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Example sentences for "individual ownership"

  • I made some inquiry regarding the question of joint ownership and learned from one of the best informed men in Russia that there is a growing sentiment in favor of individual ownership.

  • Some contend that communal holding tends to discourage thrift and enterprise, and there is some agitation in favor of individual ownership.

  • Ownership in common does not give to each individual that stimulus to improve his land, which is the important element in individual ownership.

  • A corporation may be the best as well as the worst conservator of resources; and likewise, private or individual ownership may be the very worst as well as the best conservator.

  • Applause) In the last analysis, as measured by the results to society, there is no essential difference between corporate ownership and individual ownership.

  • Individual ownership is now confined to a few hundred thousand acres.

  • The Question of Ownership Whether Conservation is best promoted by individual ownership of certain natural resources is a disputed question, depending on the nature of the public utilities, the location, and other conditions.

  • With property accumulating in masses and assuming permanent forms, and with an increased proportion of it held by individual ownership, descent in the female line was certain of overthrow, and the substitution of the male line equally assured.

  • Joint-tenement houses, and lands in common, indicate a plan of life adverse to individual ownership.

  • But as soon as the custom of individual ownership begins to gain consistency, the point of view taken in making the invidious comparison on which private property rests will begin to change.

  • The point in question is the origin and nature of a conventional leisure class on the one hand and the beginnings of individual ownership as a conventional right or equitable claim on the other hand.

  • One instance more: In the province of Samara the Russian government created in the forties, by way of experiment, 1O3 villages on the system of individual ownership.

  • Thus, there is a considerable number of ex-serfs who have received one-fourth part only of the regulation allotments, but they have received them free of redemption and in individual ownership.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "individual ownership" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    abandon the; another body; corn starch; enforce them; given back; growing varieties; individual consciousness; individual development; individual dishes; individual freedom; individual independence; individual initiative; individual instances; individual liberty; individual members; individual objects; individual property; individual variability; individual variation; moved away; rest here; rural police; said hastily; three columns; twelfth part; would start