No post at court had been offered to her by her former friends; the confidant of George the Fourth had ceased to be the confidant of Lord Grey.
But Lockhart was the son of his heart, his confidant and faithfullest friend through all the troubles that followed, and his children were the only heirs of Abbotsford and their great forebear's glory.
From at least 1820, and irrespective of his London life, Lockhart was Scott's companion and confidant at Abbotsford.
It was no strange thing for these young men to make a confidantof their mother.
Cross thought he saw how he might, through the influence of his son, keep a hold upon that family, and he scrupled not to make a confidant of him, even to the exposure of his own base purposes.
She knew that Marjorie Moore had been wishing to make her a confidant ever since the reception at the White House.
She could readily understand why Harriet had found it impossible to make a confidant of her father.
I am one of the few women in England who can grasp the seriousness of any plot which brings together the men of Oku and the trusted confidant of a meddlesome foreign potentate.
One who was in some sense his confidant and disciple volunteered to look behind the screen, when he could obtain no answer to his repeated requests for an audience.
Though Evans was quite trustworthy, there was no need to make him a confidant in matters which might have the gravest bearing on an already troubled position in West Africa.
The charming confidant of many a love and the pleasure of an old age is now on exhibition in a species of private museum.
She was timid and reserved with all but him--was he not her old friend, the confidant of all her little griefs and her innocent hopes?
I fancied her wedded to some good man who made her happy, while I remained the friend of the wife, after having been the confidant of the maiden.
It can, therefore, seldom happen that he is the confidant of his child, or that the child does not feel some degree of awe or restraint in intercourse with him.
That Mary should be his most sympathetic confidant at this juncture was not in the nature of things.
The king felt embarrassed, for his confidant was, in all probability, about to embark in a difficult matter.
So reasoned Edmund, till his father made him the confidant of a scheme which placed Fanny's chance of seeing the second lieutenant of H.
Nothing could be more different than his whole appearance seemed to be from the confidant of a desperate man, and the associate of outlaws in their unlawful enterprises.
Hang thee, Alan, thou art as unfit a confidant for a youthful gallant with some spice of imagination, as the old taciturn secretary of Facardin of Trebizond.
I need no confidant and could maintain silence even towards you, but I am anxious that you should understand me, you who have just taken such a stand.
To providence, then, Ferdinand left his future destiny; and now only striving to deserve its bounty, he resolved to make Louis de Montemar the confidant and counsellor of his thoughts.
Some time elapsed before Louis saw the Marquis again; but when he re-appeared, it was to appoint him an interview with a lady of the court; and this ostensible confidant was no other than Her Majesty's self.
The telegram he had sent from Castlebridge was probably the last communication that Maldon would ever receive again from Samuel Flower's confidant and factotum.
This was James Cotter, Flower's confidant and secretary, and the one man in the world who was supposed to know everything of the inner life of the wealthy ship-owner.
Tristan made a confidant of his wife's brother, Peredor, telling him such marvels of the beauty of la Belle Iseut that Peredor was half in love by hearsay, and quite in love when he and Tristan journeyed into Cornwall and saw the lady.
Soltikoff had become the friend, the confidantand the counsellor of M.
It may easily be believed that, in any case, he did not much wish for a confidant who, both by his rank and character, was as little to be trusted as he was able to be useful.
He is in love with the Grand Duchess; but she cannot endure him: Soltikoff is the confidant of Tchoglokoff, and makes him believe that he is working for him with my wife, while instead of that he is working for himself with her.
Accordingly, our friend Aesculapius having played go-between, subsequently became the trusted confidant to both the lovers.
Lieutenant Harrowby, who, having been a confidant of Captain Miles, was dreading in much fear and trembling that the onus of the whole affair would be laid upon his weak shoulders.
His confidant throughout, his gentle soother and supporter, his ever ready adviser, Arthur drew her into one of the rooms, and acquainted her with what had occurred.
Ferrars was learning to know his man, and he knew that the time might soon come when Doran would be his closest confidant and strongest assistant in Glenville.
Going back that night he said to himself: "It's of no use to try to go on like this; a confidant will save me a lot of time, and Myers is the man.
I allow no officer that sails under me to become a confidant of my crew.
By degrees, I became the confidant of his secret laboratory, and the pupil to which he intended to bequeath, as a precious legacy, a portion of his talent.