It is an essential law of human life, having daily application, that man shall so act as to make the good of his fellowman the express end of his action.
The bare fact that each man expects hisfellowman to be benevolent is enough for the present purpose.
Make the prison a place of reformation, one of improvement as well as punishment, and instead of increasing crime you will reduce it, which should be the aim of all having the good of their fellowman at heart, and society will be the gainer.
Remember you have the liberty, and, perhaps the life, of your fellowman at stake.
Notwithstanding this supreme bestowal of God, which is the greatest power in the world of creation, man continues to war and fight, killing his fellowman with the ferocity of a wild animal.
Why should the Negro be given an education different from that given to the whites?
If, as some say, this morbid and unbridled passion is disease, then treat it like appendicitis--remove the cause.
The moral binds us to our fellowmen, and the religious to our God; and a man may in many respects be better than his fellowman but he can never be better than his God.
I will not murder my fellowman who has done me no wrong!
That would be better than murdering my fellowman to get his property," Hugo answered, so soberly that it did not seem to his comrades that he was joking this time.
In this way only will you be able to help your fellowman find the work, the environment and the marriage wherein he can be happy and successful.
We come in contact with our fellowman in all the activities of our lives and what we get out of life depends, to an astounding degree, on our relations with him.
And this fellowman of ours has multiplied, since that dim distant dawn, into almost two billion human beings, with at least one billion of them after the very things you want, and not a tenth enough to go around!
Now, Will radiated hospitality, and his reputation as a lover of his fellowman got so widely abroad that travelers without money and without price would go miles out of their way to put up at his tavern.