the slightest noise would bring them on to their feet again, and then groups would try to leave the mass to begin to feed again, and the cow-boys had to drive them in.

  • At any rate, there were constant attempts to break away, and it needed all the energy and vigilance of their guard to drive them down to the yard, and still more to keep them there while awaiting their turn to enter it.

  • A number of horses were grazing close to the village, with half a dozen Indian boys round them, in readiness to drive them in at the shortest notice.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "drive them" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    accomplished fact; brown bird; common origin; drive away; drive back; drive from; drive over; driven away; driven back; driven from; driven over; driver blow his horn; each country; easterly course; great fleet; heavy rain; little purpose; long enough; more useful; sharp edge; should feel; slightly pubescent; these facts; things must; this period; this strange