The great body of the Creek Nation inflexibly refuse to acknowledge or to execute that treaty.
All this he believes firmly, and acts upon, although he would candidly acknowledge his inability to explain the principle supposed to underlie the sequence between the omen and its fulfilment.
Those who became her slaves must respect her whims; she would acknowledge no fault and brook no opposition; whatever she did was right.
It is kind of you, Valletort, to endeavour to cheer my spirits, when, if the truth were confessed, you acknowledge the influence of the same feelings.
So far from attending to the repeated recommendations of my captain for promotion, even in a subordinate rank, have you once deemed it necessary to acknowledge my services by even a recognition of them in any way whatever?
She blamed him for putting himself into this place, although she did acknowledge how she was tied unto him, for this his great folly.
It was more especially the external, of such a nature as had never been observed in any artist, that envy and jealousy would not by any means acknowledge to be the natural consequence of his internal organization.
The world must acknowledge him--it is not for ever unjust; although this concerns me in nowise, for I have a higher aim than this.
As to my being instrumental in the return of some Deserters, by procuring them a pardon, I freely acknowledge that I was.
At first, I must acknowledge that I was rather shy in partaking of this mess, but when I was sufficiently convinced of the truth of the above remark, I no longer made any scruple, but always thought it exceedingly good.
It is said by Mr. Barton and Le Hontan, that they never clap in this manner but in the Spring and Fall, and I must acknowledge that I never heard them in Winter, though I have killed many of them in that season.
It may appear strange, that while I am extolling the chastity of the Northern Indian women, I should acknowledge that it is a very common custom among the men of this country to exchange a night's lodging with each other's wives.
I wish to acknowledge my indebtedness to Mr. Edward A.
Whilst the quotation in the magazine article left me in the position already stated, the debates which had occurred between us necessarily informed the Senator that it was not my position, for I brought him in that debate to acknowledge it.
That proposition was incorporated in the Kansas Bill, but unless we acknowledge obligations to the Senator from New Hampshire, how shall they be accorded for that to the Senator from Illinois?
When Edward the First determined to subdue Scotland, he found three Powers refuse to acknowledge his pretensions.
Joy and sorrow make up the lot of our mortal estate, and by sympathy with them, we acknowledge our brotherhood with all our kind.
Trelyon had to acknowledge to himself that this worthy person deserved the best dinner that the hotel could produce.
Lillie's presence, however, was all desirable; because it would draw the calls of two or three old New York families who had hitherto stood upon their dignity, and refused to acknowledge the shoddy aristocracy.
For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me.
I acknowledge my sin unto thee, and mine iniquity have I not hid.
What could induce the countess now to strike her colours, and come of her own accord, who for years had declined to acknowledge her neighbour's existence?
He must acknowledgethe warmth of Pat's nature, and make the best of the mistake.
You will recollect, that I have not attempted to affect the authority of the Old Testament which you acknowledge to contain a Divine revelation.
I am not aware, my dear sir, that if you were to give up the New Testament you would be without a religion, or even what you acknowledge as divine revelation.
Although at this day) that the Tartarians doo feare him very much: in such sort as he thinketh it best to keepe him for his friende, and doth acknowledge vnto him a certain manner of vassalage.
But no nation, kingdom, or king in existence willacknowledge either of these ways.
And if men will not acknowledge God, how can they expect him to acknowledge and bless them?
The Lord will be king over all the earth, and all mankind literally under his sovereignty, and every nation under the heavens will have to acknowledge his authority, and bow to his sceptre.
You should really to-day acknowledge this Ch'in Erh of ours as your own sister!
Now that illness has laid me low, I charge you all to acknowledge Humayun in my stead.
This will mean that the Arghuns would acknowledge his suzerainty; Haidar Mirza however says that Shah Beg had higher views (T.
You must be cold and sarcastic in your perverse moods, with an insuperable pride which forbids you to acknowledge when you are in the wrong.
I do not at all acknowledge the timidity of your explanations.
On my arrival here I found your letter of the 1st, which I acknowledge gratefully.
For my part I acknowledge as before God that what chiefly drew me to love the life-work of Blessed Francis was that it bore so close a resemblance to the beginning and growth of the Church.
Nor should anyone think that I wish to be the author of a new book; I am sincerely conscious and acknowledge that I am but a poor and faulty compiler.
If we are sordid and undignified, let us get what we pay for and make the others acknowledge that we have paid.
He resented his own resentment, but was obliged to acknowledge its existence in his humour.
She was beginning to acknowledge that all her efforts to gain her end might prove unsuccessful.