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Example sentences for "more intimate"

  • As if in recoil, a firm hymnal phrase sounds in the strings, ending in a more intimate cadence.

  • The Scherzo is a sparkling chain of dancing tunes of which the third, of more intimate hue, somehow harks back to the second theme of the first movement.

  • As the bee sucks, so may we cull the stray beauty and the more intimate meaning, despite and aside from this outer intent.

  • If he could have welded the two moods into a more intimate union, and applied them to legendary material, he might have been a great artist in mediaeval grotesque--a species of Gothic Hoffman perhaps.

  • In smaller towns and country places the diseases are quite common and conditions there tend to the spread of the contagion in a more intimate and a more harmful way.

  • The practice has a more intimate and a more personal association with growing boys, however, than a merely altruistic reference.

  • It is now time to talk of more intimate matters.

  • We believe that God himself has furnished us evidences through which we should gain a more intimate knowledge of him; of our relations to him, and of our future state and place of habitation.

  • They became quite enthusiastic over seeking out new diversions for us, and, through their court influence, I feel sure that few Americans could have got a more intimate knowledge of Vienna than we.

  • Ruysbroeck also shows here the action of the Holy Ghost in forming the soul to a more intimate knowledge of God.

  • Then there is a more intimate union, like unto that of fire and iron, which, when united, seem but one matter, though in fact they remain two distinct substances.

  • However, these still suffer many impediments from the exterior life which they lead, and a more intimate union is attained by the intimate friends, who observe the counsels as well as the precepts.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "more intimate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    more acceptable; more amusing; more certain; more considerable; more effective; more efficient; more exactly; more frequently; more happy; more human; more importance; more important; more intimate; more liberal; more like; more natural; more perfect; more practical; more proper; more sensitive; more southern; more thorough; more words; two distinct; white steed; you used