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Example sentences for "unadapted"

Lexicographically close words:
unacknowledged; unacquaintance; unacquainted; unacted; unactive; unaddressed; unadjusted; unadmitted; unadorned; unadulterated
  1. The correct explanation is, that such as had most Cheviot blood were sure to become puny, from being unadapted to a herbage on which those that resembled the mountain stock throve tolerably well.

  2. The gradual dying out of the inferior or unadapted through competition results in the survival of the superior or better adapted, and ultimately in the survival of the fittest or those most adapted.

  3. Not only do individuals lose place and power because they are unadapted to their environment, but also economic groups, such as corporations, show the natural competition or struggle for existence sometimes in its most intense form.

  4. The great merit of Darwin's work was that he showed that the active principle in this phase of evolution is natural selection; that is, the extermination of the unadapted through death or through failure to reproduce.

  5. These proved unadapted to the climate as the trees seemed to run all to growth and bore very few nuts.

  6. A foreign plant may not necessarily be unadapted to another locality.

  7. The unadapted adrenals of today will have to look for new worlds to conquer.

  8. In the face of a society organized for pure masculine and pure feminine types, disgrace and disaster at last overtook him with almost the ruthlessness of natural selection wiping out an unadapted sport suddenly cropping up in an environment.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unadapted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    disqualified; improper; inadequate; inadmissible; inapplicable; inapposite; inappropriate; inapt; incapable; incompetent; ineffective; ineffectual; inept; infelicitous; irrelevant; mismatched; misplaced; unable; unadapted; unapt; unarmed; unbecoming; unbefitting; unequipped; unfit; unprovided; unqualified; unseasonable; unseemly; unsuitable; unsuited; untimely